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Make your leadership in sports clubs and societies count ! Placement Learning Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Make your leadership in sports clubs and societies count ! Placement Learning Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make your leadership in sports clubs and societies count ! Placement Learning Unit

2 Aim: To uncover the skills that you can gain Objectives: Understand where this session fits into PLU services Understand what is expected by graduate employers Analyse your current skills Understand and connect the skills gained as part of Exec Be aware of extra recognition you can receive

3 What do Employers want? Good degree Good degree from good University Work Experience Work Experience achievements Personal achievements (Higher Education Achievement Record)Higher Education Achievement Record story A unique story to tell Targetjobs Skills & Competencies for graduates competenciesTargetjobs Skills & Competencies for graduates competencies Skills developed from my Degree ces.chpx?search=Personal+skills Skills developed from my Degree ces.chpx?search=Personal+skills Good vs Great Answers at-separates-a-good-answer-from-a-great-one/ Good vs Great Answers at-separates-a-good-answer-from-a-great-one/


5 What do you have to offer employers as a potential employee? Remember, “work experience” is experience for work, not just from work!

6 Employability Development Profile Exercise: 5 mins e.g. Rate your level of confidence How high a priority is it for you to improve this skill?

7 Exercise: 4 mins What am I doing here? Groups of 5 maximum Write a list of the kind of activities you think you will be involved in as a member of Exec

8 As an Exec or Leader you will: Recruit members Manage a budget, raise money Organise events Market the society or club Attend committees and strategic meetings Implement risk assessments and become aware of H&S Monitor and evaluate projects and events Offer advice and information Liaise with internal and external stakeholders Attend & deliver training ?... And many more

9 Exercise: 4-6 mins How do I get it done? Pairs/groups of 5 maximum Using the list of words provided write down a few statement on how you will go about the activities identified in the previous exercise

10 Exercise: 4-6 mins The skills I will use In your Groups (teams) Buzzers at the ready! From your statements on how you will get it done, Identify the skills (Hand-out available)

11 Student Careers & Skills Services Jobs & Careers Advice Careers Guidance Academic Skills Advice Academic Skills Advice Bursary to access unpaid work experience Bursary Work experience opportunities via University funded internshipsUniversity funded internships Informative Practical Workshops throughout the year Informative Practical Workshops Faculty Drop-Ins Work Experience Drop-Ins - Learning Grid, University House Mondays & Fridays 10am - 12pm, Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm (spring term) Contact:

12 Get Work Experience Get Work Experience One of the best ways to prepare for work! The Placement Learning Unit supports you in: employable graduates stand out from the crowd optimising your work experience to become employable graduates that ‘stand out from the crowd’ via: Goal setting Goal setting: identifying skills gap and ways to overcome them Reflection Reflection: understanding the skills and learning gained Learning Learning: linking the learning gained from work with studies Articulation Articulation: telling future employers about work-related achievements effectively

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