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Published byVirgil Harrison Modified over 9 years ago
______________________________________________ Presentation made by Julia Rogozina PRINCIPAL VIEWS ON REGULATION AND CONTROL IN FOREIGN TRADE ACTIVITIES SPHERE
Methods of the state regulation in the foreign trade activities: in the foreign trade activities: Tariff methods – are based on customs duties usage non tariff – all other methods quantitative methods of the latent protectionism Separate tools of state regulation in foreign trade activities are more often applied if it is necessary either to limit import, or to force export.
Administrative methods Administrative methods of regulation - the system of law-organizational and special measures: quantitative restrictions, distribution of quotas and licenses, the export control concerning certain kinds of the goods, an establishment of the state monopoly for export and (or) import of separate kinds of goods.
The international trading contracts The international trading contracts define the general ways of development of the economic relations between the states, establish the trade and the economic, political mode of the interaction, provide conditions of the mutual calculations, cooperation terms etc. Long-term agreements- 5-10 and more years - about trade and other forms of interaction can be fixed in the contracts. And also the conclusion of annual reports on the mutual deliveries of the goods practises. The agreements and reports, supplementing each other, promote the development of the steady mutually advantageous cooperation.
Customs formalities There is the customs code in their basis, confirmed by a legislature. The customs code is created according to a customs policy of the state. It defines the general problems and functions of customs bodies, an order of working out, the statement and use of tariffs, conditions of clearing of payment of duties, sanctions for infringement of customs rules, a grievance procedure. Customs formalities are one of the most effective methods of regulation of foreign trade activities.
Contingentiring and licensing Contingentiring export and import are the quantitative or cost restrictions of the export and the import, entered on a certain term on the separate goods and services, the countries and groups of the countries. Licensing is a system of Written permissions given out by state structures for export and import of the goods. Licensing is applied for the certain periods of time on the separate goods included in the list of production of nation-wide appointment. General licencesSingle licences
Antidumping procedures Antidumping procedures represent judicial and administrative trials of claims, which are shown by national businessmen against foreign suppliers, accusing them of sale of the goods for undercharges, which can cause a damage to local manufacturers of similar production. Authorities, courts are obliged to suspend movement of the goods accused of a dumping, and to understand on the substance of claims.
Price preferences Price preferences are established in a legislative order by some countries by definition of the minimum difference in the prices on which the goods and services of the importer should be below the prices of national manufacturers.
Technical procedures are established in a legislative order by the state organisations and represent a complex of actions for checking of conformity of imported production to requirements of the international and national standards, branch norms and technical instructions. One of technical barriers One of technical barriers is the requirement of certification of the production, the goods imported into the country, for putting them on trial in specialised laboratories on conformity of their properties to requirements of standards on technical, sanitary, technological, traditional indicators.
Import procedures Represent rules of carrying out the import operations at the state purchases. In many countries the buyer should hold the international auctions for the purpose of finding-out of the most favourable seller. Sometimes the licence is given to the buyer only in that case, if it has fulfilled requirements on realisation of counter export operations.
Operative regulation of foreign trade activities The government, the Ministry of external economic relations, the State customs committee can suspend operations of participants of foreign trade activities in case of statement of substandard production and the goods, defaults of obligatory export deliveries at simultaneous export of the similar goods to other forms, export under unreasonably low prices or import on overcharges, false information messages in advertising, the customs, currency-financial and registration documentation. The suspension of the external economic operations is applied both to domestic subjects of foreign trade activities, and to foreign, admitted legislation infringements.
While the countries win from the free international trade, the separate branches and groups of resource suppliers can appear among victims. It is easy to understand, why the groups of the businessmen occupied with corresponding manufacture, are trying to keep or improve the economic positions, convincing the government to enter tariffs or quotas for their protection against harmful influence of free trade. The effect of special interests or the concept about the behavior caused "a pursuit of the rent", - plays the important role. Why are duties and quotas applied in world practice, if it is known, what they interfere with free trade and thus reduce economic efficiency?
Tariff regulation Tariff regulation Tariff regulation is the form of state regulation of the foreign trade activities, applied with a view of import and export regulation, with which help the state realises the exclusive right to customs duties establishment to the goods moved through customs border of the Russian Federation. The main tool The main tool in foreign trade regulation is the usage of tariff regulation. Customs duties Customs duties are the most widespread tools of state regulation in the foreign trade, operating through the pricing mechanism. There are two basic functions of custom duties.
Basic functions of the custom duties protectionfiscal is connected with protection of national manufacturers. Collection of the customs duties from the import goods increases cost of the last at their realisation in country-importer home market and by that competitiveness of the similar goods made by the national industry and agriculture raises. provides income from collection of the customs duties in a profitable part of the country’s budget
Additional functions of customs duties Promote the development of national manufacture and export to a certain degree. Promote the development of national manufacture and export to a certain degree. The customs duties in some cases can be used for development of national export by an unilateral establishment low and even zero rates, concerning the separate goods, that are necessary for manufacturing of export production. The customs duties in some cases can be used for development of national export by an unilateral establishment low and even zero rates, concerning the separate goods, that are necessary for manufacturing of export production.
Customs-tariff measures -are the set of the organizational, economic, legal actions, carried out in the order, established by the legislation of the state structures and directed on the regulation of the foreign trade activity sphere. On the customs-tariff regulation it is based the customs duties application.customs duties application
The customs duties application represents the rate list of the customs duties applied to the goods, imported on the customs territory of the country (import customs duties) or taken out with it (export customs duties). The Customs duties application of the Russian Federation is systematized according to the Commodity nomenclature of foreign trade activities, based on the Harmonized system of the description and coding of the goods, operating on the basis of the international Convention since 1988. The customs duties application - the important tool of a commercial policy and the state regulation of the internal market of the country at its interaction with a foreign market.
There are various kinds of classification of the customs duties. The most widespread that is based on taxation - are allocated import, export, transit; on a way of collection - advalorous (it is raised in percentage of customs cost of the goods), specific (are raised in monetary units from certain quantity of the goods), combined (thus the duty pays off on advalorous and the specific rate, and that from two rates which gives the largest sum of the duty is applied). The classification of the customs duties.
Non tariff barriers - licensing system, creation of the unjustified quality standards of production and its safety or simply bureaucratic interdictions in customs procedures. With the usage of administrative (non tariff) barriers the market mechanism is broken, the assortment of the goods reduces, access possibilities to resources, and actually the choice of production or resources determines by the consumer in favour of the domestic in violent way.
The classifications of non tariff barriers are allocated among the international organizations: The UNCTAD and the United Nations. In the most general view it is possible to allocate following groups among not tariff methods: # the measures of direct restriction connected with the quantitative control, including following tools: quoting, quantitative restrictions, licensing, agreements on voluntary restrictions of export, antidumping duties, countervailing duties and gathering; # the measures of indirect restriction having non quantitative character among which it is possible to allocate two ways (direction) of influence: the set of measures of the foreign trade relations not directed on any restrictions, but their presence and action actually leads to it;the set of measures of the foreign trade relations not directed on any restrictions, but their presence and action actually leads to it the set of the financial measures regulating import-export streams.the set of the financial measures regulating import-export streams Non tariff barriers: the classifications.
The introduction of additional customs or other administrative formalities; absence of possibilities of application of a national treatment to foreign firms and businessmen (various tariffs at payment of cargo and passenger streams, the permission to moving of cargoes by foreigners only through certain ports and railway stations etc.) The set of measures of the foreign trade relations not directed on any restrictions, but their presence and action actually leads to it contains: The presence of certain standards (technical, including the quality standards, sanitary and veterinary norms, the requirement to packing, marks, delivery);
The set of the financial measures regulating import- export streams contains: Special rules of import payments Subsidising and export crediting Accumulation restrictions on the foreign currency Import deposits Delays of import payments Plural rates of exchange
The special place among non tariff methods is occupied by paratariff barriers. Paratariff barriers - a version of non tariff barriers, which increase cost of the imported goods over the customs duties (by certain percent or on certain size on a commodity unit) concern the given category of trading barriers: 1.The internal taxes and tax collections with which the imported goods are assessed (in the Russian Federation the value-added tax); 2.the various customs charges which do not have internal analogue (including gathering for customs registration, storage, customs support, and also an admission fee on import vehicles and other gathering), special taxes, the additional duties entered with a view of improvement of a financial position of the state or protection of national manufacture; 3.the customs estimation - an establishment of customs cost of the certain goods applied to calculation of the customs duties and gathering, administratively. Paratariff barriers
The World Trade Organization (WTO) aspires to limit as much as possible the usage of the non tariff barriers in the world trade. According to the item 111 of the General agreement under tariffs and trade: the taxation of the imported goods should be carried out on the terms of a national treatment. According to item XIII of the General agreement under tariffs and trade, the rules of the customs registration should not complicate foreign trade. It is recommended to prefer financial measures if it’s needed to use the non tariff barriers GATT/WTO. The tariff and non tariff methods of regulation make the basis of a protectionist policy of the state. The WTO views on the barriers
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