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COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Meeting with persons in charge of communication Brussels, 8 March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Meeting with persons in charge of communication Brussels, 8 March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Meeting with persons in charge of communication Brussels, 8 March 2010

2 CECOP communication activities:  Work quite recent  2010: full time communication officer  Different small initiatives since 2006

3 CECOP communication activities:  CECOP Link: = regular email system for members : internal mailing (not informative): consultations, calendar with activities, call for tender, information from the EU Commission and institutions which directly concerns our enterprises, etc.

4 CECOP communication activities:  We work on communication at the global level (CECOP and CICOPA)  Good level of integration and better coherence between both organisations through their communication activities

5 CECOP communication activities:  WEBSITE (CECOP & CICOPA)


7 CECOP communication activities:

8  WORK TOGETHER = The global information bulletin on cooperatives and worker-owned enterprises in industry, services and crafts = 2 issues (2009). One issue is in preparation (April 2010)


10 CECOP communication activities:  WORK TOGETHER = disseminate all over the world: international institutions or organisations (ICA, BIT, EU commission, trade unions, etc.) + to CICOPA members = Objective: 4 issues / year

11 CECOP communication activities:  PUBLICATIONS = Since 2009, CECOP = publishing house = 1 publication on cooperatives and social enterprises = A training series on the European institutions: 3 handbooks ready

12 CECOP communication activities:  PUBLICATIONS BEST PRACTICE MANUAL (2010): “At the heart of Europe: Cooperatives, territories and jobs” = 21 examples of cooperatives and consortia active in social inclusion and territorial cohesion, coming from 11 European Countries

13 CECOP communication activities:  PUBLICATIONS BEST PRACTICE MANUAL (2010) 1) Widening and enhancing the impact of the cooperative movement towards the European and National Institutions as well as the other EU networks and federations. 2) At the same time, it is an important tool for the cooperative movement itself to share the best examples of social inclusion in Europe and grow further.

14 COOPSPACE A unique tool for cooperatives Until now, it is only marginally that cooperatives involved in industry and services have been cooperating at the international level in the fields of common entrepreneurial projects, exchange of information and skills, joint application to international tenders, etc. We are among many who now want to change that, and to help in that process. CICOPA and CECOP CICOPA-Europe are collaborating in the design of a new website aimed to be an international instrument in the hands of the enterprises that are part of our European and world network. A French construction cooperative wishing to learn about an international public works tender in Germany may want to find construction cooperatives in Italy, Germany and Poland in order to establish a temporary consortium and apply for the tender. A new Polish cooperative established to manage a hospital could be interested in getting some technical and management know-how from one of the dozens of Italian cooperatives involved in hospital activities. A Spanish metal industry cooperative may have an interest in making a product in Brazil with a cooperative from Sao Paulo operating in the same sector. A Canadian cooperative in graphics could be interested to work together with an Argentinean consortium in the graphic industry. A Romanian cooperative producing garments could be interested in working together with a Shanghaiese one. A Japanese tour operator cooperative could be willing to contact some of the many tourism cooperatives in Europe to organise tours to Europe. The possibilities are endless. Under globalisation, and in times of crisis, the need for many cooperatives to reach out to the international network of enterprises, which we represent, is on the agenda. COOPSPACE is meant to help them do that.


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