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Productive Activities within the SNA, the Mexican Experience United Nations Expert Group Muting on the Revision of the United Nations Trial International.

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Presentation on theme: "Productive Activities within the SNA, the Mexican Experience United Nations Expert Group Muting on the Revision of the United Nations Trial International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Productive Activities within the SNA, the Mexican Experience United Nations Expert Group Muting on the Revision of the United Nations Trial International Clasification of activities for the Fine Use Statistics (ICATUS) 11-13 june 2012. New York

2 The objective of this presentation is to do a briefly review of the evolution of the classifiers of Time Use in Mexico, with emphasis on the efforts to achieve a standarization at international level, particularly with regard to productive activities within the boundary of work. The information appearing in this presentation was taken from the working papers: “Clasificación Mexicana de Actividades de Uso del Tiempo CMAUT. Documento Metodológico”. Norma Saavedra Salinas. “Directrices y referentes conceptuales para armonizar las encuestas sobre uso del tiempo en América Latina y el Caribe”. Ma. Eugenia Gómez Luna. 1

3 Mexico carried out Time Use Surveys in 1996, 1998 and 2002, integrated to the National Survey of Income and Expenditure of the Household, which have allowed to obtain time-use information related to sociodemographic and occupation characteristics of household members, income, household expenses, and the characteristics of the housing they occupy. In 2009 it was carried out independently the National Survey of Time Use ENUT. 2

4 SURVEYOBJECTIVEINSTRUMENTCLASSIFIER National Survey on Working, Contributions and Time Use. 1996 Collect information on labor, time use of household members. Questionnaire with lists of activities. Did not cover 24 hours a day. List constructed for the survey. National Survey on Time Use. 1998 Obtain information to know how to use the time household members aged 8 and over. Dairy The day before the interview. List constructed for the survey. First effort of adaptation to the ICATUS. National Survey on Time Use. 2002 Generate information about on time spent in the week before the interview, to the activities of household members 12 years and over. Questionnaire The week before the interview. List constructed for the survey. Second effort of adaptation to the ICATUS. National Survey on Time Use. ENUT 2009 Generate statistics information on time use patterns of the mexican population, in order to assist the generation and evaluation of public policies. Questionnaire The week before the interview. Mexican Classification of Time Use (CMAUT). Following the guiding principles ICATUS. Main characteristics of mexican time use surveys What is important to note is that the first classifier as such used in the Mexican surveys was the CMAUT. 3

5 Born with the objective of having a classification that applies to ENUT 2009 and subsequent TU surveys. It taked as a starting point the ICATUS. Considered the importance of adapting ICATUS to national circunstances. The Mexican Classification of Activities of Time Use CMAUT 4

6 Governing criterion of the adaptation of CMAUT to ICATUS Respects the structure and organization of the ICATUS, who can distinguish between the productive and non productive activities, and within the first, the ones who are part of the SNA and the ones that are not within of this system, but yes in the general border of production. Use time activities ProductivesNon productives Formal sector Household Services Domestic Services Support for household members Services/support to other household/community Educational Social life Culture Sports Hobbies and games Use of mass media Personal care 5

7 Group levels in the CMAUT Main division Division Group Class 6

8 P roductive Activities within the SNA Differences ICATUS - CMAUT Unlike ICATUS 2005 which considered five main divisions, in the CMAUT for the work within the boundary of the NAS, it was determined one main division and a division for labor in structured sector and the household sector, at group level are presented the activities that correspond to the formal sector and the ones that corresponds to the households, depending on the characteristics of goods and services produced. CMAUTICATUS 2005 01 Work in the formal sector and the household 011 Work in formal sector and the household 0111 Work in the formal sector 0112 Primary production work in the household sector 0113 No primary production work in the household sector 0114 Construction work and greater repairs in household sector 01 Work in formal sector 02 Household. Primary production activities 03 Household. No primary production activities 04 Household. Construction activities 0115 Work in paid services delivery in the household sector 05 Household. Delivery services activities Main DivisionDivisionGroupsMain Division 7

9 Productive Activities within the SNA Differences ICATUS - CMAUT JOB SEARCH ICATUSCMAUT 012 Related activities in the structural sector 022 Related activities in activities of primary production 032 Related activities in activities of non primary production 042 Related activities in activities of construction 052 Related activities in activities of services 012 Job search and business creation. 8

10 Mexico has a National Survey of Occupation and Employment (ENOE) which is part of an Integrated System of Household Surveys whose philosophy is to ensure complementarity of the measurements made for each survey and avoid repeating the measurement of the same subject. The ENOE makes particular emphasis on the difference between work that is for the formal sector, and the one which takes place in the households. In countries like Mexico where informal economic units have an important weight, it doesn't be excluded that the job search also takes place in the household sector. Is very difficult for those seeking work, look for work in a business with a specific activity, or that the person may classify the activity business where he is looking for work. Aspects that support the differences CMAUT - ICATUS 9

11 In parallel way with the preparation of ENUT 2009 conceptual framework, based on CMAUT, in the frame of the Conference of the American States (CEA), Mexico participates in the work to achieve a standarized classifier of time use for América Latina and the Caribe, the CAUTAL. The guiding principle of the CAUTAL, is to consider the general boundary of production of the National Account System. Classifier of time use for America Latina and the Caribe (CAUTAL) 10

12 General Objectives of the CAUTAL Provide information with a gender approach on paid and unpaid work and personal activities of the population under study under unpaid domestic work and care done by women and men for their own home for the valuation of unpaid household work and satellite account and for the elaboration of indicators, highlighting gender equality indicators. 11

13 Criteria for gruoping of activities in CAUTAL Main division Boundaries of the production Border of the work Letters3 Division Main categories One digit9 Gruop Set of activities that have a purpose Two digits28 Subgruop Activities contributing to a purpose Three digits82 Class Specific activities Four digits29 12

14 Productive Activities within the SNA Comparison ICATUS-CAUTAL 1 Paid work1 Paid Work 11 work for corporations/quasi corporations, non-profit institutions and government (“formal sector” work) 12 Work for household in primary production activities 13 Work for household in non-primary production activities 14 Work for household in construction activities 15 Work for household providing services for income 16 Looking for work/setting up business 18 Travel related to paid work 1x Other activities related to paid work not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) 11 Paid work in companies and businesses 12 Paid work in government and institutions 13 Self-employment business market 14 Work for household consumption 141 In primary activities 142 Non primary activities 143 Activities of construction 144 Purchase of goods related with activities 141,142 and sale of products obtained from the same 145 Paid domestic service 140 Work in other producitive activities of household consumption 2 Activities related to paid work 21 Looking for work 22 Work transfer ICATUS 2012CAUTAL The gap between these classifiers at this point is greatly reduced with the proposed adjustments in the ICATUS 2012. 13 Main Division Division GroupSubGroup

15 Thank You!

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