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HTML: PART ONE. Creating an HTML Document  It is a good idea to plan out a web page before you start coding  Draw a planning sketch or create a sample.

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Presentation on theme: "HTML: PART ONE. Creating an HTML Document  It is a good idea to plan out a web page before you start coding  Draw a planning sketch or create a sample."— Presentation transcript:


2 Creating an HTML Document  It is a good idea to plan out a web page before you start coding  Draw a planning sketch or create a sample document in word  Preparatory work can weed out errors or point to potential problems

3 Creating an HTML Document  In planning, identify elements An element is a distinct object in the document, like a paragraph,a heading, or a page’s title  Formatting features such as boldfaced font, and italicized text may be used  Watch out for the use of underline

4 White Space and HTML  HTML file documents are composed of text characters and white space.  White space is the blank space, tabs, and line breaks with the file  HTML treats each occurrence of white space as a single blank space  You can use white space to make your document more readable

5 Marking Elements with Tags  The core building block of HTML is the tag, which marks each element in a document  Properties are additional information that control how the tag is used  A two-sided tag is a tag that contains some document content Text

6 HTML Syntax  Tags usually come in pairs and are enclosed in left and right angle brackets Opening tag Closing tag (turns off the feature)  Container Tags- tags that need to be turned on and off and requires <>text  Non-container Tags- (empty tag) requires only <>, they do not need to be turned off  HTML Tags are not case sensitive JUST BE CONSISTENT

7 General HTML Formats   text

8 Creating an HTML File  Identifies the file as HTML  Contains info about the web page  Favorite Quotes   (Page Content) 

9 Comments  To add comments that are not seen in the browser by the audience  Comments allow you to organize your HTML document so you can find items quickly or explain a section.

10 Headers  HTML supports six levels of headers to  Headers always appear on their own line and are separated by a blank line above and below  To center a Heading: Text  Use the Headings in order within a document. Do not use heading before

11 Paragraph Formatting  Marks the end of a paragraph – inserts a return and a blank line  Identifies a line break – no blank line  You do not have to close the or the  Text is indented and has a paragraph line break  Identifies a generic block-level element (Such as a paragraph)

12 Horizontal Rule   ALIGN property can be se to left, center, right – default is center  WIDTH property tells what percentage of the width of the page the line should occupy i.e. WIDTH=“50%” means the line is 50% of the page  SIZE= “ “ specifies the line thickness in pixels  There are 72 pixels in an inch

13 Horizontal Rule  COLOR = “RGB VALUE” (Red, Green, Blue)  Hexidecimal Values = numeric values between RGB  Six number or letters XX(red)XX(green)XX(blue) Example: FFFFFF(white)  Go to

14 Body Tags  To change the background color:  To change the text color:  To use an image as background: 

15 Font Face  Over-ride the browser’s choice of font:  Use minimal different font types to increase readability  You can also add the COLOR property to change the font color

16 Font Size  You can use regular point size (for example: 10, 12, 14) hi there

17 Tags  Character Tags Text will be bold Text will be italicized Text will be underlined  DIV ALIGN attribute Tag (aligns entire paragraph) text Alignment = “left”, “center”, or “right”  Default is “left”

18 Multiple Tag Order  Tag order to start is closed in reverse order Text (At this point, all tags are open) (At this point, all tags are closed)

19 Inserting an Image  To insert an image on your page:  Make sure you include the entire URL if your picture is not saved in the same directory as your web page  You can use the ALIGN property to align the image on the page 

20 Lists  Ordered List = Numeric Order Begin Ordered List Item One Item Two Item Three Close Ordered List

21 Lists   Ordered List Types:  1=Numbers (this is default)  I= Uppercase Roman Numerals  i= Lowercase Roman Numerals  A=Uppercase Letters  a= Lowercase letters

22 Lists  Unordered Lists  List with no particular order  Browsers will add a bullet before each item  Open unordered List  Item One  Item Two  Close Unordered List

23 Summary: Tips for Good HTML Code  Use line breaks and indented text to make your HTML file easier to read  Insert comments into your HTML fine to document your work  Be consistent in entering in your tags and attribute names (all lowercase)  Place all attribute values in quotes  Close all two-sided tags  Test your Web page on all relevant browsers

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