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Presentation on theme: "SCHOOL FEE PAYMENT PROCEDURE"— Presentation transcript:

Task 1: To print your invoice for payment of school fees. Visit Type your Jamb number and your password to login to your profile

2 If you are yet to be enabled by your Faculty Officer your current school fee status will be as shown below:

3 If you have been cleared or enabled for payment of school fee by your faculty officer , the school fee links will be displayed on your dashboard as shown in the picture below: Task 2: Click View Invoice

4 Task 3: Click on Print Invoice.

5 Task 4: Print this page and proceed to POS designated terminals to make your payments. While making the payment, ensure that your Registration Number is correctly stated on the Slip given to you at the POS terminal.

6 Task 5: After 48hrs of making the payment, sign on to your student dashboard on the University portal and select MAKE PAYMENT Button .

7 Task 6: This is the stage where you will enter your POS Receipt detail to generate your School Fee receipt and other related documents. To do that: Enter the RRN Number on the POS slip without the leading 0’s. i.e. 81***** 5 instead of *****5, then select the session, level and click MAKE PAYMENT Button respectively.

8 INFO: Please note that if you entered a wrong RRN number the system will display the error message… “TRANSACTION (RRN) NUMBER ERROR”. But if you entered the RRN number correctly the system will also display the message ….”TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL”.


10 Task 7: Click Payment Button at the left corner of your homepage to view your transaction history. Since your payment is successful your transaction history would have been updated automatically.

11 Task 8: Click on PRINT RECEIPT to generate your school fee receipt.
Thank you.


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