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Predictive Modeling Claudia Perlich, Chief

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1 Predictive Modeling Claudia Perlich, Chief Scientist @claudia_perlich

2 Targeted Online Display Advertising

3 Predictive Modeling: Algorithms that Learn Functions

4 Estimating conditional probabilities Income Age Not interested Buy 50K 45 Logistic Regression p(buy|37,78000) = 0.48 p(+|x)= β 0 = 3.7 β 1 = 0.00013 P(Buy|Age,Income)

5 100 ms response time Browsing General browsing Shopping at one of our campaign sites cookies If we win an auction we serve an ad 10 Million URLs 200 Million browsers 20 Billion of bid requests per day conversion Ad Exchange Where should we advertise and at what price? Does the ad have causal effect? What data should we pay for? Attribution? Who should we target for a marketer? What requests are fraudulent?

6 The Non-Branded Web A consumer’s online/mobile activity The Branded Web gets recorded like this: Our Browser Data: Agnostic I do not want to ‘understand’ who you are … Browsing History Hashed URL’s: date1 abkcc date2 kkllo date3 88iok date4 7uiol … Browsing History Hashed URL’s: date1 abkcc date2 kkllo date3 88iok date4 7uiol … Brand Event Encoded date1 3012L20 date 2 4199L30 … date n 3075L50 Brand Event Encoded date1 3012L20 date 2 4199L30 … date n 3075L50

7 The Heart and Soul  Predictive modeling on hashed browsing history  10 Million dimensions for URL’s (binary indicators)  extremely sparse data  positives are extremely rare Targeting Model P(Buy|URL,inventory,ad)

8 How can we learn from 10M features with no/few positives?  We cheat. In ML, cheating is called “Transfer Learning”

9 The heart and soul  Has to deal with the 10 Million URL’s  Need to find more positives! Targeting Model P(Buy|URL,inventory,ad)

10 Experiment  Randomized targeting across 58 different large display ad campaigns.  Served ads to users with active, stable cookies  Targeted ~5000 random users per day for each marketer. Campaigns ran for 1 to 5 months, between 100K and 4MM impressions per campaign  Observed outcomes: clicks on ads, post-impression (PI) purchases (conversions) Data Targeting Optimize targeting using Click and PI Purchase Technographic info and web history as input variables Evaluate each separately trained model on its ability to rank order users for PI Purchase, using AUC (Mann-Whitney Wilcoxin Statistic) Each model is trained/evaluated using Logistic Regression

11 *Restricted feature set used for these modeling results; qualitative conclusions generalize Predictive performance* (AUC) for purchase learning [Dalessandro et al. 2012]

12 *Restricted feature set used for these modeling results; qualitative conclusions generalize Predictive performance* (AUC) for click learning [Dalessandro et al. 2012] Evaluated on predicting purchases (AUC in the target domain)

13 Clickers in the Dark Top 10 Apps by CTR

14 Predictive performance* (AUC) for Site Visit learning [Dalessandro et al. 2012] Significantly better targeting training on source task Evaluated on predicting purchases (AUC in the target domain). 2. 4. 6. 8 1 Train on Clicks Train on Site VisitsTrain on Purchase A U C D i s t r i b u t i o n

15 The heart and soul  Has to deal with the 10 Million URL’s  Transfer learning:  Use all kinds of Site visits instead of new purchases  Biased sample in every possible way to reduce variance  Negatives are ‘everything else’  Pre-campaign without impression  Stacking for transfer learning Targeting Model Organic: P(SiteVisit|URL’s) P(Buy|URL,inventory,ad) MLJ 2014

16 Logistic regression in 10 Million dimensions  Stochastic Gradient Descent  L1 and L2 constraints  Automatic estimation of optimal learning rates  Bayesian empirical industry priors  Streaming updates of the models  Fully Automated ~10000 model per week KDD 2014 Targeting Model p(sv|urls) =

17 © 2013 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietaryand Confidential Dimensionality Reduction There are a few obvious options for dimensionality reduction. Hashing : Run each URL through a hash function, and spit out a specified number of buckets. Categorization : We had both free and commercial website category data. Binary URL space  binary category space. Sports/Baseball/Major_League/Statistics SVD: Singular Value Decomposition in Mahout to transform large, sparse feature space into small dense feature space. 17

18 © 2013 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietaryand Confidential Algorithm: Intuition & Multitasking Hierarchical clustering in the space of model parameters.  Naïve Bayes(ish) model: It’s not a bug, it’s a feature! Distance function: Pearson Correlation Cutting the dendrogram:  Most algorithms cut the tree at a specific “height” in order to produce a desired number of clusters.  In our case, we need clusters with sufficient representation in the data.  Recursively traverse the tree and cut when we reach a certain minimum popularity. 18

19 © 2013 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietaryand Confidential Results Kids Health Home News Games & Videos Home

20 © 2013 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietaryand Confidential Experiments We built models off data from 28 campaigns. Our production cluster definitions have 4,318 features. We tried to get each of the “challengers” as close to this as we possibly could. We evaluate on Lift (5%) and AUC. 20

21 © 2013 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietaryand Confidential Results Average Lift (5%) Average Relative Perf. WinLossTieFeatures Cluster4.024100%---4,318 SVD3.53986.0%42041,000 Hash3.03570.0%12614,318 Commercial3.19571.3%22421,183 Free Context3.64384.4%117105,984 21

22 © 2013 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietaryand Confidential To reduce or not to reduce? 22

23 © 2013 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietaryand Confidential Conclusions We use the cluster based models for some things Targeting is still using high-dimensional models whenever possible 23

24 Ad Real-time Scoring of a User Ad OBSERVATION Purchase ProspectRank Threshold site visit with positive correlation site visit with negative correlation ENGAGEMENT Some prospects fall out of favor once their in-market indicators decline.

25 © 2012 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential What exactly is Inventory? 25 Where the ad will be shown: 7K unique inventories + default buckets

26 © 2012 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential Example of Model Scores for Hotel Campaign Scores are calculated on de-duplicated training pairs (i,s) We even integrate out s Nicely centered around 1 26

27 © 2012 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential Bidding Strategies Strategy 0 – do nothing special: always bid base price for segment equivalent to constant score of 1 across all inventories consistent with an uninformative inventory model Strategy 1 – minimize CPA: auction-theoretic view: bid what it is worth in relative terms Multiply the base price with ratio Strategy 2 – maximize Conversion rate: optimal performance is not to bid what it is worth but to trade off value for quality and only bid on the best opportunities apply a step function to the model ratio to translate it into a factor applied to the price:  ratio below 0.8 yields a bid price of 0 (so not bidding),  ratios between 0.8 and 1.2 are set to 1 and ratios above  1.2 bid twice the base price 27 1

28 © 2012 Media6Degrees. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and Confidential Results 28 Both lowered CPA. Optimal decision making depends on long vs short term thinking (note: we chose long term, thus Strategy 2). Increased CR, same CPM = Free Lunch! Increased CR, but higher CPM. Lowest CPA.

29 Ad Real-time Scoring of a User Ad OBSERVATION Purchase ProspectRank Threshold site visit with positive correlation site visit with negative correlation ENGAGEMENT Some prospects fall out of favor once their in-market indicators decline.

30 median lift = 5x Note: the top prospects are consistently rated as being excellent compared to alternatives by advertising clients’ internal measures, and when measured by their analysis partners (e.g., Nielsen): high ROI, low cost-per-acquisition, etc. Lift over random for 66 campaigns for online display ad prospecting Lift over baseline

31 Relative Performance to Third Party

32 Measuring causal effect? A/B Testing Practical concerns Estimate Causal effects from observational data  Using targeted maximum likelihood (TMLE) to estimate causal impact  Can be done ex-post for different questions  Need to control for confounding  Data has to be ‘rich’ and cover all combinations of confounding and treatment ADKDD 2011 E[Y A=ad ] – E[Y A=no ad ]

33 An important decision… I think she is hot! Hmm – so what should I write to her to get her number?

34 Source: OK Trends ? ?

35 Hardships of causality. Beauty is Confounding determines both the probability of getting the number and of the probability that James will say it need to control for the actual beauty or it can appear that making compliments is a bad idea “You are beautiful.”

36 Hardships of causality. Targeting is Confounding We only show ads to people we know are more likely to convert (ad or not) conversion rates DID NOT SEE AD SAW AD X Need to control for confounding Data has to be ‘rich’ and cover all combinations of confounding and treatment

37 Observational Causal Methods: TMLE Negative Test: wrong ad Positive Test: A/B comparison

38 Some creatives do not work … 38

39 Data Quality in Exchanges Fraud KDD 2013

40 Ensure location quality before using it Almost 30% of users with more than one location travel faster than the speed of sound

41 Unreasonable Performance Increase Spring 12 2 weeks Performance Index 2x

42 Oddly predictive websites?

43 36% traffic is Non-Intentional 2011 2012 6% 36%

44 Traffic patterns are ‘non - human’ website 1website 2 50% Data from Bid Requests in Ad-Exchanges

45 Node: hostname Edge: 50% co-visitation WWW 2010

46 Boston Herald


48 womenshealthbase?




52 WWW 2012

53 Unreasonable Performance Increase Spring 12 2 weeks Performance Index 2x

54 Now it is coming also to brands ‘Cookie Stuffing’ increases the value of the ad for retargeting Messing up Web analytics … Messes up my models because a botnet is easier to predict than a human

55 Fraud pollutes my models Don’t show ads on those sites Don’t show ads to a high jacked browser Need to remove the visits to the fraud sites Need to remove the fraudulent brand visits When we see a browser on caught up in fraudulent activity: send him to the penalty box where we ignore all his actions

56 Using the penalty box: all back to normal 56 3 more weeks in spring 2012 Performance Index

57 website 1 50%

58 Somebody is posing as

59 Bottom-line It is all a question of how good you are at cheating! And that you can catch the bad guys at cheating …

60 In eigener Sache

61 1. B. Dalessandro, F. Provost, R. Hook. Audience Selection for On-Line Brand Advertising: Privacy Friendly Social Network Targeting, KDD 2009 2. O. Stitelman, B. Dalessandro, C. Perlich, and F. Provost. Estimating The Effect Of Online Display Advertising On Browser Conversion. ADKDD 2011 3. C.Perlich, O. Stitelman, B. Dalessandro, T. Raeder and F. Provost. Bid Optimizing and Inventory Scoring in Targeted Online Advertising. KDD 2012 (Best Paper Award) 4. T. Raeder, O. Stitelman, B. Dalessandro, C. Perlich, and F. Provost. Design Principles of Massive, Robust Prediction Systems. KDD 2012 5. B. Dalessandro, O. Stitelman, C. Perlich, F. Provost Causally Motivated Attribution for Online Advertising. In Proceedings of KDD, ADKDD 2012 6. B. Dalessandro, R. Hook. C. Perlich, F. Provost. Transfer Learning for Display Advertising MLJ 2014 7. T. Raeder, C. Perlich, B. Dalessandro, O. Stitelman, F. Provost. Scalable Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Using Clustering at KDD 2013 8. O. Stitelman, C. Perlich, B. Dalessandro, R. Hook, T. Raeder, F. Provost. Using Co- visitation Networks For Classifying Non-Intentional Traffic‘ at KDD 2013 61 Some References

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