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Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V Digital Administration Tool - Preparing the law for digital administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V Digital Administration Tool - Preparing the law for digital administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V Digital Administration Tool - Preparing the law for digital administration - Danish Commerce and Companies Agency | Kampmannsgade 1 | DK 1780 Copenhagen V |

2 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V Pre-investigation of legislation Barriers in 17 % of the bills investigated 4 kinds of barriers found: Form requests – Presence demanded, paper or signature request Lack of legal basis for digitization Multiple sources - Determination demands Info from multiple sources Discretion - Determination is case specific, fx forced removal of a child Danish Commerce and Companies Agency | Kampmannsgade 1 | DK 1780 Copenhagen V |

3 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V Danish Commerce and Companies Agency | Kampmannsgade 1 | DK 1780 Copenhagen V | 45 % 38 % 14 % 2 % Removable 58 % Removable 100 % Assumed not to be removable 64 % Potential

4 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V Danish Commerce and Companies Agency | Kampmannsgade 1 | DK 1780 Copenhagen V |  Test tool - test off the formulation of the legislation  A barrier-scanner - identify sentences with high probability of containing barriers  Knowledge database - Info and best practice Aim To develop an electronic tool for legislators containing: Focus: Usability and simplicity!!! => incorporation in Word as a Wizard

5 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V The tool is implemented directly as an icon in Word

6 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V Introduction, explaining the aim and functions in the toll Already at this point, the user have access to the web-site connected to the tool. The website contains, best practice and additional information regarding digital administration.

7 The toll can be used on different types of legislation, also EU legislation. … Your can also chose to test only a part of the legislation.

8 The tool offers 2 different features to test the legislation A barrier-scanner, where a piece of advanced search-software identify sentences with high probability of containing barriers towards digital administration. A manual test tool, where the legislator identify the barriers for digital administration himself.

9 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V The legislative proposal is divided into paragraphs, so the formulation of each paragraph is tested one by one. The user marks the barriers that are relevant in the paragraph above The user can go online and read about the barriers or see examples from the knowledge base

10 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V The user chooses a solution:  Insert a comment and return to this barrier later on  Obtain the current formulation  Remove the barrier partly  Remove the barrier totally Here the user can type in comments. When the test is completed the comments are automatically implemented in the text.

11 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V The user write in his new formulation of the paragraf. When the test is completed the comments are automatically implemented in the text of the legislation. At this point the user again have access to best practice examples in the knowledge base

12 Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Kampmannsgade 1 - DK 1780 Copenhagen V The comments are automatically implemented in the text of the legislation. Changes in the formulation of the paragraph are automatically implemented in the text of the legislation. The test is completed!

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