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Step 1. REVIEW Goals INSTRUCTION: Review what goals can be achieved with e-prescribing, Here are examples: 1)Reduce medication errors. 2)Reduce the time.

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Presentation on theme: "Step 1. REVIEW Goals INSTRUCTION: Review what goals can be achieved with e-prescribing, Here are examples: 1)Reduce medication errors. 2)Reduce the time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step 1. REVIEW Goals INSTRUCTION: Review what goals can be achieved with e-prescribing, Here are examples: 1)Reduce medication errors. 2)Reduce the time spent on phone calls, faxing, and call-backs to pharmacies. 3)Automate prescription renewal requests and authorization processes. 4)Increase patient convenience. 5)Increase the use of more-affordable medication options. 6)Reduce prescription drug misuse and abuse. 7)Attain greater prescriber mobility. 8)Qualify for incentive payments. Step 2. PICK the most relevant to your practice INSTRUCTION: Pick the four or five goals that are most relevant to your practice. Goal 1. Goal 2. Goal 3. Goal 4. Goal 5. Step 3. CHOOSE priorities with stakeholders INSTRUCTION: Meet with stakeholders to choose the three highest-priority goals Goal 1. Goal 2. Goal 3. Tool 3.1 Goals Worksheet, Poster

2 Step 4. PLAN INSTRUCTION: Determine an explicit TARGET for each goal, PLAN to measure how well you achieve each target, and RATE the feasibility of measuring each (1=not feasible, 3=very feasible). GoalTargetMeasurement Plan Measurement Responsibility Measurement Feasibility (1,,2, 3) Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Step 5. ACT INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the important and measurable goal information onto the poster on the following page. Set a start date for each measurement activity. Print the page and post it throughout your practice so that everyone understands and stays focused on the main goals of this major initiative. Tool 3.1 Goals Worksheet, Poster

3 Goals for E-Prescribing Goal (Target)Monitoring PlanWho Will Monitor Start Date for Monitoring [Replace this text with your goal, for example, “Reduce pharmacy phone calls.”] [Replace this with your plan, for example, “Log pharmacy phone calls for 1 week, before and after.”] [Replace this with the responsible person, for example, “Telephone staff.”] [Replace this with your date, for example, “3/15/2010.”] Tool 3.1 Goals Worksheet, Poster

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