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 Birds were collected, plucked, and deboned after which they were cooked before a fire. The main birds were weka, the kiwi, and the kakupo. Smaller seasonal.

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Presentation on theme: " Birds were collected, plucked, and deboned after which they were cooked before a fire. The main birds were weka, the kiwi, and the kakupo. Smaller seasonal."— Presentation transcript:


2  Birds were collected, plucked, and deboned after which they were cooked before a fire. The main birds were weka, the kiwi, and the kakupo. Smaller seasonal fishes were much esteemed whitebait, and grayling.

3  The Maori cooked in underground stoves called hangi. They harvest and preserve the rakiura, a mutton bird. They also catch Eel, shellfish, and kina (sea eggs).

4  The people in New Zealand now still use a lot of the traditional cuisine that the Maori brought to the land. They focus a lot on agriculture growing fruits berries and vegetables. They also have pasture raised cattle and sheep.

5  Major crops and food sources in New Zealand are the berries and vegetables, and a mutton bird rakiura. Also sheep are raised in pastures as a food source. The very first wine they ever made for export purposes was the Tohu wine.

6 The Kāwhia Kai Festival is a festival held on February 6 th every year where people go out and hunt wild pork and a wide array of New Zealand shellfish and mud snails. Some other food items include puha spring rolls, whitebait patties, shark liver pate, and marinated mussels.

7  The Maketu Kaimoana Festival is a celebration held on the northern coast of New Zealand focused on Seafood. Some things people make during this event are prawn salad, seafood kebabs, curried mussels, abalone fritters, and seafood pizza.

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