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Summer Jobs and Internships “Energy and persistence conquers all things.” Benjamin Franklin Feb 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Jobs and Internships “Energy and persistence conquers all things.” Benjamin Franklin Feb 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Jobs and Internships “Energy and persistence conquers all things.” Benjamin Franklin Feb 2014

2 What are you doing this summer? 1.Taking summer school classes? 2.Meeting a military commitment? 3.Training for a Sport? 4.NOTHING!

3 Why should you care about a summer job or internship NACE Employment Survey One day it will make ME want to hire YOU ! “There is a clear relationship between having an internship and having an improved chance of getting a job offer. A significantly higher percentage of students with an internship received a fulltime job offer.”

4 1.HireLINK 2.Career Fair 3.Online 4.Walk ins  Jobs at Home  Networking  What to say The Summer Job Search

5 1. Be prepared for the application Resume and Application Help  Resume Construction Guide  Resume Blitz FRIDAYS 12:30-2:30 - Mark Clark Hall  Career Center Drop in Hours MON-THURS 1:00-3:00 - The Citadel Career Center


7 The application continued  hireLINK  Linkedin        

8 Talk to People about the Job Search

9 1.Be prepared to fill out an application. These can usually be found on an employers website. 2.Having a resume will help 3.Develop a networking strategy 4.Be prepared to talk to employers 5.Follow- up and be polite and persistent Checklist for Summer Job or Internships and Applications

10 Prove you are prepared when you apply for a job. It shows you are serious, mature, and responsible. List of things to have: 1.Resume or Application (download online) 2.Dates of Availability 3.References 4.Identification and/ or Social Security Card 5.Be prepared to answer questions related background questions More Preparation

11 Have an “Elevator Pitch” ready - Your Elevator Pitch: 1. List the following information about yourself: Name and Major / Minor Graduation Date Job or Career related Interests 2. Be Conversational: Initiate contact with a firm handshake. Be professional, enthusiastic, and concise ASK A QUESTION about job openings or application process. 3. Follow up: Ask about how to stay in touch. Elevator Speech Resource

12 I have not heard anything!

13 The formal hiring process averages about 12 weeks (this doesn’t really apply to summer jobs). Keep track of where you are applying and to whom you are speaking. Actively talk to people about your job search. Ask them to pass your name along. Be patient, polite, and persistent

14 Do not let rejection scare you 1. Can I help you? 2. Hello, my name is Brian. I am a sophomore at The Citadel. I am interested in a summer job. Are you hiring? 3. No, but you can fill out an application. 4.Are you planning on doing any hiring this summer? 5. Probably 6. Can I stop back by over Spring Break to see if things have changed? 7. Sure

15 Most students will not land the 1st job; this market may require you apply to 15 or 20 places. Do not give up. 1.Keep applying! 2.Each application is practice that you will make you better and polish your approach. 3.The person next to you is going to quit the process soon (or quit the job). You are the next in line. Don’t get discouraged



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