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In our original plan we proposed to start the construction of the squeezer in Cascina starting from 2015. The design study of the squeezer is almost completed.

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Presentation on theme: "In our original plan we proposed to start the construction of the squeezer in Cascina starting from 2015. The design study of the squeezer is almost completed."— Presentation transcript:

1 In our original plan we proposed to start the construction of the squeezer in Cascina starting from 2015. The design study of the squeezer is almost completed. The area (clean room) where the squeezer should be hosted is ready. The Pisa group could provide for an optical breadboard 1.2x2 meters for the squeezer assembling. Many subsytems of the squeezer are under construction Traget: First squeezed light (not optimized) within the end of the year 2015 Within a few months (presumably in March) we could start the integration of our first squeezer in Cascina. First AdV Squeezer Implementation

2 AEI set-up Need as soon as possible the AdV set-up (topology)

3 Attempt of time schedule (for discussion) MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberRest 2015 In cavity Green production Green MZ and MC IR MC Homodyne optomechanics Homodyne detection OPO PDHOPO squeezed light production MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberRest 2015 Peltier drivers (SHG & OPO) PZT drivers (OPO,SHG,MZ,MC) Digital PDH (MC, SHG,OPO) Digital rf sythesizer OPLL1OPLL2Coherent control & Homodyne Optics Electronics

4 Critical issues The main laser has not been purchased yet. The INFN found must be unlocked and the laser ordered. Need at least 2 months. The crystall currently available for the SHG are PPKTP. Short life time. Need to buy LiNbMg. The first version of the SHG will be made with PPKTP The delivery time for the PPKTP is several months. Need to be ordered as soon as possible Homodye detection: nobody is presently working at the optical set-up Currently there are no funds to purchase the laser for the OPO cavity length control

5 Questions Three different steps for the non linear crystal manufacturing, polishing and coating ? Dimension are frozen? Do we need superpolished PPKTP? Meniscus or standard mirrors for the SHG OPO cavity? Optical bench topology: design compatible with the geometrical constrains of the minitower (1.3x1.3 sqm)? Commercial or homemade EOM? Who work at the optical part of the Homodyne? Urgent actions (before to start the installation) Buy the main laser Buy the nonlinear crystals Working drawing of the optical bench Periodically report on the status of the experimental work in different lab

6 3456789101112 Plan

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