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The Promise and Pitfalls of Using a Wireless Classroom Jean Caswell and Laverne Simoneaux Southeastern Louisiana University LITA Forum, Houston, TX Oct.

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Presentation on theme: "The Promise and Pitfalls of Using a Wireless Classroom Jean Caswell and Laverne Simoneaux Southeastern Louisiana University LITA Forum, Houston, TX Oct."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Promise and Pitfalls of Using a Wireless Classroom Jean Caswell and Laverne Simoneaux Southeastern Louisiana University LITA Forum, Houston, TX Oct. 11-13, 2002

2 Background Southeastern Louisiana University –15,000 students –1,700 faculty and staff –LS102 classes – 33 classes/semester –Bibliographic instruction – 120 sessions/semester

3 Problems to Overcome

4 Problem #1 Lack of Classroom Space 1 wired classroom LS 102 classes Monday- Thursday, 8am to 4pm 1 multi-purpose classroom Media ESL Classes Bibliographic Instruction

5 Problem #2 Lack of Funding Possible Solutions Technology fee grants Year-end money Library and Scientific funds

6 Problem #3 Technical Support Campus Information Technology Department 4 networking staff 8 Help Desk staff Library Systems Department 1 Systems Librarian

7 Technological Considerations

8 Feasibility Study Bibliography Other departments on campus Tangipahoa Parish public schools

9 Technological Considerations Wireless LAN Standards IEEE 802.11 – 1998 - 2 Mbps IEEE 802.11b – 2000 - 11 Mbps IEEE 802.11a – 2002 – 54 Mbps

10 Technological Considerations Selection of Wireless Vendors Approved wireless vendors Cisco Lucent 3Com

11 Technological Considerations Turnkey Systems Wireless hub, notebooks, cart Dell Gateway Compaq IBM Apple

12 Technological Considerations Network Configuration and Security Working with your campus computing group Wireless networks and campus network security

13 Technological Considerations Software Installation and PC Security Software security packages Internet filtering WinSelect CleanSlate Fortress Windows 2000 Tattletaping

14 Room Layout and Architectural Considerations

15 Previous Floor Plan

16 Wireless Floor Plan

17 Ongoing Troubleshooting

18 LibWireless--Wireless and Libraries List Discusses libraries and all types of wireless technologies Owner: Bill Drew at SUNY Morrisville

19 Educational Considerations Room scheduling Students’ unfamiliarity with laptops Transition from passive to active learning Pre- and post-testing

20 Room Scheduling PC Setup and Shutdown –Allow time for setup and troubleshooting –Develop procedures for setup and shutdown Student help Number of consecutive sessions vs. battery life

21 Students and Laptops Problems –Laptops in 50 minute or less--YIKES! –Students unfamiliar to laptop use –Mousepad difficulties Solutions –Student helpers –External mice

22 Passive to Active Learning “Follow the leader” doesn’t work Change emphasis from passive (demonstration) to active learning (guided assignments with cursory instruction)

23 Assessment of Student Learning Pre- and Post-testing with MS FrontPage Student learning Bibliographic instruction SACS accreditation

24 Reactions to Wireless Classroom "The wireless computers are fabulous!" Dr. Karen McCormick Assistant Professor of Education "The laptops are wonderful! The students were so much more involved than they had been in the past when they were only watching." Winborne Gautreaux Instructor in English

25 Where we go from here

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