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WHO ARE WE? COMMERCE Skill Share, Warsaw 21st April 2010 Jakub Bojczuk, Senior Travel Plan Officer for SWELTRAC Sarah Cummings, Transport for London Relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO ARE WE? COMMERCE Skill Share, Warsaw 21st April 2010 Jakub Bojczuk, Senior Travel Plan Officer for SWELTRAC Sarah Cummings, Transport for London Relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO ARE WE? COMMERCE Skill Share, Warsaw 21st April 2010 Jakub Bojczuk, Senior Travel Plan Officer for SWELTRAC Sarah Cummings, Transport for London Relationship Manager (Cycle Superhighways) On behalf of London European Partnership for Transport

2 The COMMERCE project COMMERCE - Creating Optimal Mobility Measures to Enable Reduced Commuter Emissions It is a 3 year project Funded by Intelligent Energy Europe Programme - STEER 2007 to 2010

3 COMMERCE Partners LEPT, London CRIF, Paris Studio Metropolitana, Budapest RATB, BucarestCCIB, Bucarest Kaunas Municipality, Kaunas Plovdiv Municipality, Plovdiv EPOMM

4 Commuter Emissions, Congestion and CO 2 Work-related commuter emissions contribute significantly to overall CO 2 emissions in the transport sector Stress, ill health and loss of productivity are directly connected with congestion Congestion is costing the UK and France respectively 1.5% and 1.3% of their GDP every year Workplace Travel Planning is an approach to change commuting and travel behaviour and raise awareness on climate change

5 The COMMERCE objectives Deliver a strategic approach to the promotion of a mobility plans in partner cities Increase the number and improve the quality of Mobility Plans developed by public and private organisations across Europe. Exchange of experiences and expertise between two leader cities (London and Paris) and four learner cities (Bucharest, Budapest, Kaunas and Plovdiv)

6 Expected Results AT THE CITY LEVEL Mobility Plan Networks developed in the four learner cities and new Mobility Plans established with local businesses Skills developed through exchange of experience and mentoring between leader and learner cities AT THE EUROPEAN LEVEL Development of a set of EU standards for Mobility Plans Establishment of a Pan European Workplace Mobility Management Award Set up of a European Platform on Workplace Mobility Plans (EPOWT)

7 Achivements to date 2 day Mobility Plan Training in London for New Member State partners Mobility Plan Awards, ECOMM 2008 A Mobility Plan Platform Town Centre Mobility Plan in London COMMERCE has standardised the support offered to businesses in London and Paris COMMERCE Mobility Plan Forums set up A national specification for Workplace Mobility Plan in the UK (PAS500)

8 Conclusions so far The gap between leader and learner city Mobility Plan progress is vast A special Mobility Plan award pushed forward the Mobility Plan agenda locally. The translation of resources and matierials is very important in order to reach out to the local level. Large businesses are generally easier to approach than smaller ones, and schools should also be considered as workplaces. 36 month Mobility Plan Programmes offers a realistic timescale from start to finish and measuring success in terms of modal shift and Co2 reudction. The skill share programme offers a good value for money approach.

9 Objectives for today @ Warsaw To gather together representatives of strategic transport or planning authorities, business community, cycling action groups and academics to discuss ways to encourage travel planning in the local area. To identify tangible links between mobility management and current transport policies in Warsaw such a s bicycle promotional campaigns. To raise awareness of travel plans (mobility plans) as an effective method to tackle congestion, parking problems and environmental impact of car use amongst local businesses

10 Achivements to date Speakers Sarah Cummings Transport Planning Geography Transport for London (TfL) is the local government body responsible for most aspects of the transport system in Greater London. Its role is to implement the transport strategy and to manage transport services across London Jakub Bojczuk Transport Planning Business Language SWELTRAC is a proactive transport partnership covering south & west London. Over the past 15 years it has grown to now consist of 10 London Boroughs. Its main functions include travel planning, station access projects, EV charging points, cycling networks.

11 Achivements to date Programme for today TopicTime 1Who are we?10:00 2What is a travel plan?10:15 3Examples of travel plans in London10:45 4Area based travel plan network11:30 5Technical side of travel planning including surveying11:50 6Marketing12:20 7One to one meetings14:00

12 Achivements to date Programme for tomorrow TopicTime 7Development Control10:00 2Examples of travel policies in Europe10:30 3European projects and new opportunities10:50 4Cycle Superhighways11:40 5Workshop12:10 6The first travel plan in Poland14:00 7Cycling revolution in Warsaw14:30

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