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Bowen Family Systems Therapy Nichols, M. P. & Schwartz, R. C. (2001). Bowen family systems therapy. In M. P. Nichols & R. C. Schwartz, Family therapy:

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1 Bowen Family Systems Therapy Nichols, M. P. & Schwartz, R. C. (2001). Bowen family systems therapy. In M. P. Nichols & R. C. Schwartz, Family therapy: Concepts and methods (5th ed., pp. 137-171). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

2 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Introduction  Bowen was one of the few early pioneers who paid attention to the larger network of family relationships.  “Bowen family systems therapy has by far the most comprehensive view of human behavior and human problems of any approach to family treatment” (p. 137).

3 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Sketches of Leading Figures  Bowen family systems therapy evolved from psychoanalytic principles and practice.  Bowen was innovative and developed comprehensive ideas.  Bowen was the oldest child from a large family in rural Tennessee.  Many prominent MFTs trained with Bowen, including many feminist therapists such as Betty Carter and Monica McGoldrick.

4 Theoretical Formulations

5 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Differentiation of Self  This is both an intrapsychic and interpersonal concept.  Intrapsychic aspect: ability to separate feeling from thinking. “The differentiated person isn’t a cold fish who only thinks and never feels … he or she is capable of strong emotion and spontaneity, but also capable of the objectivity that comes with the ability to resist the pull of emotional impulses” (p. 140).

6 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Differentiation of Self (cont.)  Interpersonal aspect:  Undifferentiated people react emotionally – positively or negatively – to others.  Undifferentiated people have limited autonomous identity.  Differentiated people are able to take principled stands.  Differentiated people are able to develop intimacy without become reflexively shaped by others.  The process of differentiation promotes personal responsibility.

7 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Triangles  All emotionally significant relationships are shadowed by third parties (including relatives, friends, objects, work, memories).  Relationships are dynamic; there are cycles of closeness of distance. Triangles are likely to develop during times of distance.  In relationships, the partner who experiences the most distress will often connect with someone else as a way to gain an ally.  Sometimes, significant others offer support when they sense anxiety or conflict.

8 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Triangles (cont.)  Triangulation lets off steam, but it freezes conflict in place: “Unburdening yourself to a friend will make you feel better. It will also lessen the likelihood that you’ll engage the problem at its source” (p. 141).  Interlocking triangles are present in systems of more than three.  Rules that govern emotional processes:  One person cannot change the relationship between two others or between another person and her or his habit.  The more you try to change the relationship of another, the more likely it is that you will reinforce the aspects of the relationship that you want to change.

9 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Nuclear Family Emotional Processes  Undifferentiated people experience difficulty managing anxiety and stress.  Lack of Differentiation X Anxiety = Fusion Between Spouses.  Emotional fusion is unstable. It tends to produce:  overt marital conflict;  reactive emotional distance;  physical or emotional symptoms (usually the more accommodating partner);  projection of problems on to children.

10 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Family Projection Process  Definition: “the process by which parents project part of their immaturity to one or more children” (Bowen, 1978, p. 477).  The child who is the most emotionally attached to parents is likely to be the object of parental projection and, as a result, have lower levels of differentiation (Bowen, 1978).

11 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Multigenerational Transmission Process  This refers to the transmission of a family projection process.  The nature and degree of intensity of emotional responses are passed down from generation to generation (Friedman, 1991).  Levels of differentiation are affected through generations based on levels of differentiation of partners as they marry.

12 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Sibling Position  Belief that personality characteristics are influenced by sibling position. He also believed that family functioning and other variables influenced roles.  Sibling conflict may often be the result of triangular relationships (e.g., coalitions with parents can foster sibling antagonism).

13 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Emotional Cutoff  All people have some degree of unresolved emotional attachment to their parents.  Level of cutoff is influenced by degree of differentiation: there is an attempt to distance by avoiding contact.

14 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Societal Emotional Process  Emotional processes in families influence emotional processes in families.  Social forces (including sexism, racism, poverty) fundamentally influence how families interact with each other.

15 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Normal Family Development  Bowen believed that families varied on a continuum from emotional fusion to differentiation.  Optimal Family Development: thought to take place when  family members are relatively differentiated;  anxiety is low;  parents are in good emotional contact with their own families of origin.  Emotional attachment between spouses often is similar to those from families of origin.  Family development is a process of expansion, contraction, and realignment that supports entry, exit, and development of family members.

16 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Characteristics of Well-adjusted Families (Fogarty, 1976a):  They are balanced and can adapt to change.  Emotional problems are seen as existing in the whole group.  They are connected across generations to all family members.  Minimum use of fusion or distance to solve problems.  Each dyad is capable of dealing with conflict within it.  Differences are tolerated.  There is an awareness of what each person receives from others.

17 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Characteristics of Well-adjusted Families (cont.)  Each person is allowed her/his own emptiness.  Preserving a positive emotional climate is more important than doing what is popular or socially appropriate.  Each member thinks the family is a pretty good place to live.  Members use each other as sources for feedback and learning, not as emotional crutches.

18 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Development of Behavior Disorders  Symptoms develop from stress that exceeds a person’s ability to handle it.  Symptoms are a product of emotional reactivity, acute or chronic.  The ability to deal with stress is influenced by level of differentiation.  Remember, differentiation is not a synonym for maturity.  It reflects both an intrapsychic and interpersonal process. As a result, symptoms also develop when stress exceeds a systems ability to bind or neutralize it.

19 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Goals of Therapy  Trace Family Patterns  Pay attention to processes: patterns of emotional reactivity.  Pay attention to structure: patterns of interlocking triangles.  Goal of therapy: decrease anxiety and increase differentiation of self.  Goals become less specific over time.

20 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Goals of Therapy (cont.)  Guerin’s approach:  Place the presenting problems in multigenerational context by completing a thorough and accurate genogram.  Connect with key family members: work to calm their anxiety and level of emotional arousal so that anxiety throughout the system can be lowered.  Define parameters of the central symptomatic triangle  Feminist approach: address inequality in relationships.

21 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Conditions of Behavior Change  Therapists must be able to tolerate anxiety.  Therapists must practice differentiation and avoid triangulation.  Therapists ask questions to foster self-reflection and direct them to individuals one-at-a-time.  Individuals are encouraged to look for their own role in processes.  Therapy requires an awareness about the entire family (even though it does not need to include the presence of the entire family).  Differentiation requires cultivating a personal relationship with everyone in the extended family.

22 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Techniques  Genogram: family diagram to collect and organize information about the family.  The therapy triangle: therapist should try to remain free of emotional entanglements in order to avoid feel stuck or stalemated.  Relationship experiments: ask clients to try new behaviors and pay attention to the processes.  Coaching: ask process questions designed to help clients cultivate responses.  The “I-Position”: take a personal stance and say what you feel.

23 Dr. Ronald Werner-Wilson Techniques (cont.)  Multiple family therapy: work with multiple couples at once. Observing other couples can be helpful.  Displacement stories: tell stories (or recommend movies) that minimize defensiveness.

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