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“The Top 7 Secrets I Learned From Internet Millionaires That Will Get You On The Fast Track To Build A 6-Figure Home Based Business” Presented by Vitaliy.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Top 7 Secrets I Learned From Internet Millionaires That Will Get You On The Fast Track To Build A 6-Figure Home Based Business” Presented by Vitaliy."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Top 7 Secrets I Learned From Internet Millionaires That Will Get You On The Fast Track To Build A 6-Figure Home Based Business” Presented by Vitaliy Dubinin

2 A Little About Me… My daughter Lital (5) and my son Liron (2) Me and Mike Dillard and Shaqir Hussyin Me and Brian Fanale

3 Secret #1: Become The Leader People Know, Like, Trust & Want To Follow Your business is not about your products or your business opportunity, it’s about how valuable YOU are in the marketplace. People buy YOU before they buy what you sell. They don’t join a business, they join YOU. People have a subconscious attraction to others who convey leadership qualities and have high level of personal value. People hate to be sold but they love to buy from people they know, like and trust. Increase your trust equity. Become a trusted advisor. The amount of money you make today is a direct reflection of your personal value level. The more valuable you become the more you are pursued. Why would they work with you? What value and skillset do you bring to the table? Are you a leader, an up-and-coming leader or a follower?

4 The Mindset Of A Great Leader Lead with tremendous amounts of value and focus on genuinely helping people. Stop focusing on the money and the money will come. Stop operating from a place of “neediness” and desperation. Have abundance mentality – abundance of leads, prospects, money, opportunities, resources. Don’t pay attention to any criticism. Have posture, set the rules of how people can interact with you. Serve your tribe of people who follow you. Be protective of your time and do not give it away to others unless they deserve it

5 The Mindset Of A Great Leader Have a vision. Stand for your values and your beliefs. Take consistent, persistent, daily, imperfect, focused, massive action to create unstoppable momentum. Have the ability to bounce back quickly from adversity, be resilient. Never complain, blame and criticize. Take 100% responsibility for your results. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The faster you fail the faster you will succeed.

6 How Do You Become The Leader And Increase Your Personal Value Level? Invest in yourself. Acquire new skills. Seek out the best information. Read great books, take great courses, attend live events, mastermind with high-level entrepreneurs, get yourself a mentor. Learn, Do & Teach Increase your goodwill. How many times have you done something cool without any sale attached to it?

7 Secret #2: Fall In Love With Marketing The home business industry is pursued by people who have no idea how to market. Marketing is the ultimate leverage. The money is not in the product, it’s in the knowing how to market the product to the right people Marketing is attracting customers into a sales funnel, educating and motivating them to buy your products and services. Marketing is the process of turning strangers into friends, friends into first time customers, and first-time customers into life-long customers. Long term marketing practices are based on creating trust and it’s all about the right timing. Embrace marketing, selling and advertising as a way of life. Know who your customer is, their pains, frustrations, desires and results they want.

8 Secret #3: Your Business Is About Building A Massive, Global Virtual Distribution Channel Your distribution channel is a medium through which you engage with your audience, build trust, build your brand online and your marketing messages flow. Your main distribution channel is your email list, it’s the ultimate asset that will give you the ultimate freedom. Other distribution channels are your blog, your YouTube channel, Your Facebook Timeline and Fan Page, Your Instagram Following, Your Twitter Following.

9 3 Steps To Online Wealth Step 1: Build your distribution channel = Your list. Step 2: Build relationships with people on the list. Step 3: Market to the list.

10 Build Your List How people come to your list is crucially important Create a valuable free training ( eBook, Bootcamp Training, Webinar, video, etc.) Create unique lead capture page. Drive Traffic to your capture page.

11 Build Relationships With People On The List The more time, attention, and affection you give to the people on your list, the more valuable and profitable it becomes. There is only ONE way to build a real list – earn your reader’s attention by delivering value. Share your stories, your experiences, be authentic and real. Encourage people to connect with you. Call your leads and try to find out how to help them. Create an email follow up sequence that will automatically send value-based emails to your list. Broadcast to your list regularly, preferably once a day.

12 Market To People On Your List Mix mainly promotion emails (20% of the time) with mainly content-based emails (80% of the time) Segment your list based on their actions (advanced strategy) Have front end products, back end products and continuity products in your product mix. Through your stories, case studies, training you will overcome any objections they have.

13 Secret #4: Leverage A Sales Funnel That Brands YOU Big mistake people make is using done-for-them capture pages and sending people directly to a sales page, without branding themselves. As a result there are low open rates because people don’t know who you are. It’s all about the user journey, how you make them feel. From clicking on an ad to becoming a lifelong customer, the marketing funnel is the journey a prospect goes through your buying process.

14 Secret #4: Leverage A Sales Funnel That Brands YOU Direct Response Advertising ( Traffic ) Capture Page Welcome Page FE Sales Page Follow-Up Back End Email Follow-Up Campaign Phone Follow Up Video

15 Welcome Page Bridge page between your capture page and the sales page Welcome video is best, and it’s designed to introduce yourself, condition them to open your emails, share your story as it relates to their pain and the big promise, show you are real and encourage them to contact you, pre-frame the next page. You can also deliver your lead magnet on this page, or better off deliver it in your email.

16 Video Value Stacking Each email leads to a video Host on your blog or separate page Give them value and then send them back to the original offer Video #1 can be about the big opportunity, the amazing discovery (sub. Line: great news Video #2 can be about getting them results in advance, showing the 4 steps they need to take to succeed ( Sub. Line: is this you??) Video #3 can be overcoming a couple of their objections (Subject line: Your questions answered) Video #4 can be your irresistible offer with a bonus (Sub. Line: bad news) Video #5 can be scarcity and urgency on the offer

17 Secret #5: The Fortune Is Made In The Follow Up Constant contact over time is crucially important, be on top of their mind The bigger your list and the more value you stack, the more frequently it will be the right timing for people to join your business. Learn email marketing. Learn how to tell stories. Show your personality in each email. Be real, speak conversationally like with a best friend. Overdeliver, wow them. Always have some sort of call to action in the email. Until you earn $50,000 per month, you should still be on the phone with your leads.

18 Secret #6: Learn To Create Irresistible Offers That Get People To Buy Get to love getting the short end of the stick. Create Urgency, Scarcity and reasons to take action now. Offer cool bonuses. Offer money back guarantees Take any risk away from them Give them 10 times more value for the price Learn the master skill – copywriting.

19 Secret #7: Put 100% Of Your Focus On Serving 100 percent of your leads You can make a lot of money from people who will never join your primary business opportunity. Have something valuable to offer to different people on your list who have different needs. It’s not about you, it’s all about them, their needs, their problems. Always make decisions from a long-term perspective, never compromise your integrity to make quick money. Get customers in the door. It’s 100 times easier to market to existing clients than to acquire new ones.

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