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Social Communications Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

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1 Social Communications Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

2 Lesson Objectives  Learn general support strategies for people with social communication disorders  Understand how to better structure the workplace for success Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

3 General Support Strategies  Determine communication message of behavior  Teach it right the first time Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

4 General Support Strategies  Use visuals  Tell the employee what to do instead of what not to do Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

5 General Support Strategies  Provide models of what to say  Is there a way for the worker to ask for help/clarification/a break? Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

6 General Support Strategies  Identify how task will be motivating for the worker  Slow down  Give time to respond  Keep directions brief Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

7 General Support Strategies  Use work/break routines  Be specific: clear beginning, middle, end Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

8 Strategies for Organization  Provide daily individual schedule  Provide monthly or long-term schedule  Provide individual work system  Create schedules within schedules  Use lists Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

9 Strategies for Organization, cont.  Change physical structure of work area  Teach length of time  Adjust level of spoken language  Use shorter sentences for directions  Enhance oral directions with written information Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

10 Problem-Solving Strategies 1.Visuals 2.Coaching 3.Theory of Mind 4.Teachable moments/natural experiences Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

11 What Is Social Coaching? Supporting a person in the workplace by developing strategies to facilitate the worker’s: 1.Satisfaction (Value Matching) 2.Self-advocacy Skills 3.Social Skills 4.Communication Style Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

12 1. Satisfaction (Value Matching) Minnesota Work Adjustment Theory Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

13 Minnesota Work Adjustment Theory  Work skills matched with job requirements = Satisfactoriness  Work values matched with job reinforcers = Satisfaction Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

14 Minnesota Work Adjustment Theory, cont. Satisfactoriness + Satisfaction = Job Tenure  Too often we focus on satisfactoriness  We need to assess what a worker with social communication disorders values Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

15 Relation to Social Communication Disorders, cont.  We cannot assume what an individual values  From experience, job retention is significantly increased when a worker with social communication disorders’ values are addressed and met on the job Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

16 How to Assess Work Values  Direct Interview  Hobbies & Free Time  Ask Family  Observations of Behavior  O*Net Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

17 Self-Advocacy Skills  Asking for help  Saying “I don’t understand”  Requesting breaks  Worker Rights  Worker Responsibilities Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

18 Social Skills A critical part of social coaching… Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

19 Social Interaction on the Job  Temple Grandin is an individual with autism who has her Ph.D. in animal science  She defined the following Rule System to guide her social interactions and behaviors, especially on the job Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

20 Social Interaction  There are four categories in this system:  Really Bad Things  Courtesy Rules  Illegal but Not Bad  Sins of the System Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

21 1. 1.Really Bad Things Defined as things that are considered extremely bad by a culture and are almost always illegal Examples:  Stealing someone’s work  Hitting a co-worker Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

22 2. 2.Courtesy Rules These things are important because they make others around you at work feel comfortable Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

23 2. 2.Courtesy Rules, cont. Examples:  Cleaning up the lunch area after you finish eating  Letting a co-worker in a rush make copies before you Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

24 3. 3.Illegal But Not Bad These things technically violate a law, but are not considered bad by the culture. Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

25 3. 3.Illegal But Not Bad, cont. Examples:  Speeding when you are late for work  “Stealing” a paper clip from a co-worker’s desk Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

26 4. 4.Sins of the System These are the unwritten rules of the workplace that will lead to termination. Some of these rules may vary from work place to work place. This is a category that is difficult for workers with social communication disorders. Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

27 4. 4.Sins of the System, cont. There are many reasons why problems exist or can potentially affect the work setting. Examples:  Not asking a supervisor six times when it will be time to return from break.  Not discussing sexual issues with a co- worker. Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

28 Social Support Strategies  Social Stories  Rule Cards  Role-play/Rehearsal  Scripting  Peer Tutoring  Social Communication Groups Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

29 Social Skill Supports 1.Visuals The purpose of visual tools is to enhance the social skill process by making the most of a person’s ability to gain information from their sense of sight. As a result, some individuals are more likely to understand and interpret information. Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

30 Social Skill Supports Types of Workplace Visuals  Maps  Signs  Calendar/Schedules  Lists Make them user friendly! Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

31 Social Skill Supports, cont. 2.Social Stories This tool can be used to teach employees specific social skills or situations (e.g., asking for help, maintaining self-control) as well as a number of social and behavioral concepts (e.g., fire drills, making transitions). Social Stories are especially useful for employees with cognitive disabilities or those who process information visually. Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

32 Social Skill Supports, cont. Use Social Stories to address:  Asking for help  Being a team player  Taking “breaks” rules  Getting along with others Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

33 Social Skill Supports, cont. Use Social Stories to address:  Handling harassment  Maintaining self-control  Following directions  Open door policy Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

34 Social Skill Supports, cont. The three types of sentences that are best to use in Social Stories are:  Descriptive  Perspective  Directive Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

35 Social Skill Supports, cont. 3.Comic Strip Conversations A Comic Strip Conversation is a visual conversation between two or more people using simple illustrations in a comic strip format. Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

36 Social Skill Supports, cont. Comic Strip Conversations This visual tool uses stick figures and simple drawings with thought and speech bubbles to help illustrate what people are saying vs. what they might be thinking. This can help employees better understand feelings and intentions they can’t “see.” Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

37 Social Skill Supports, cont. 4.Mentoring  Formal vs. Informal  Mentor Selection  Mentor Training  Incentives & Follow-up Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

38 Social Skill Supports, cont. 5.Role Play  Specific text with instructor  Specific text with peer  Improvise entire interaction  Practice in natural environment Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

39 Fears on the Table Fears on the Table A “Time to Talk” Activity Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

40 Hiring people with disabilities makes good business sense!  Large, untapped labor pool  Lower turnover  Reduced recruiting costs  Fewer absences  Good performance  Good safety record  No impact on medical & insurance costs  An ethical, socially responsible thing to do Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

41 Biz Benefits  New Customer Niche Group  Increased Brand Loyalty  Improved Community Relations  Risk Reduction/ADA Compliance Support  Reduced Recruiting Costs  Reduced Training Costs  Reduced Turnover  Tax Credits  Other Incentives  Increased Diversity Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

42 Natural Supports Websites  VCU Rehabilitation Training & Support  Job Accommodation Network  Griffin Hammis Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

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