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Peer and Co-worker Communication Chapter 11 “RELATIONAL CHALLENGES”

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1 Peer and Co-worker Communication Chapter 11 “RELATIONAL CHALLENGES”

2 Co-worker Communication Peer relationships can provide a source of intrinsic reward for the employee, can buffer job-related stress, and can reduce job dissatisfaction and turnover (Kram & Isabella, 1985)

3 Questions  Why is it in the organization’s best interest to foster co-worker relationships?  Are people more involved, satisfied, and participative in dyads as compared to groups?  How does physical space affect office relationships?  What contributes most to worker relationship development?

4 Overview  Nature of co-worker relationships  Strategies for developing work relationships  Factors influencing relationship development  Positive and negative consequences  Relationship issues in the workplace (case study)

5 Nature of Relationships in Organizations  Two Forms of Interpersonal Relationships Organizational - based on organizational structure Personal - choice & voluntariness Friendship is an ongoing human association voluntarily developed and privately negotiated Relationships are exponentially complex

6 Five Principles of Developing Work Relationships  #1 - Proxemics Affect Relationship Development Distance between ourselves and others More opportunities to interact Physical space affects office relationships (HOW?)  #2 - Relationship Communication Conveys Information and Imposes Behavior Two levels of messages: CONTENT and COMMAND Command defines the relationship between the two individuals

7 Five Principles of Developing Work Relationships  #3 - Relationships Can Be Symmetrical or Complementary Interpersonal Balance Symmetrical - both partners are equal in the relationship Complementary - based on maximization of differences (1 up/down)  #4 - Each Partner Has Different Interpersonal Needs Schutz’s FIRO-B Inclusion, Affection, and Control  #5 - Co-workers Can Have More Control of Each Other Than Can Supervisors Income of all is dependent on work of all Member-based control (concertive control, Chapter 5, p. 99)

8 Relationship Development  Three Patterns in co-worker relationships which result in changes in communication patterns Transition 1 - Acquaintance to Friend Caused by contextual (environmental factors) Time, close proximity, sharing tasks, socializing outside of work Transition 2 - Friend to Close Friend Driven by problems or events in both personal and work life More time outside of work and with each other’s families Discussion of more work-related problems (more open) Transition 3 - Close Friend to Almost Best Friend Socializing outside work and shared life events Trust and detailed discussion

9 Relationship Development: Three Critical Factors  The impact of proximity Telecommuting and “virtual offices” Assimilation issues  How superiors treat co-workers Undeserved, favorable, and differential treatment by supervisor causes dislike and mistrust of subordinate-- caution and isolation Undeserved, negative, and differential treatment by supervisor causes increased group cohesiveness and increased interaction -- more open and decrease in communication editing Deserved unfavorable treatment = distance from ‘problem employee’ Deserved favorable treatment = respect, approval, conduit to supervisor  Social Exchange Theory (Thibaut and Kelley, 1959) Maximum pleasure and minimum pain Predicts the likelihood that relationships will develop

10 Consequences of Work Relationships  Positive Consequences Support system - information and feedback Greater loyalty Fosters success Increases satisfaction and organizational identification  Negative Consequences - MISUSES commodity - political currency information retrieval - not ordinarily available co-dependency - can’t function independently against one’s own interest - opportunities for advancement Strains on Friendship and Work Relationships (Figure 11.1, p. 202)

11 Strains on Friendships and Work Relationship  Strains Caused by Work Egalitarian nature negated Management of information Need for autonomy Violation of consensus desires Negative feedback Public displays of friendship minimized  Strains Caused by Friendship Objectivity damaged Management of inequalities Socializing affecting performance Management of organizational information Friends held to a higher standard

12 Strengthening Work Relationships  Providing Positive Feedback Increased morale Fosters support  Mediate Conflict  Discuss Communication (metacommunication)

13 Developing Relationships at Work  Develop your closest friendships outside of work  Don’t start an intimate relationship at work unless you are prepared to cope with the consequences  Recognize that males and females will cope with friendships at work differently

14 Healthy Work Relationship Criteria  Individual excellence  Importance (of strategic objectives)  Interdependence  Investment  Information  Integration  Institutionalization (formal status)  Integrity

15 CASE STUDY  If you were Dave, what would you do?  What can Dave do in the future to prevent this type of thing from happening again?  How would you characterize Dave’s communication style? Steve’s Bob’s?

16 Summary  Nature of co-worker relationships  Strategies for developing work relationships  Factors influencing relationship development  Positive and negative consequences  Relationship issues in the workplace (case study)

17 Peer and Co-worker Communication Communication with peers at work creates a strong bond between the employee and organization!

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