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Using Technology as an embedded learning tool a wall-less brick & mortar classroom Sandy Anaka Jill French Nechako Lakes SD # 91 Oct. 22-24, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Technology as an embedded learning tool a wall-less brick & mortar classroom Sandy Anaka Jill French Nechako Lakes SD # 91 Oct. 22-24, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Technology as an embedded learning tool a wall-less brick & mortar classroom Sandy Anaka Jill French Nechako Lakes SD # 91 Oct. 22-24, 2008

2 Our task…. how to use technology ….. as an embedded instructional tool ….. a blended learning environment face-to-face classroom setting computer mediated learning

3 Our Goals for this Presentation…. why using technology gives ‘added value’ how you can shift towards using technology more often to provide support links and examples to help you You are welcome to revisit this presentation online at

4 societal changes –driving changes in learning –impacting teaching technology –supports many of these changes Why …

5 What…. Technology enables you to … ‘anytime’ access student feedback collaborative learning layered lessons opportunities to develop independent learning skills support teaching and learning

6 Benefits … increased engagement access to materials transparency of learning new ways to teach provides diverse types of reading practice from concrete mid abstractconcretemidabstract safe storage disseminated information

7 Challenges … time −classroom −personal learning sufficient, reliable equipment displacement of other resources using computers in diverse ways

8 Technology used to support activities… Hardware SMART Board or white screen digital projector computers digital camera Software All The Right Type Adobe Photoshop Elluminate (free access online)Elluminate Office - PowerPoint (OpenOffice), Excel, PublisherOpenOffice Internet – Firefox web space

9 Value of classroom online support own class website e.g. Mrs. French’s Process of embedded technology for instruction

10 Value of real time involvement CBC News at Value of curricular importance Ancient Egypt Project at First Nations at Process of embedded technology for instruction

11 Value of critical thinking …. using socially constructed knowledge Webquests Water........ what is all the fuss about? You will be...... a Canadian politician who must make a recommendation about whether or not Canada should sell or export water to the State of California. at Process of embedded technology for instruction

12 Value of socially constructed knowledge SS History WWll, A Deadly Time and Place Natural history Cheetahs Process of embedded technology for instruction Examples from the classroom

13 Language Arts instruction – novel study - mini-lessonsnovel studymini-lessons – vocabulary - literaturevocabularyliterature – show what you knowshow what you know

14 Examples from the classroom personal learning process –e-journalse-journals socially constructed knowledge −wiki “comesee”wikicomesee reflective writing –blog “Northern Muses”Northern Muses −story writing RamboTrent! story writing Language Arts

15 French Interactive sites: support teaching (resources, lesson plans) support learning (resources)resources online pronunciation (essential phrases)essential phrases online translation tool (paralink)paralink Examples from the classroom

16 This Webquest learning system asks that you:... act as a travel agent and create a travel brochure that recommends from 2 to 3 travel destinations within the province of Quebec. Examples from the classroom Social Studies French Canadian Culture Webquest.... for the development of students' understanding of Canadian provincial culture.

17 Science Sturgeon Recovery Project Benefits: current, relevant text can provide the information Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative; Sturgeon UnitWhite Sturgeon Recovery Sturgeon Unit connections to local field trip opportunitylocal field trip review material e.g. JeopardyJeopardy Examples from the classroom

18 Science Salmonid Program Protecting our Salmon at Salmon Resource Page for Schools at Other (couldn’t find) It’s a Jungle Out there! at Examples from the classroom

19 Math Supporting students’ learning in math: math term definitionsdefinitions post lessons and quizzes onlinelessonsquizzes menu for concept practice onlinemenu see the ‘story in data’ weekly graphweekly graph –pie chartspie charts –pie charts compared to other graphsother graphs visualization tools (addition with regrouping)addition Examples from the classroom

20 - graphing Usual Day Working5.8 Playing6.5 School5 Eating0.8 Sleeping8.8 Other1 Math

21 Paint and tessellations Examples from the classroom critical thinking − home page for teaching tessellations at problem solving Math

22 Fine Arts Supporting Fine Arts content: music (theory, how to play)music theoryhow to play drama (Readers’ Theater)Readers’ Theater math/art symmetrysymmetry colour lessonslessons

23 Fine Arts Examples from the classroom

24 Visual arts novel writing/scanners problem solving critical thinking Examples from the classroom

25 Making the shift.. …for a few more see handout Slowly ShiftingSlowly Shifting Traditional delivery Technology Format Instructional benefits daybookdaily schedulesynchronous or asynchronous learning LA worksheetsgrammarindependent practice math textbooks and worksheets math lesson interactive practice visualization high engagement problem solving activities science textbooks and worksheets science themesreal time issues ssJeopardysocial learning Frenchscenario #1problem-based learning fine artssoftware activitiescritical thinking

26 Further Resources (each of these links takes you to a list of many)… Learning Theories *Learning Theories Instructional Strategies *Instructional Strategies Social Networking Tools *Social Networking Tools Global Learning Communities *Global Learning Communities Blended Learning Environment More Professional Development Links SMART Technologies (lesson & activities) or (edweb)SMART Technologies lesson & activitiesedweb * word document containing these linksword document

27 Happy trails.. If you are interested in anything you have seen or would like support from a peer ….. email us at or we will try to provide it for Jill Sandy

28 take heart … we leave you with this thought …. if it seems that everything is a struggle ….. and you feel as those you are working way harder than you think you should be… then take heart …. others take on challenges as well. Herding cats

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