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Bro. Sunday Eyanrin (Evangelist)

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1 Bro. Sunday Eyanrin (Evangelist)
CHRISTMAS IDOLATROUS FEAST? Presented by Bro. Sunday Eyanrin (Evangelist) (C O C GREY)

2 IS IT FROM GOD OR PAGANISM ? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
INTRODUCTION “CHRISTMAS” is one religious feast widely celebrated by millions of people all over the world, Both believers in Christ and heathens. However no one cares to fine out the origin of this feast called Christmas. CHRISTMAS IS IT FROM GOD OR PAGANISM ? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

3 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
DEFINITION It is absolutely necessary that we define two key words in this discussion, for the proper understanding of our brethren, most especially our visitors coming to worship with the Church for the first time. CHRISTMAS IDOLATROUS Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

4 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? The Word Christmas is derived from two distinct Words. CHRIST MASS “CHRIST” “Messia” a word that represents the Hebrew “Mashiana” The Aramaic “Meshiana” The Greek “Messias” Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

5 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD “MASS” Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
Messias, is a Transcription of the Greek form according to the Hebrew. The Basic meaning of the Word is “ANOINTEONE” “CHRIST” – is the English form of the Greek ‘’ “CHRISTO’S” Meaning THE “ANOINTED” JOHN 1:41, 4:25. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD “MASS” “MASS” is a ceremony performed in honour of ‘’CHRIST’’ Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

6 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
The Word “CHRISTMAS” Means, MASS of CHRIST , CHRIST – MASS Is a Religious Service observed in commemoration of the Birth of “CHRIST” The Word, CHRIST + MASS was later shortened to be “CHRISTMAS” WHAT IS IDOLATROUS? IDOLATROUS – Is simply defined as the act of Worshipping IDOLS. Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

7 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
WHAT THEN IS AN IDOL? An Idol is an object of passionate devotion, It is something that is Worshiped and Loved as god. An Idol is something in a persons life that take the place of the True and Almighty GOD. An Idol can be a person or thing that becomes a substitute for GOD. AN IDOL COULD BE: Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

8 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

9 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
In Psalm 115:vs 4-8, the Psalmist described the nothingness of an Idol. 4 Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. 5 They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have, but they do not see;6They have ears, but they do not hear; noses they have, but they do not smell; 7 They have hands, but they do not handle; feet they have, but they do not walk; nor do they mutter through their throat. 8 Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them. NKJV Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

10 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
Since the Bible, the Inspired word of God is silent about the date and month of Christ Birth, as recorded in Matthew 2:1- 12 and Luke 2:1-12, it was Necessary that we fine out how 25th December became the Birth day of our Lord Jesus Christ as acclaimed by the Christian Religious World. Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

11 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
THE VOICE OF HISTORY History reveals that in 354 A D Bishop Liberious of the Roman Catholic Church embraced the pagan festival of the Sun god which is Celebrated 25th December, to be the Birth day of Christ. Therefore adopted 25th December as Christmas in honour of the Birth of Christ. It is interesting to note that 25th December Celebration of Christmas , not only did the day coincide with the Roman Celebration of Saturnalia, but other pagan deities are directly connected to this date. ( Facts from the Encyclopaedia Britannica) Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

12 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
SOME MORE FACTS TO PROVE THAT CHISTMAS IS FROM IDOLATRY The Observance of December 25th as the Birth date of Christ, is born out of paganism, therefore an act of Idolatry.Exo.20:1 – 6, For a Christian to have engaged in Christmas Customs around December 25th , He or She is falling from faith. Rom.8:6-7 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

13 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
SANTA CLAUS The Name Santa Claus popularly known as Father Christmas is a corruption of Saint Nicholas, a Bishop in the 5th century. (Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol.19, page ) Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

14 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
THE CHRISTMAS TREE The Custom of Christmas Tree developed in early modern Germany with predecessors that can be traced to the 15th and 16th century in which devout Christians brought decorated trees in to their homes. The Christmas Tree is also known as the Yule-Tree. The Tree is traditionally decorated with variety of Traditional ornaments, such apples, Nuts, or lights and bells. Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

15 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
CHRISTMAS CARD The First Christmas Card was created in 1843 by John Calcott Horsley in England Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

16 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
After a careful analysis on the Topic “IS CHRISTMAS IDOLATRY FEAST?” It is abundatantly clear that Christmas originated from Paganism therefore an Idol Festival. Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

17 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
CONCLUSION 14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:" Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

18 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
"I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people."* 17ThereforeCome out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you."* 'I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."* NKJV Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

20 Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast? Is Christmas Idolatrous Feast?

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