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Italy Day – January 2010 Everyone dressed up, either in the colours of the Italian flag, or in Italian style!

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Presentation on theme: "Italy Day – January 2010 Everyone dressed up, either in the colours of the Italian flag, or in Italian style!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Italy Day – January 2010 Everyone dressed up, either in the colours of the Italian flag, or in Italian style!

2 We enjoyed dressing up!

3 We made mosaic patterns

4 We worked together on our designs

5 Young children worked with older ones throughout the school

6 We learnt the Tarantella dance

7 Everyone enjoyed themselves

8 We learnt to play a game based on Italian football

9 We worked in teams and tried to beat our opponents

10 We made pizzas

11 We ate them – yum!

12 We painted like Michelangelo, upside down (Sistine Chapel)

13 Here is one of our large mosaics

14 Here is our display of the day

15 We loved Italy Day!

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