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Causes of Terrorism. Learning Intention: Over the next few blocks we will be learning about what causes terrorism.

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Presentation on theme: "Causes of Terrorism. Learning Intention: Over the next few blocks we will be learning about what causes terrorism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of Terrorism

2 Learning Intention: Over the next few blocks we will be learning about what causes terrorism.

3 There are various reasons behind what causes terrorism. A host of factors can overlap and become complex.

4 Nationalism There are other people around the world who live in countries or regions who want independence but feel they cannot achieve it peacefully. These people therefore decide to turn to violence and terrorism to try and achieve their nationalist goal. These people are also sometimes referred to as ‘separatists’.


6 Politics There are other countries that are run by dictatorships or corrupt governments. These oppressive governments make decisions that are not fair on the majority of people in a country and as there are no elections they are in power for many years.

7 Religion People who commit terrorist attacks in the name of their religion are referred to as ‘religious extremists’. Behind the 9/11 terrorist attack, and indeed many terrorist attacks of the last decade, were Islamic religious extremists

8 Depravation and Poverty Seeing the economic and social differences between themselves and the Western world can infuriate some in underdeveloped countries, increasing tension and hostility. This allows terrorist groups to gain attention and recruit in societies that have felt wronged by these perceived economic and social injustices

9 Task Read pages 105-106 of the Nat 5 World Powers and International Issues textbook and answer questions 1-7 on page 108. Take down the key terms in the green boxes on each page before you begin the questions.

10 N5 Exam Practice Qu Explain, in detail, the causes of a world issue you have studied. (8 marks) Remember: P:OINT E:XPLAIN E:XAMPLE

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