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The 1st Christian Social Ministry Census, Capital Region By: Sofia Marquez 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1st Christian Social Ministry Census, Capital Region By: Sofia Marquez 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1st Christian Social Ministry Census, Capital Region By: Sofia Marquez 2013

2 Methodology Contact information Social Outreach programs Social Outreach Partners Identifying areas of Research Denomination Number of members Types of partnerships Types of programs Challenges Census of Chritian Churches 2013 Nature/origin of organization Types of programs Challenges Partnership organizations' interviews Qualitative and quantitative analysis of online Census and Post crad responses Partnership interviews summaries Recommendations Online Data base Results

3 Participation  A total of 63 online surveys were completed among all Christian denominational churches in the Capital region during the months of July and August of 2013.  Shortcomings:  Partnership Interviews  CRA Charity registry of 2013  Lack of prior data base  Summer

4 Question 1. Who is the Church’s head leader? (i.e., Pastor Marc Lagasse) Section ONE InformationResponse PercentResponse Count Name 100.0%65 Address 1: 98.5%64 Address 2: 44.6%29 Province 98.5%64 Postal Code 96.9%63 Email Address 96.9%63 Phone Number: 100.0%65 Total100%65

5 Section ONE Question 2. What is your Church’s denomination?

6 Section ONE Question 3. How many followers does your Church have?

7 Question 4. Please provide your Social Ministry details below Section TWO Response Percent Response Count Name of your church's Social Ministry leader/ Nom du chef de ministère social de votre église 100.0%65 Name of Church100.0%65 Address 1:96.9%63 Address 2:33.8%22 City/Town:93.8%61 Province:95.4%62 Postal Code:93.8%61 Country:83.1%54 Email Address of Social Ministry's leader/office:100.0%65 Phone Number of Social Ministry office:100.0%65 answered question65 skipped question0

8 Section TWO Question 5. Does your church offer any community programs and/or social services from the following list (multiple choice) Response Percent Response Count Affordable Housing 8.5%5 Homelessness 18.6%11 Refugees 30.5%18 Food banks 42.4%25 Food pantries 35.6%21 Youth engagement 54.2%32 After school programs 13.6%8 None of the above 15.3%9 Other 33 Answered Question 59 Skipped question 6

9 Section TWO Question 6. Please name all the organizations your church is currently working with Organization Number of Apperances Same denomination Churches6 Ottawa West Chaplaincy 5 Mutlifaith Housing Initiative4 Carlington University Chaplaincy4 Centretown Churches Social Action Committee3 Food banks in Ottawa3 KAIROS2 Centre 5072

10 Question 7. Please check the types of organizations your church is currently partnering with to provide social services Section TWO


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