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Technology, Mobility and Sociality: Leisure Travel and Social Relations in the Information Age Dr Jennie Germann Molz ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology, Mobility and Sociality: Leisure Travel and Social Relations in the Information Age Dr Jennie Germann Molz ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology, Mobility and Sociality: Leisure Travel and Social Relations in the Information Age Dr Jennie Germann Molz ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow Centre for Mobilities Research/Sociology

2 PhD Thesis: Destination World: Technology, Mobility and Global Belonging in Round-the-World Websites How is the increasing convergence between travel and the Internet reconfiguring corporeal travel practices and patterns, reshaping social definitions of travel and affording new kinds of global belonging?

3 What I’m working on now … Journal articles and conference papers – ‘Fit to travel and travelling to fit: round-the-world travel and the cosmopolitan body’ – ‘Global abodes: mobility, technology and feeling at home in the world’ – ‘Time, timing and pace: temporal geographies of round-the-world travel’ – ‘Travels in the blogosphere: the material and virtual geographies of travel blogs’ – ‘”Let me stay” and “Welcome to my homepage”: mobile hospitality and the Internet’ MA module – SOCL 924: Technology, Mobility and Sociality New research – Leisure travel and social relations in the information age

4 NEW RESEARCH: Leisure travel and social relations in the information age Convergence between ICTs and travel Interactive travel and mobile sociality ‘travelblogging’ and ‘moblogging’

5 – Concepts of home and abroad – Global citizenship – Spatial configurations of sociality – Hospitality, hosts and guests What are the implications of the convergence between leisure travel and mobile communications technologies for:

6 Mobilising Hospitality: The ethics of social relations in a mobile world hospitality as an ethics for a mobile world cosmopolitan hospitality multiculturalism and postcolonial hospitality hospitality in cyberspace/hosting and information technologies hospitality, hostility and the inhospitable spaces and landscapes of hospitality economies of hospitality tourism hospitality intellectual hospitality within and across disciplines 26-27 September 2005Lancaster University Themes :

7 Contact details Dr Jennie Germann Molz ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow CeMoRe/Sociology County South B50 x94735 Office hours: Tuesdays 11-12.30

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