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SPOTLIGHT ON HEALTH Health Ministry Department. What is atrial fibrillation (A-fib)? A-fib is when the upper part of our heart (atria) beats irregular.

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Presentation on theme: "SPOTLIGHT ON HEALTH Health Ministry Department. What is atrial fibrillation (A-fib)? A-fib is when the upper part of our heart (atria) beats irregular."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPOTLIGHT ON HEALTH Health Ministry Department

2 What is atrial fibrillation (A-fib)? A-fib is when the upper part of our heart (atria) beats irregular (fibrillation) than the rest of our heart. The heart is beating to the beat of a different drummer!


4 How prevalent is this condition? In the last two decades, the number of hospital admissions associated to A-fib has increased by 66% and the figures are expected to increase. A-fib is the new epidemic in cardiovascular disease!

5 What about age and gender?

6 Can A-fib be life threatening? Absolutely! The biggest danger from A-fib is stroke, increasing one’s risk up to six times more than the general population. In fact, an A-fib stroke is worse than other causes of stroke, resulting in 23% death rate and 44% neurologic damage!

7 Does A-fib have any symptoms? Although a small percentage of people don’t experience any symptoms, the following are a list of the most common.  Very tired  Light headed  Shortness of breath  Sweating  Chest pain  Legs swelling

8 How is A-fib diagnosed? Measurement of the peripheral pause, the radial (wrist) artery performed by a healthcare professional is currently the most recommended evidence-based screening tool for identifying A-fib in patients.

9 What are some causes of A-fib? tight clothing “…Circulation should not be hinder by tight clothing. Palpitation (irregular beats) of the heart is often the result.” MH p271 Increase risk of A-fib is directly associated NSAIDS with use of NSAIDS (pain killers).

10 What’s another cause of A-fib? Tea & coffee “[Tea & coffee] impart increase action to to the heart. The continued use is followed by palpitation (irregular beats) of the heart.” CDF p424

11 Can herbal medicine help? This review combined the results of 10 studies of hawthorn use. The analysis found that hawthorn … Strengthen heart contractions Increase blood flow Reduce irregular heartbeats

12 Can herbal medicine help? “The beating heart, the throbbing pulse is kept in order by the power of an ever-present God.” MH 417 “For in Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28

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