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Engaging Students in an Integrated Solid Waste Management Program at a Higher Education Institution Presenter: Daniela Sanguino Authors: Mariana Ruiz Adriana.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Students in an Integrated Solid Waste Management Program at a Higher Education Institution Presenter: Daniela Sanguino Authors: Mariana Ruiz Adriana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Students in an Integrated Solid Waste Management Program at a Higher Education Institution Presenter: Daniela Sanguino Authors: Mariana Ruiz Adriana Acevedo

2 A new approach to include environmental education among engineering students. Focusing on a specific area of sustainability: Solid Waste Management. Based on a series of activities to be completed by students in different semesters of the undergraduate curricula, engineering majors.

3 Sustainability Human and ecological health, social justice, secure livelihoods, and a better world for all generations.

4 Why Solid Waste Management? (Mexico) Studies on waste management: U. Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) U. Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) U. Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) Studies conclude: Recyclable materials represent more than 60% of the total waste generated.

5 Why Engineering Students? Sustainability as a basic competence for engineers. 80% product-related environmental effects: determined during product design phase, job of engineers.

6 Why this approach? “Sustainable development should be integrated in the engineering courses contents, rather than teaching it as a separate course.” It’s a Win-Win situation

7 Main barriers: Abstract or too broad topic Lack of synergy among sciences ( because of curricula design) Students should be immersed in focused and regionalized sustainability projects in order to promote a meaningful and results- oriented experience.

8 Major Advantage of the Approach: a) Doesn’t end up as a collection of independent environmental experiences. b) Contributes from different perspectives and with diverse engineering techniques, to the solution of a single sustainability issue.

9 Our Approach IBERO & Solid Waste Management Program - Recycling process - Vermicomposting

10 Main Objectives Include environmental topics within different engineering courses. Teach engineering concepts with a hands- on approach through real-life applications and projects. Reduce solid waste generated on campus.

11 First Step The lead researcher of SWMP & professors lecturing the target courses  designed the experience. Define: Activity Individual or work teams Results expected Grading criteria

12 ActivitiesSemesterStudentsDuration Physicochemical Analyses8th102 months Mechanical Design4th18All semester Waste quantification and characterization 8th132 sessions Environmental Impact Analysis 5th604 sessions Application of Engineering Methods 3rd45All semester

13 Physicochemical Analyses Students : Chemical Engineering Physicochemical analysis of compost produced on campus

14 Mechanical Design Students: Mechanical Engineering Design of a food waste shredder

15 Waste quantification and characterization Students : Industrial Engineering Design sampling process Evaluate recycling streams

16 Environmental Impact Analysis Students in “Environmental Impact” course Studies on waste generation, handling, recycling, and composting systems

17 Application of Engineering Methods Students: Industrial engineering Analysis of the on-site recycling process Study work and time

18 Students Feedback “The knowledge and abilities you get from all courses of Industrial Engineering can be applied all together in a project like this (…)”

19 Industrial E. student: “I think that the vermicomposting recycling process can be a good business in an industrial level (…).” “I definitely support this kind of projects because of their philosophical basis, creating a sustainable world.”

20 S UGGESTIONS Chose a case study that reflects the student’s reality and daily life. Consider the engineering aspects of the case. Think green. Join forces. Be time and effort realistic Plan project objectives and grading criteria.

21 C ONCLUSIONS We need to find new educational strategies oriented to sustainability and environmental awareness. Include courses (or experiences) related to sustainability in engineering curricula.


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