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RUMOR AS A TOOL FOR ADVISING ADMINISTRATORS Shelly “Dee Lish” Bacon, Laura “Da Bling” Bonney, Peter “Da Poof” Freitag and Dan “Da Organization” Turner.

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Presentation on theme: "RUMOR AS A TOOL FOR ADVISING ADMINISTRATORS Shelly “Dee Lish” Bacon, Laura “Da Bling” Bonney, Peter “Da Poof” Freitag and Dan “Da Organization” Turner."— Presentation transcript:

1 RUMOR AS A TOOL FOR ADVISING ADMINISTRATORS Shelly “Dee Lish” Bacon, Laura “Da Bling” Bonney, Peter “Da Poof” Freitag and Dan “Da Organization” Turner Associate Directors of Advising, University of Colorado at Boulder

2 Kansas State Penitentiary Prisoner No. 890329 Nutt. C. – Impersonating a NACADA Executive Director

3 Ooops! HUMOR AS A TOOL FOR ADVISING ADMINISTRATORS Shelly “Dee Lish” Bacon, Laura “Da Bling” Bonney, Peter “Da Poof” Freitag and Dan “Da Organization” Turner Associate Directors of Advising, University of Colorado at Boulder

4 Laughter Yoga Exercises Cell Phone Laughter Gradient Laughter Greeting Laughter Hearty Laughter Hula Hoop Laughter

5 WHY USE HUMOR? These are difficult times for advisors so let’s help them get through the rough spots Mike Myers (quoting his father) – “Nothing’s so bad it can’t be laughed at.” Deepak Chopra – “The only way to transcend tragedy is to laugh.”

6 THE HEALING POWER OF HUMOR “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” The Old Testament Increased heart rate and oxygenation of the blood Increased endorphin levels and immune components Tension (muscular and emotional) is released A sense of well-being Increased creativity and problem-solving ability

7 HUMOR IN THE WORKPLACE Matthes (1993) – Employees in the Colorado Health Sciences Center who viewed humorous training films showed a 25% decrease in downtime and a 60% increase in job satisfaction. Abramis (1992) – In a study of 923 working adults at California State University, those who expressed more positive humor at work had higher mental health, job satisfaction, and job involvement and were less likely to quit.

8 WHAT MAKES SOMETHING FUNNY HUMOR IS A PHENOMENON THAT INVOLVES Something unusual or incongruous AND Our perception of it as “funny” BUT Not every unusual thing or situation will be found funny. It should be unusual enough to get our attention but not so unusual as to confuse or frighten us. Some suggest that, along with incongruity, there must be an element of surprise.

9 HOW TO BE FUNNY IT’S AS EASY AS Taking a stressful topic and lightening it up with a humorous approach Getting a serious message across in a light-hearted way Taking aim at situations that everyone finds frustrating Poking fun at people in power (in particular, being willing to make fun of oneself) Using puns Turning things on their heads Using pictures Inventing contests


11 WHERE, WHEN & HOW WE EMPLOY HUMOR Special Events Newsletters E-mails Meetings

12 SPECIAL EVENTS some examples Contests Awards Jokes

13 NEWSLETTERS some examples Puns Life outside advising Stereotypes Define the impossible Photos Self-deprecation

14 E-MAILS/MEETINGS some examples Phony agendas Lightening up serious topics Poking fun gently Share the fun Create an environment that encourages humor


16 SOME WARNINGS Don’t target your humor at those who can’t see the humor in themselves or those who take themselves too seriously If you want to make a point with your humor, do it gently Be sensitive to the feelings of others

17 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Be funny for yourself, not just for others – use humor to help get you through the day Find someone to help you decide what’s funny, what’s appropriate, what’s better left unsaid “Pay It Forward” -- Share your jokes, funny, stories, etc. –laughter is infectious Stretch the limits of propriety with those close to you Reward others’ attempts at humor

18 What’s It All About? Creating a relaxed atmosphere in which people (advisors, staff, students, parents et al.) feel comfortable.

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