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Presentation on theme: "HIDALGO COUNTY ASSET MAPPING AND STRATEGIC PLANNING PROJECT Asset Mapping Subcommittee Meeting 7-16-09."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda  Welcome and Overview  Update on Asset Mapping Data Collection  Working Lunch  Organization and Presentation of Data  Mexican Data Collection  One-one-one Interviews  Update on Project Schedule

3 Welcome and Overview Sofia Hernandez, Economic Development Director, Hidalgo County Judge’s Office

4 Project Background  Hidalgo County wants to strengthen competitive position within state, national, and global markets  Hidalgo County received a EDA grant to develop a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy  County put out Request for Proposals  UTPA awarded contract to develop:  1) asset map  2) comprehensive economic development strategy

5 Asset Map  Identifies assets a region has that can be leveraged for workforce and economic development  What assets (human, intellectual, financial, physical, institutional capital) do we have?  Where are the gaps?  Provides understanding of networks and attitudes  Provides baseline to judge future progress  Base for economic development strategic planning

6 CEDS  Presents a 5-year plan and goals and objectives necessary to solve the economic problems, or capitalize on the resources, of the region  Provides County’s leadership with an economic development strategy for improving the County’s overall competitive position

7 Michael Uhrbrock, UTPA, Project Manager Asset Mapping Update

8 Project Update  12 month project started in April 2009  Create Asset Map (April 2009 – September 2009)  Create CEDS (October 2009 – March 2010)  Asset Mapping Status  Project team created  Project scoping done  Committees created  Kickoff meeting held  Wiki created

9 Level 1 Asset Identification  Gather and review existing studies, reports, media stories, and economic development marketing materials for the county  Economic Studies and Reports compiled (  Conducted media story search  Marketing materials collected  Collect asset mapping data from data sources  Identified data to collect (subcommittee)  Collected data (75%). See progress spreadsheet.

10 Level 2 Evaluation of Assets  Continue collecting, analyzing, and evaluating data  Collecting remaining data  Reviewing data for completeness  Analyzing and evaluating data  Conduct one-on-one interviews to fill in gaps  Drafted survey questions

11 Working Lunch

12 Working Lunch Agenda  Organization and Presentation of Data  Mexican Data Collection  One-one-one Interviews

13 Organize and Present Data Brian Kelsey, President, Civic Analytics

14 Organization of Data  Wiki:  Organized under “Asset Map” on menu  By major area and sub areas Human Capital K-12 Education Systems Community Colleges Four Year Colleges/Universities  Includes data files, web links, and articles

15 Presentation of Data  What do we do with data?  How do we present it?  Maps  Charts  Tables

16 Human Capital

17 Financial Capital

18 Quality of Life

19 Physical Infrastructure

20 Cris Trevino, UTPA, Strategic Planner Mexico Data Collection

21 Items  Select geographic area to collect data on  Tamaulipas  Nuevo Leon  Review key data to be collected  Review timeframe  Assignments

22 Regional Geographic Area

23 Mexico Data Collection

24 Key Data to Collect  Demographics  Highways  Angel Investors and Venture Capital Firms  Medical-related manufacturing companies  Banks  Population  Airports  Industrial Parks  Universities  Industry Associations  Labor Force  Maquiladoras

25 Time Frame to Collect  6 weeks to gather information July-August 2009

26 Assignments  Who is going to gather what?  What format  Excel, Word, PDF, web links  To:  Sai Mullapudi,

27 Michael Uhrbrock, UTPA Project Manager One-on-One Interviews

28 Items  Survey  Review questions  Suggest persons to interview for areas  Business leaders  University leaders  Government officials  Venture Capitalist, Angel Investors, Bankers

29 Project Schedule Update

30 Schedule Update ACTIVITYSTARTEND Asset Mapping4/1/20099/30/2009 -Create Project Team 4/1/20094/17/2009 -Project Scoping and Goal Setting4/20/20094/30/2009 -Level 1 Asset Identification5/1/20096/30/2009 -Level 2 Evaluation of Assets7/1/2009 7/31/2009 -Level 3 Comprehensive Assessment of Health Care Industry8/1/20098/30/2009 -Review and Dissemination of Asset Map9/1/20099/30/2009 Strategic Plan10/1/20093/31/2010 - Review Asset Map Results and Visioning 10/1/2009 11/15/2009 - Goal and Objectives 1/1/20101/31/2010 -Action Plan 2/1/20102/28/2010 -Write Strategic Plan 3/1/20103/31/2010 - Presentation and Dissemination of Strategic Plan 3/31/2010

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