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IMA Evarsity Medicine is ever dynamic. Every minute a new invention either in Diagnostics or Therapeutics is hitting the wall. For every Medical men it.

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Presentation on theme: "IMA Evarsity Medicine is ever dynamic. Every minute a new invention either in Diagnostics or Therapeutics is hitting the wall. For every Medical men it."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMA Evarsity Medicine is ever dynamic. Every minute a new invention either in Diagnostics or Therapeutics is hitting the wall. For every Medical men it becomes imperative to keep abreast of these current developments in the Medicine Arena. In todays society with high expectations and Medical Literacy updating becomes essential.

2 How to update the Medical Knowledge ? Indian Medical Association meetings, Conferences, Documents, Internet are the Common resources for the Practicing Doctors. How many of us attend them ? How much we retain them ?.How much we apply in our day to day practice? Alternatively we can choose our area of Interest, apply and get selected for a Post Graduate Programme in a Medical college. What are the issues here ? Cost is primary, looks, Out of reach to the common man.

3 Secondary is absence from workplace. You have to leave the workplace for 2-3 years, go to a Medical College, undergo a course and successfully come out of a Competitive Exam. When you come back to practice it has already been taken over by your colleagues.Next how many of you will get selected?. Total UG seats in India are: 47,688 PG seats are 14,500 only you need to wait for years. In Developed Nations like USA, UG seats are 19,000 and PG seats are 32,000. Just the reverse. What is the way out? Choice will be an “online learning programme”. You learn and get trained at your workplace itself, get an university accredidated Fellowship,Diploma or Degree. You retain your practice and scaleup your knowledge and skills. This is the order of the Day.

4 Indian Medical Association (IMA) through its Academic wings, IMA College of General Practitioners, IMA Academy of specialties and IMA AKN Sinha institute of CME and Research has grown this Concept of “online learning “ over a decade and has how comeout with a New Concept of “ Blended Learning” ie mixing up Theory with practice, Knowledge with skill.

5 How the Concept works : Course have been developed as below: Certificate Courses -6 Months Fellowship Programme-12 Months PG Diploma Programme-24 Months Masters Programme-36 Months All courses have Curriculum, Syllabus, Logbook, Clinical Training etc:

6 Theoretical Components is imparted online. It is not only word format but is Lectures “ virtual class Room”. End of every lecture you can interact with Faculty. Online Assessment is also done. Skill component is vital for Medicine. The Healing touch and Training are not only sentimental but also scientific.

7 Clinical Rotation are given at Accredidated Hospitals within 100 KM of the Candidate’s workplace monthly Twice depending on the choice of the course. For candidates working in Institutions, Medical colleges, they can attach to their Accredidated Faculties in their institution and get skills training. Skills assessment is done at the end of the course face to face examination at a fixed Medical Centre. Two Partners have made their concept a reality. One is a Digital Partner with skill lab who digitize the Theoretical component, hosts and distributes to members through Desk tops, Mobiles and Tablet. Lot of High Tech is put in.

8 Medi RC Team at Hyderabad has undertaken this Herculean task and doing exemplary job. Second partner is an University, it is a state approved, UGC approved university in India, MLC university of Shillong.

9 All the course are accredited by MLCU. UGC Approved University affiliation is needed for legal safety of qualifications taken up by the Medical Professionals. Online learning has become routine in the developed world. In India too IGNOU is doing it. Many universities are planning it. Medical Council of India has suggested that atleast in some specialties of Medicine like Family Medicine,Distance Education has to be introduced. Soon MCI will start accrididating Distance Education Courses. Days are not for of All the Academic wings of IMA will Come under “IMA Evarsity” and offer online Education to the Medical Profession of India.

10 “Blended learning” with knowledge and skills is unique of our courses and will difinitely benefit Medical Profession not only in India but Globally too. Now Friends, you will all agree with this new concept of Post Graduate Medical Training and Education and get ready to adopt. This is the only way to meet the expectations of our patients and public which will openup the doors for a “Healthy India”

11 IMA Evarsity Structure IMA Evarsity - Vision : Empowering Global Family Physician - Mission : Upscaling knowledge and skills online Broad Principles: IMA must be the owner All Academe wings must jointly do Posts by Position and not Name.

12 IMA Constitution: 1. Memorandum : object (1) Says To pursue and administer Medical, Allied science in the different branches and to promote the improvement of Public Health and Medical Education. 2. Approvals: central working committee & central council already approved & launched at Rajahmundry. All are acceptable. Section 25 Charitable company is Best.

13 Positions : National President IMA - President Chairman - Patron of college Secretary - College Secretary Dean - Dean of studies Tresurere - From Secretary’s place

14 Directors : - National President - Secretary General, IMA - Secretary college - Secretary,AMS - Secretary, AKNSI - Dean, college - Chairman, AMS - Director, AKNSI - Patron of college Governing Board : Directors Others from four zones. Academic Board :; Two members for each subject.

15 Finances : Initial Expenses - Shared on wings Income : Course Income Share of wings will go to them. Wings will contributeol 10 % towards Administrative cost. Expenses Office maintainence Staff Communication Travel of officials Profit Course 25 % Income to wings as per their promotion 10 % for Administrive cost. 5 % for HQrs.. Accounts to FSC → CWC → CC.

16 IMA Evarsity will submit its reports through IMACGP to CWC and Central Council. IMA Evarsity will submit its Audited Accounts with FSC of IMA Head Quarters. Four types of courses will be Initiated: Certificate course- 6 months Fellowship course- one year Diploma course- Two year Master Degree- Three year

17 Specialties were listed: Family medicine Diabetes Emergency primary care Primary cardiac care Palliative care medicine Geriatrics medicine Primary care radiology Ultrasound Health care management

18 Academic Board was formulated with two Faculties for each specialty Affiliation of our courses with MLCU was initiated. Me and our IMACGP team visited shilling and concluded the agreement on 24 th March 2013 Lead organization will be IMACGP – Chennai. In future we can apply for Distance Education University with UGC after fulfilling all the criteria.

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