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Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland The LARIS lab Status and plans for the LARIS lab at CERN Presentation at the ISOLDE workshop 13.02.2007 at CERN.

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Presentation on theme: "Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland The LARIS lab Status and plans for the LARIS lab at CERN Presentation at the ISOLDE workshop 13.02.2007 at CERN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland The LARIS lab Status and plans for the LARIS lab at CERN Presentation at the ISOLDE workshop 13.02.2007 at CERN Abstract #9: “The LARIS lab” BERG, Lars-Erik (Royal Institute of Technology) FEDOSSEEV, Valentine (CERN) LAUNILA, Olli (Royal Institute of Technology) LINDROOS, Mats (CERN) LOSITO, Roberto (CERN) MARSH, Bruce (CERN) PAUCHARD, Thomas (Royal Institute of Technology) TRANSTRÖMER, Göran (Royal Institute of Technology) VANNESJÖ, Johanna (Royal Institute of Technology) ÖSTERDAHL, Fabian (Royal Institute of Technology) Funding: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

2 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland CERN, Meyrin

3 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland CERN, Meyrin (zoomed) Bldg. 252

4 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Location of the LARIS lab

5 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland LARIS lab Purpose of the lab: Main goal: To investigate new, more efficient ionization pathways for atoms in RILIS experiments. For this, autoionizing states of atoms need to be mapped out through laser spectroscopy. Secondary goals: Questions related to fundamental atomic spectroscopy, e.g. accurate determinations of atomic ionization potentials.

6 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Ionization schemes Below, some laser-ionization examples with low overall yield, where the final ionization step is non-resonant (low efficiency): 5 %3 %1 % From Köster et al. (2002)

7 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland LARIS lab Experimental method: Multi-step laser ionization spectroscopy on laser-ablated stable isotopes, using up to three simultaneously tunable 10 Hz solid-state lasers for the ionization. Sources: Smalley-type ablation source (rotating metal rod with pulsed valve); Effusive oven source. Detection: Time-of-flight mass spectrometer.

8 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Laser 1 Laser 1 (Continuum PowerLite 7010 + OPO Mirage) Tuning range: 720 - 920 nm (fund.), 360 - 460 nm (2  ) 532 nm, 10 Hz

9 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Laser 2 Laser 2 (Spectra Physics Quanta-Ray PRO 230-10 + MOPO HF) Tuning range: 450 - 690 nm (signal), 735 - 1680 nm (idler) 355 nm, 10 Hz MOPO-HF

10 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Nd:YAG 1 OPO 1 Nd:YAG 2 OPO 2 Nd:YAG 3 DC 3 kV Pulsed 32 V Wavelength meter Boxcar Integrator CEM (MS) LARIS lab with three tunable lasers 2  generators OPO 3 Auto-ionizing state IP 3 2 1

11 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland A Smalley-type ablation source with skimmer and TOF-MS with skimmer and TOF-MS From Doverstål et al. ‘USIP Report 93-11’, Stockholm University, Nov. 93 20 000 K in the plume

12 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland SU atomic beam apparatus (old design) TOF-MS Ablation chamber Ionization chamber From Doverstål et al. ‘USIP Report 93-11’, Stockholm University, Nov. 93

13 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland SU atomic beam apparatus (new design) TOF-MS Ablation chamber

14 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland LARIS atomic beam apparatus (to be constructed) Pump Carrier gas Ablation laser Rotating rod, pulsed valve assembly Bellow Gate valve Reflectron TOF-MS Extraction optics Ionizing laser beams Electrodes Optical spectrometer Optional laser beam Skimmer Fluorescence excitation laser

15 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland LARIS purchasing plan

16 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland LARIS status, FEB 2007 Laser 1: A new OPO crystal is under intallation. Operational in FEB 2007. Laser 2: Final tests performed. Fully operational now. Laser 3: Purchasing will start in OCT 2007. Optics and optomechanics purchasing completed, AUG 2006. Goggles and power meter purchasing completed, AUG 2006. Delay generators delivered, SEP 2006. Pump system delivered, DEC 2006. Ablation laser purchasing in progress. Operational JUN 2007. Wavemeter delivered, JAN 2007. Data collection system purchasing in progress. Transport of the SU atomic beam apparatus to CERN, DEC 2006. First ionization experiments with this system in JUL-SEP 2007. Construction of the new system will take place in parallel with these experiments. Expected operational in summer 2008. Mass spectrometer purchasing postponed. Restart OCT 2007. Oscilloscope purchasing postponed. Restart JAN 2008.

17 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland LARIS schedule Laser 1 Laser 2 Laser 3 Ionization chamber Ablation laser Ablation chamber Pump system Electronics Optics, optomechanics Goggles, power meter SU atomic beam app. Wavemeter Delay generators Oscilloscope Mass spectrometer LegendPurchasing Testing Operational 200620082007

18 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Responsibility assignment matrix A = Approving P = Performing R = Reporting

19 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland LARIS expenditure 2006

20 Olli Launila - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland LARIS expenditure 2006, continued

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