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Species at Risk.  Plant and animal that has a low or declining population  May be at risk of extinction  Species that is sensitive to human disturbance.

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Presentation on theme: "Species at Risk.  Plant and animal that has a low or declining population  May be at risk of extinction  Species that is sensitive to human disturbance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Species at Risk

2  Plant and animal that has a low or declining population  May be at risk of extinction  Species that is sensitive to human disturbance and natural events

3 The Wildlife Act, 1998  Saskatchewan’s process of listing plants and animals.  Uses the same risk categories and definitions as the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)  Categories include: extinct, extirpated, endangered, threatened, special concern

4 Who is Responsible?  The province is responsible for ensuring that species at risk are adequately protected.  The Wildlife Act, 1998  Species designated under this cannot be distributed, collected, harvested, captured, killed or exported.  The federal government is responsible for national parks, federal community pastures and First Nations reserve lands.  Species at Risk Act (SARA)  Habitats important to the survival and recovery of these species at risk are protected.

5 Which Species are at Risk?  There are about 50 species considered at risk in Saskatchewan’s grasslands.  Mammals: Swift fox, Ord’s Kangaroo Rat  Amphibians: Northern Leopard Frog, Great Plains Toad, Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer, Greater Short-horned Lizard.

6 Why are Species at Risk?

7 Habitat Loss  A natural habitat is rendered functionally unable to support species present.  Organisms that previously used the site are displaced or destroyed

8 Disappearing Habitat  Most animals and plants require healthy, contiguous native habitats  Most are unable to live or reproduce in cultivated, industrial or urban landscapes  Roads, buildings, pipelines and other industrial developments can reduce the amount of available habitat

9 Habitat Destruction  Ways the people directly destroy habitat  Examples: bulldozing trees, filling in wetlands, dredging rivers, mowing fields, and cutting down trees.

10 Habitat Degradation  This occurs when the habitat is still there, but overuse or human activity has affected the ability of that habitat to support native animals and plants

11 Habitat Fragmentation  Terrestrial habitat is broken into fragments by roads and development  Aquatic habitat is broken into dams and water divisions.  Fragments may be too small to support species to find mates and food.

12 Introduction of Exotic Species  Species that come from areas that they are not native to.  Can threaten species of that habitat by competition for food and resources.  Ex: Cane Toad

13 Over- Harvesting  Hunting has had a big impact on some animal populations in the past  Ex: Bison  Present day hunting regulations minimize over-harvesting of wildlife.

14 Persecution  In the past some species have been persecuted because they were considered a threat to livestock or dangerous to people.

15 Isolation of Populations  When a population becomes isolated from others it is at greater risk of diseases, extreme weather (drought), and chance mortality events.  Isolation causes population to be less genetically diverse

16 Disease  Although this is a natural part of all ecosystems, this can be magnified when animal populations are already low.  Human diseases can transfer into an area where the wildlife is not adapted to cope with.

17 Pesticides  Chemicals that are used to control insects and weeds can have wide-ranging effects on other wildlife.  Today, the use of pesticides is regulated.

18 Human Disturbance  Some species are sensitive to human activities and others are more tolerant.

19 Unknown Causes  Exact cause is unknown

20 Main drivers of habitat loss  Agriculture  Land conversion for development  Water development  Pollution  Global Warming

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