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Is Beer as Healthy as Wine? Group 6 – Jo Ho, Karim Mohamed, Katrina Watson, Gina Vaz, Kelly Shum, Jodi Branton, Leah McManus, and Alisha Seller Special.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Beer as Healthy as Wine? Group 6 – Jo Ho, Karim Mohamed, Katrina Watson, Gina Vaz, Kelly Shum, Jodi Branton, Leah McManus, and Alisha Seller Special."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Beer as Healthy as Wine? Group 6 – Jo Ho, Karim Mohamed, Katrina Watson, Gina Vaz, Kelly Shum, Jodi Branton, Leah McManus, and Alisha Seller Special Thanks to: Rachel Syme and Gary Dobson

2 Why did we choose this article? Generational appeal Our age group consumes the most alcohol Topic interest Health effects of drinking Funding biases

3 Our Approach to and Analysis of the Article We read through the article as a group We attempted to separate the science from the sensationalism We examined each sentence to identify the scientific basis behind the claims made in the article We then formulated questions relating to the science in the article and subdivided these amongst the group members

4 The Topics Considered The following topics were considered relevant to our analysis: - Antioxidants - Polyphenols - Health benefits of wine - Scientific terminology gout and hormesis

5 Synopsis of the Article Beer is as healthy as wine Beer contains less polyphenols than wine Beer helps prevent disease Antioxidant effects of beer are greatest in moderation The only ill effect mentioned is gout

6 Antioxidants “One drink of beer or wine provides equivalent increases in plasma antioxidant activity”

7 What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are molecules that detoxify Reactive Oxygen Intermediates (ROIs) in the body by surrendering electrons

8 How antioxidants work Reactive Oxygen Intermediates = Free Radicals Free Radicals + Body Tissue  (oxidation) Cellular Damage  Cell Death or Mutation  Disease Free Radical + Antioxidant  Neutral Unreactive Complex

9 How antioxidants work Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is oxidized by free radicals  immune system cells recognize and engulf oxidized LDL  formation of atherosclerotic plaques in arterial wall Antioxidants prevent oxidation of LDL, not blood plasma - Therefore antioxidants help prevent atherosclerosis

10 Free radicals cause DNA damage  mutations or irreversible damage  cancer Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and therefore reduce risk of cancer How antioxidants work

11 Summary Free radicals are harmful because they oxidize body tissue This causes cell mutation, cell death, and disease

12 Polyphenols “Polyphenols, the compounds in plants that help prevent UV damage from the sun and make the plant cell wall strong, are believed to have antioxidant benefits when consumed by humans.”

13 Chemical structure A polyphenol is comprised of one or more aromatic rings bonded with hydroxyl groups. Some chemical structures: example of a catechin

14 Polyphenols and Wine Wine contains a variety of polyphenols. The type and concentration of polyphenols are dependent upon: - type of grapes - aging process - manufacturing process

15 Polyphenols and Beer The polyphenols in beer come from hops The type and concentration of polyphenols differ from those found in wine Therefore, it is not reasonable to compare beer to wine

16 “Study finds beer as healthy as wine.” Beer vs. Wine

17 Polyphenols The structure of polyphenols differ between beer and wine - Therefore, they would not exhibit the same health benefits

18 Summary Components of wine are never constant and change according to where it was made and the age of the wine Specific components (antioxidants) are beneficial, however, the concentration of each component is unknown

19 Gout “Specifically, they found that two or more beers a day more than doubles the risk of gout…”

20 What is gout? A form of inflammatory arthritis Affects the joints of the body Caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood Uric acid is the break down product of purines

21 Alcohol and Gout Beer contains purines Wine does not - Consumption of beer raises the risk of gout, but wine does not

22 Hormesis “…“hormesis” – small doses of a toxic substance can have beneficial effects, while a large amount is harmful.”

23 What is hormesis? The notion that small doses of a toxin can be healthful This term is most often applied to radiation

24 Alcohol and Hormesis Alcohol is not toxic in small quantities - Therefore alcohol is not considered a toxic substance

25 The Bottom Line Scientific Research - From inquisition to innovation With the media as a liaison What is lost in translation?

26 Antioxidants Article - Beer increases plasma antioxidant levels - Antioxidants decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease Science - Beer does increase antioxidant levels - Antioxidants work only in moderation

27 Polyphenols Article - Found in plants and have antioxidant benefits - Are a compound that adds strength to plant cell walls Science - Protect plants from pathogens - No information was found regarding cell wall strength and polyphenols

28 Health Benefits Article - Wine has 20x more polyphenols than beer - Wine is as healthy as beer Science - Polyphenol concentration is dependant on manufacturing process - Beer and wine are not equitable comparisons

29 Scientific Terminology Article - 2 beers doubles the risk of gout - Alcohol has an hormetic effect on health Science -1 beer increases the risk of gout by 2.5X - Hormesis is inappropriately used in conjunction with alcohol consumption

30 Conclusion Unless individuals begin reading more critically and journalists disseminate information more accurately, science in the popular media will continue to be….

31 ….Lost in Translation

32 Group 6 Kudos to: Rachel Syme and Gary Dobson Or better known as: Da Bomb Jr. Chari The Artist Prez Superman The Villain Giggles The Alcoholic

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