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United States Constitution

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1 United States Constitution
Amendments 1-27

2 Known as the Bill of Rights
Amendments 1-10 Known as the Bill of Rights

3 1st Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

4 1st Amendment We are granted Five Freedoms under this Amendment
Freedom of Speech Freedom of Press Freedom of Religion Right to Petition the government for redress Right to Assemble

5 Freedom of Speech

6 Freedom of Press

7 Freedom of Religion

8 Right to Petition the government

9 Freedom to Assemble

10 2nd Amendment

11 3rd Amendment

12 4th Amendment

13 5th Amendment

14 Ernesto Miranda was an eighth grade drop out with a criminal record and pronounced sexual fantasies.  On March 13, 1963, Phoenix police went to his home and arrested him for the kidnap and rape of a mildly retarded 18-year-old woman.  He was taken to a police station where a witness identified him. Two officers questioned him in "Interrogation Room No. 2" of the detective bureau. Two hours later, the officers emerged from the interrogation room with a written confession signed by Miranda.  The confession had a paragraph typed at the top which stated the confession was made "with full knowledge of my legal rights, understanding any statement I make may be used against me."

15 Ernesto Miranda After several other returns to prison on other charges, he was stabbed to death during an argument in a bar in 1976.  He was 34.  A suspect was arrested, but he chose to exercise his right to remain silent after being read his Miranda rights.  The suspect was released, and no one was ever charged with the murder.

16 Face Accuser/Bring Favorable Witnesses
6th Amendment Public Trial Lawyer Speedy Trial Jury of your peers Face Accuser/Bring Favorable Witnesses

17 7th Amendment Civil cases involving an amount greater than
Trial by jury is guaranteed Both sides can waive the jury and have a bench trial (just a judge decides the case)

18 8th Amendment Excessive Fines & Bail Cruel & Unusual Punishment

19 9th Amendment We have more rights than are specifically laid out in the Constitution

20 10th Amendment If power is not specifically granted to the Federal Government, or not denied by it, then it is given to the States and the people i.e. Schools, marriage, licenses, driving, work permits

21 What were the first 10 Amendments called again?

22 11th Amendment No State can be sued in Federal Court by a citizen from another state or a foreign government or citizen

23 12 Amendment Separate ballots are cast for the President and Vice-President by the Electoral College Vice-President must meet the same requirements as the President

24 Involuntarily servitude
13 Amendment Ended: Slavery Involuntarily servitude

25 14 Amendment Anyone born in the US is a citizen
No citizen shall have their rights taken away except by due process of the law Each citizen shall be treated equally by the government

26 15 Amendment The right to vote shall not be denied to any citizen based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude Sorry ladies no mention of gender here

27 Federal Government has the power to lay and collect taxes
16th Amendment Federal Government has the power to lay and collect taxes

28 17th Amendment Senators are now elected by the citizens of the State which they shall represent If there is a vacancy from the State, the Governor shall call for an election If the State Legislature gives the Governor the power, the Governor may appoint a temporary senator

29 18th Amendment Prohibition
Manufacturing, Distribution, and Consumption of all alcoholic beverages is prohibited Only amendment that is no longer an active amendment

30 19th Amendment Women are given the right to vote

31 20th Amendment Presidential and Vice-Presidential terms end at noon on 20 January Congressional terms end at noon on 3 January If the President elect dies prior to taking the oath, the Vice-President shall become President If there is no clear winner for the Office of President, the House of Representatives shall choose

32 21 Amendment Prohibition is repealed

33 22 Amendment The President can only serve 2 terms
Maximum number of years an individual can serve: 10

34 23 Amendment The District of Columbia is awarded three electoral votes in the presidential election

35 24th Amendment Elimination of the Poll Tax or any other requirements, other than those prescribed by law

36 25th Amendment The Vice President will become President if the President leaves office for any reason If the VP position is vacant the President will nominate, and both Houses will confirm If the President cannot fulfill his duties, he must notify the Senate Pro-tempore & the Speaker in writing. The VP will assume the duties, until the President sends another written letter to the same that he is able to resume the duties If the VP and a majority of the Executive Department Chairs feel the President is unable to perform his duties they must send a letter to the Pro-tempore and the Speaker stating so

37 26th Amendment Eighteen year olds have the right to vote

38 27th Amendment Congress can give itself a raise
Pay raise does not take place until after the next Congressional election

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