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Presented By : Juan Garcia.  a green screen is a special effect used in movies and pictures to separate a person from the background by removing or “keying”

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By : Juan Garcia.  a green screen is a special effect used in movies and pictures to separate a person from the background by removing or “keying”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By : Juan Garcia

2  a green screen is a special effect used in movies and pictures to separate a person from the background by removing or “keying” out the green.




6  It is important not to wear the same color as the background.  I found a picture on Google, and videos on YouTube that adequately demonstrate this point.




10  Notice how her green shirt disappears with the green background. Although a certain shade of green is easier to key out than others, no shade of green should be worn in front of a green screen. This also goes for white or black backgrounds.

11  In front of a white background you should not wear white or light colors and in front of a black background; black or dark colors.  The reason for this is because through the lens of the camera, the white shirt you are wearing and the white background may blend together.

12  You shouldn’t wear anything with stripes, patterns, or anything shiny or reflective. These may result in a waving pattern or shimmer in the video because of the way the camera captures the image and the outcome looks unnatural.  It would be a good idea not to wear glasses in a video shoot either because of the reflection of light off the glasses as well as they might reflect some green from the green screen, so please wear contacts if you have them.

13  Neutral shades work the best, as well as pastel colors (although no shades of green).  If you are in front of a white backdrop, it’s okay to wear darker colors as well as lighter colors in front of a black back drop.


15  A 2nd grade teacher has a poetry writing project with her class every year.  In discussing the project, the teacher pointed out that well written poetry evokes imagery in the mind of the reader.  With that in mind, she decided to have the students use traditional media to draw or paint an image that matched the poetry they were writing.

16  Students wrote their poetry and created matching art.  They selected key words and printed them, then cut and paste the words on green paper.  Students took photos of their art and of each word on green paper.  Using the Green Screen app, students can edit their video and replace the green background with the photo of their artwork.  On another layer in the Green Screen app, they insert the photos of their words on green paper (the green is not visible) at the appropriate points in the video.  The end result is a wonderful poetry performance that extends the traditional writing project to include visual and presentation elements.


18  Retell a story  Readers Theater  Visit another country or planet  Dress up biographies  News reporter – behind the desk and on location  Descript a Discovery Education Video


20  An iPad  An iPad stand (optional)  A green screen  A green screen video editing app

21  An iPad/Digital Camera  A Green Screen  A Computer  A green screen picture editing program


23  To start you will need a picture with a green screen background, and a picture you want to replace the green background with.

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