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October 6, 2011 RSS for Lawyers Automating searches to help your practice Nate Russell and Rebecca Slaven April 29, 2014 Note: The audio on this webinar.

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Presentation on theme: "October 6, 2011 RSS for Lawyers Automating searches to help your practice Nate Russell and Rebecca Slaven April 29, 2014 Note: The audio on this webinar."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 6, 2011 RSS for Lawyers Automating searches to help your practice Nate Russell and Rebecca Slaven April 29, 2014 Note: The audio on this webinar is live streamed to your computer speakers. If you don’t have speakers or are having difficulty hearing the audio, please send us a chat message and we’ll get you connected through a phone line.

2 Agenda for today’s webinar Orientation: Webinar Platform (2 mins) Overview of RSS & its Uses (10 mins) Identifying RSS Sources (20) Gathering & Using RSS Feeds (20) Micro-survey to offer your feedback

3 Getting you oriented We welcome questions or comments by chat on the right side of your screen. If at any point you don’t see the chat window on your screen, move your mouse to the top of your screen and a set of buttons will be revealed; clicking on the “chat” button will display the chat window. To send a chat: 1. Select “All Participants” from the dropdown 2. Type your note 3. Click “Send” 1 2 3

4 Welcome RSS for Lawyers Automate everything from noting up a case, to changes in the law and how a trial expert is performing… RSS Feeds have the potential to save lawyers time and change the way that they approach a number of common tasks. Presented by Nate Russell Liaison Lawyer, Courthouse Libraries BC

5 What is RSS?

6 Basically, you can take many website sources…

7 What is RSS? … and view updates from all those websites in a list

8 What is RSS? Terminology Web Syndication Push versus Pull “Really Simple Syndication” RSS feed RSS readers / RSS aggregators Atom Feeds XML

9 What is RSS? RSS feed is a… regularly updated summary of web content with links to full versions of that content that you subscribe to using a RSS feed reader

10 What is RSS? May contain: Headlines Full-text articles Excerpts Summaries Links to web content

11 What is RSS? You’ve seen “web syndication” logos before

12 What is RSS? When you click on the logo…

13 What is RSS? The “feed” URL appears in the address toolbar

14 What is RSS? Resulting “XML” file can look like nonsense

15 What is RSS? … or a more orderly page like this

16 What is RSS? But when you plug that RSS feed URL into a program…

17 What is RSS? … you get a clean, concise preview of a website’s updates

18 Why use RSS feeds? Lawyers using RSS for: Current awareness  Government & court news  News websites and blogs Monitoring changes in the law  Note up case law and legislation  Amended legislation  Track experts Reputation management

19 RSS SOURCES: Current Awareness

20 Current Awareness Feeds Let’s make a list of some RSS feeds… … see what an RSS feed and URL looks like … show a simple way to capture one to use later

21 Current Awareness Feeds Courthouse Libraries BC RSS

22 Current Awareness Feeds Canadian Law blogs — most offer RSS

23 Current Awareness Feeds BCSC & BCCA… plus Provincial Court too as of Dec 2013

24 Current Awareness Feeds Federal Gov — BC Gov & Ministries —

25 RSS SOURCES: Monitoring Changes in the Law

26 Monitoring Changing Law Let’s continue building our list of RSS feeds… … creating a custom, personal feed … using CanLII

27 Monitor Changing Law RSS and CanLII Nearly 1,000,000 page views from RSS feeds every month Approx. 200,000 page views are from custom RSS links … which we will now reveal!

28 Monitor Changing Law Using CanLII Nearly 2,500 decisions added every week Highly integrated RSS features let you automate  feeds from courts or tribunals  note ups of case law and legislation  searches  tracking experts  amendment notifications

29 Feeds from Courts or Tribunals Subscribe to all new decisions coming out of a particular court or tribunal.

30 RSS Feeds: Noting up a Case Two cases represent different conclusions on the compellability of social media evidence and you want to monitor both: Fric v. Gershman, 2012 BCSC 6142012 BCSC 614 Leduc v. Roman, 2009 CanLII 6838 (ON SC)2009 CanLII 6838 Online demonstration…

31 RSS Feeds: Noting up Legislation You’re tracking any new cases on relocation under the new FLA and you want to monitor Part 4, Division 6 cases (ss. 68 & 69): Family Law ActFamily Law Act, SBC 2011, c 25, ss. 68 & 69 Online demonstration…

32 RSS Feeds: Search You’re interested in any new cases where summary trial applications have been conducted with respect to the Real Estate Development and Marketing Act and misrepresentation: misrepresentation AND “summary trial” Online demonstration…

33 RSS Feeds: Tracking Experts A personal injury file has you interested in a few physiatrists and how they are performing at trial: Doctors: Cecil Hershler Andrew Travlos Russell O'Connor Dr. /2 ("R. O'Connor" OR "Russell O'Connor") better than "Russell O'Connor" Online demonstration…

34 RSS Feeds: Tracking Experts Build the query to follow multiple doctors

35 RSS Feeds: Legislative Changes Some acts change more often than others: Insurance ActInsurance Act, RSBC 2012, c 1 Online demonstration…

36 OK, You Have the Feeds Now what? … use a Feed Reader (AKA Feed Aggregator) … there are dozens to choose fromdozens to choose from

37 ORGANIZE: Using RSS Feeds

38 Adding RSS Feeds to Microsoft Office Outlook Using RSS Feeds

39 Adding RSS Feeds to Microsoft Office Outlook Overview 1.File Tab 2.Account Settings “Account Settings” 4.On RSS Feeds tab, “New” 6.In box, paste URL of RSS Feed RSS Feeds: MS Office

40 Click “File” tab and select “Account Settings” 1. 2. Adding RSS Feeds: MS Office

41 Select “Account Settings” once more 3. Adding RSS Feeds: MS Office

42 Click “RSS Feeds” tab, then click “New” 4. 5. Adding RSS Feeds: MS Office

43 Paste the RSS Feed into the field… 6. Adding RSS Feeds: MS Office

44 Organizing RSS Feeds for case files Overview 1.Change feed name 2.Click “Change Folder” 3.Select destination 4.Click “New Folder” 5.Name new folder 6.New RSS posts appear as unread messages Organizing Feeds: MS Office

45 Change name and destination folder 1. 2. Organizing Feeds: MS Office

46 Indicate location and click “New Folder” 4. 3. Organizing Feeds: MS Office

47 Name folder — view it populate with new posts from the RSS feed as though it were an inbox 6. 5. DoJ Organizing Feeds: MS Office

48 A demonstration of one web-based tool, Hootsuite Using RSS Feeds Online demonstration…

49 RSS Overload? Filter Them! FeedRinse is free. Filter feeds by keywords before they reach your reader.

50 RSS Overload? Filter Them! Example: BC’s Superior Courts publish a joint RSS feed that includes “announcements” as well as “judgments”joint RSS feed How do we restrict this to announcements only ?

51 REPUTATION: Self, Firm, Clients Alerts

52 Google Alerts by RSS

53 Any Questions?

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