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Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Whether a research project costs $200 or $2 million, the same general process should be followed. ©
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research
Learning Outcomes Explain the concept and purpose of a marketing decision support system Define marketing research and explain its importance to marketing decision making Describe the steps involved in conducting a marketing research project 1 2 3
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research
Learning Outcomes 4 Discuss the profound impact of the Internet on marketing research Discuss the growing importance of scanner-based research Explain when marketing research should be conducted Explain the concept of competitive intelligence 5 6 7
Explain the concept and purpose of a marketing decision support system
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Marketing Decision Support Systems Explain the concept and purpose of a marketing decision support system Notes: Marketing decision making relies on accurate and timely information. Good information is used to maximize sales, to use scarce company resources efficiently, and to prepare and adjust marketing plans. The system most commonly used for gathering marketing information is called a marketing decision support system. 1
Marketing Decision Support Systems
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Marketing Decision Support Systems Interactive, flexible computerized information systems that enable managers to obtain and manipulate information as they make decisions Characteristics of a true DSS: Interactive Flexible Discovery Oriented Accessible 1
Marketing Decision Support Systems
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Marketing Decision Support Systems Database Marketing The creation of a large computerized file of customers’ and potential customers’ profiles and purchase patterns. Notes: The fastest-growing use of DSSs is for database marketing. It is usually the key tool for successful one-to-one marketing, which relies on very specific information about a market. 1
The Role of Marketing Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research The Role of Marketing Research Define marketing research and explain its importance to marketing decision making 2
The Role of Marketing Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research The Role of Marketing Research Marketing Research The process of planning, collecting, and analyzing data relevant to a marketing decision. Notes: Marketing research plays a key role in the marketing system. It provides data on the effectiveness of the marketing mix and insights for necessary changes. Marketing research is a main data source for management information systems and DSS. 2
Three Roles of Marketing Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Three Roles of Marketing Research 2-Diagnostic 3-Predictive 1-Descriptive Gathering and presenting factual statements Explaining data Address “what if” questions Notes: Marketing research has three roles: descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive. Descriptive: What is the historic sales trend in the industry? What are consumers’ attitudes toward a product? Diagnostic: What was the impact on sales after a change in the package design? Predictive: “What if questions,” such as how can descriptive and diagnostic research be used to predict the results of a planned marketing decision? 2
Market Research vs. Marketing Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Market Research vs. Marketing Research Market Research: Global information Marketing Research: In depth information on your customers and your products Products Goods Services Ideas
Steps in a Marketing Research Project
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Steps in a Marketing Research Project Describe the steps involved in conducting a marketing research project 3
Exhibit 9.1 The Marketing Research Process
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Exhibit 9.1 The Marketing Research Process 1 Collect Data Specify Sampling Procedure Plan Design/ Primary Data Define Problem Analyze Prepare/ Present Report Follow Up 2 3 4 5 6 Notes: Exhibit 9.1 traces the steps in the marketing research process. As changes occur in the firm’s external environment, marketing managers must decide on changes to the existing marketing mix. 7 © Cengage Learning Inc All Rights Reserved.
The Marketing Research Project
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research The Marketing Research Project Marketing Research Problem Marketing Research Objective Management Decision Problem Determining what information is needed and how that information can be obtained efficiently and effectively. The specific information needed to solve a marketing research problem; the objective should be to provide insightful decision-making information. A broad-based problem that uses marketing research in order for managers to take proper actions. 3 13
Sources of Secondary Data
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Sources of Secondary Data Government Agencies Trade and Industry Associations Business Periodicals News Media-Internet Internal Corporate Information Notes: Secondary data is data previously collected for any purpose other than the one at hand. 3
Advantages of Secondary Data
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Advantages of Secondary Data Saves time and money if on target Aids in determining direction for primary data collection Pinpoints the kinds of people to approach Serves as a comparison for other data Internet has aided in data collection 3
Disadvantages of Secondary Data
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Disadvantages of Secondary Data May not give adequate detailed information May not be on target with the research problem Quality/accuracy of data may be a problem 3
Marketing Research Aggregators
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Marketing Research Aggregators Databases: bigger, more comprehensive, easier to search Aggregators: acquire, catalog, reformat, segment, organize and resell reports published by marketing research firms Some major aggregators are: Salesman’s guide Notes: The marketing research aggregator industry is a $120 million business that is growing about 6 percent a year. 3
Planning the Research Design
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Planning the Research Design Which research questions must be answered? How and when will data be gathered? How will the data be analyzed? ? Notes: Research design specifies which research questions must be answered, how and when the data will be gathered, and how the data will be analyzed. 3
Primary Data Information collected for the first time
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Primary Data Information collected for the first time Used for solving the particular problem under investigation. Advantages: Answers a specific research question Data are current Source of data is known Secrecy can be maintained Disadvantages: Primary data can be very expensive Notes: The main advantage of primary data is that they will answer a specific research question that secondary data cannot answer. Primary data are current and the source of data is known. Moreover, the information is proprietary. 3
Survey Research Survey Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Survey Research Survey Research The most popular technique for gathering primary data, in which a researcher interacts with people to obtain facts, opinions, and attitudes. 3
Forms of Survey Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Forms of Survey Research Focus Groups Executive Interviews Mail Surveys Telephone Interviews Mall Intercept Interviews In-Home Interviews Notes: In-home personal interviews: Provide high-quality information, but are expensive because of travel time and mileage costs for the interviewer. Not a popular survey tool in the U.S. and Europe. Mall Intercept interviews: Conducted in shopping malls or in a marketing research office in the mall. Surveys must be brief. It is hard to get a representative sample of the population. However, probing is possible. Telephone interviews: Cost less and provide one of the best samples of any traditional survey procedure. Many facilities for telephone interviews utilize computer-assisted interviewing, where information is directly input into a computer application. The federal “Do Not Call” law does not apply to survey research. Mail Surveys: Benefits are the low cost, elimination of interviews, centralized control, and anonymity for respondents. However, mail questionnaires usually produce low response rates. Consequently, the resulting sample may not represent the surveyed population. However, mail panels, consisting of a sample of households recruited to participate for a given period, yield response rates of 70 percent. Executive interviews: Involves interviewing businesspeople at their offices regarding industrial products or services. This type of interviewing is expensive, due to the process of finding, qualifying, and interviewing respondents. Focus groups: A type of personal interviewing, characterized by seven to ten people gathered in a meeting place. The interaction provides group dynamics, with an interplay of responses yielding richer information than individual interviews. 3
Questionnaire Design Open-Ended Question Closed-Ended Scaled- Response
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Questionnaire Design Open-Ended Question Closed-Ended Scaled- Response An interview question that encourages an answer phrased in the respondent’s own words. An interview question that asks the respondent to make a selection from a limited list of responses. A closed-ended question designed to measure the intensity of a respondent’s answer. Notes: Questionnaires contain three basic types of questions: Open-ended questions Closed-ended questions Scaled-response questions. 3
Avoid leading questions Avoid two questions in one
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Questionnaire Design Clear and concise No ambiguous language Avoid leading questions Online Design a marketing questionnaire to post on your class Web site using the tools offered by Create Survey. Visit the demo polls on the site for ideas and tips. Avoid two questions in one 3
Observation Research Observation Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Observation Research Observation Research A research method that relies on four types of observation: people watching people people watching an activity machines watching people machines watching an activity Notes: Observation research is the systematic process of recording the behavioral patterns of people, objects, and occurrences without questioning them. 3
Observational Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Observational Research Mystery Shoppers Behavioral Targeting (BT) Researchers posing as customers who gather observational data about a store. A form of observation marketing research that uses data mining coupled with identifying Web surfers by the IP addresses. Notes: Two common forms of people-watching-people research are one-way mirror observations and mystery shoppers. Behavioral Targeting (BT) began by placing cookies on users’ browsers to track which Web sites they visited and ultimately match the user with ads they would most likely investigate. Now, BT combines a consumer’s online activity with psychographic and demographic profiles. 3 25
Non-Probability Samples
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Sampling Procedure Universe Sample Probability Samples Non-Probability Samples Notes: Once the researchers decide how to collect primary data, the next step is to select the sampling procedures being used. Not all possible users of a new product can be interviewed, therefore a firm must select a sample or a subset of the larger population. The population or universe must first be defined. Then it is determined if the sample must be representative of the population. If the answer is yes, a probability sample is needed. 3
Types of Samples (Exhibit 9.4)
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Types of Samples (Exhibit 9.4) Probability Samples Simple Random Sample Stratified Sample Cluster Sample Systematic Sample Non-Probability Samples Convenience Sample Judgment Sample Quota Sample Snowball Sample Notes: Exhibit 9.4 describes each of these types of probability and nonprobability samples. 3 27
Probability Sample Probability Sample Random Sample
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Probability Sample Probability Sample A sample in which every element in the population has a known statistical likelihood of being selected. Random Sample A type of probability sample: every element of the population has an equal chance of being selected. Notes: The most desirable feature of a probability sample is that statistical rules can be used to ensure that the sample represents the population. One type of probability sample is the random sample—where every element of the population has an equal chance of being selected as part of the sample. 3
Non-probability Samples
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Non-probability Samples Nonprobability Sample Any sample in which little or no attempt is made to get a representative cross-section of the population. Convenience Sample A type of non-probability sample: uses respondents who are convenient or readily accessible to the researcher. Notes: A nonprobability sample is a sample where little or no attempt is made to get a representative cross section of the population. A common form of nonprobability sample is the convenience sample, a selection of convenient respondents such as employees, relatives, or friends. Because of their lower cost, nonprobability samples are the basis of much marketing research. 3
Types of Errors Error when there is a difference Measurement
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Measurement Error Error when there is a difference between the information desired and the information provided by the process Sampling Error Error when a sample somehow does not represent the target population. Frame Error Error when a sample drawn from a population differs from the target population. Notes: Whenever a sample is used in marketing research, major types of errors may occur: measurement error and sampling error. Frame error arises if the sample drawn from a population differs from the target population. Random error occurs when the selected sample is an imperfect representation of the overall population. Random Error Error because the selected sample is an imperfect representation of the overall population. 3
Field Service Firms specialize in:
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Collecting the Data Field Service Firms specialize in: Focus group facilities Mall intercept locations Test product storage Kitchen facilities Notes: Most primary data is collected by marketing research field service firms. Field service firms conduct interviews, provide focus-group facilities, mall intercept locations, test product stores, and kitchen facilities to prepare test food products. 3
Analyzing the Data Cross- Tabulation
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Analyzing the Data Cross- Tabulation A method of analyzing data that lets the analyst look at the responses to one question in relation to the responses to one or more other questions. Notes: After data is collected, the next step is to analyze data. The purpose of data analysis is to interpret and draw conclusions from the collected data. Data is organized by one-way frequency counts, cross-tabulations, and more sophisticated statistical analysis. One-way frequency tables record the responses to a question. They provide a general picture of the study’s results. A cross-tabulation looks at the associations between certain responses, such as association between gender and product choice. 3
Preparing and Presenting the Report
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Preparing and Presenting the Report Concise statement of the research objectives Explanation of research design Summary of major findings Conclusion with recommendations Follow Up: Were recommendations useful/used? Notes: After data analysis is completed, the report is prepared, and conclusions and recommendations are communicated to management. The report should be tailored to the audience, beginning with a statement of research objectives, followed by a brief explanation of the research design. A summary of major findings is next, followed by a conclusion with recommendations. 3
Discuss the profound impact of the Internet on marketing research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research The Profound Impact of the Internet On Marketing Research Discuss the profound impact of the Internet on marketing research 4
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research
Impact of the Internet Under appropriate conditions, can represent the entire population Has replaced computer-assisted telephone interviewing Rated as having the greatest potential for further growth Notes: More than 90 percent of America’s marketing research companies conduct some form of online research. The reasons for its success are shown on this slide. 4
Advantages of Internet Surveys
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Advantages of Internet Surveys Contact with the hard-to-reach Improved respondent participation Personalized questions and data Reduced costs Rapid development, Real-time reporting Notes: Rapid development, real-time reporting: Survey results can be tabulated and broadcast in a much shorter time frame. Reduced costs: Costs can be cut by 25 to 40 percent and results provided in half the time required for traditional telephone surveys. Personalized questions and data: Personalization allows relevance to each respondent’s own situation, thus speeding the response process. Improved respondent participation: Internet surveys take half as much time to complete as phone interviews and can be accomplished at the respondent’s convenience. Contact with the hard-to-reach: Doctors, management, and high-income professionals are among the most surveyed and the most difficult to reach. Many of these groups are well represented online. 4
Uses of the Internet by Marketing Researchers
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Uses of the Internet by Marketing Researchers Other marketing research: Web Communities, Text Messages, Blogs Conduct focus groups Administer surveys 4
Methods of Collecting Online Surveys
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Methods of Collecting Online Surveys Web Survey Systems Survey Design and Web Hosting Sites Online Panel Providers 4
Process for Online Focus Groups
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Process for Online Focus Groups Build a database of respondents via Web site screening questionnaire Identify qualified individuals via Develop a discussion guide Moderator runs group by typing in questions online for all to see Environment is similar to a chat room Firm captures the text of the focus group 4
Advantages of Online Focus Groups
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Advantages of Online Focus Groups Better participation rates Cost-effectiveness Broad geographic scope Accessibility Honesty Notes: Better participation rates: conducted over the course of days, participants less likely to pull out. Cost-effectiveness: face-to-face groups incur costs for facility rental, airfare, hotel, food, etc. Broad geographic scope: time is flexible online, providing a world-wide respondent pool. Accessibility: give access to participants who might otherwise be difficult to recruit. Honesty: anonymity makes respondents tend to talk more freely. 4
Web Community Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Web Community Research A carefully selected group of consumers who agree to participate in an ongoing dialogue with a particular corporation. Web communities: Engage customers Achieve customer-derived innovations Establish brand advocates Offer real-time results Notes: Additionally, Web communities help companies create a customer-focused organization by putting employees into direct contact with consumers, as well as providing cost effective, flexible research. 4
Role of Consumer-Generated Media in Marketing Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Role of Consumer-Generated Media in Marketing Research Media that consumers generate themselves and share with others Not controlled by marketers CGM comes from various sources: blogs, message boards, review sites, podcasts CGM is trusted more than traditional advertising Notes: Consumer-generated media (CGM) Is that media that consumers generate themselves and share among themselves. 4
Discuss the growing importance of scanner-based research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Scanner-Based Research Discuss the growing importance of scanner-based research 5
Scanner-Based Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research A system for gathering information from one group by continuously monitoring the advertising, promotion, and pricing they are exposed to and the things they buy. BehaviorScan InfoScan Notes: Scanner-based research is used for gathering information by monitoring the marketing mix and purchase behavior of a single group of respondents. The two major scanner-based suppliers are Information Resources, Inc. and the A.C. Nielson Company. IRI’s first product is called BehaviorScan, which uses assigned ID cards to track grocery and drugstore purchases of household panel participants. InfoScan is IRI’s tracking service for consumer goods. Data are collected weekly from more than 70,000 supermarkets, drugstores, and mass merchandisers. Research program that tracks the purchases of 3,000 households through store scanners in each research market Sales-tracking service for the consumer packaged-goods industry 5
Scanner-Based Research
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Scanner-Based Research Behavior Scan Allows marketers to manipulate marketing variables, such as television advertising or promotions. Also, to introduce a new product and analyze real changes in consumer buying behavior. Info Scan Retail sales, detailed consumer purchasing information (including customer loyalty and total expenditures), and promotional activity by manufacturers and retailers are monitored and evaluated for all bar-coded products. Data collected weekly from more than 70,000 supermarkets, drugstores & mass merchandisers 5
Explain when marketing research should be conducted
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research When to Conduct Marketing Research Explain when marketing research should be conducted 6
When Should Marketing Research Be Conducted?
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research When Should Marketing Research Be Conducted? Depends on managers’ perceptions of its quality, price, and timing When the expected value of research information exceeds the cost of generating the information 6
of competitive intelligence
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Competitive Intelligence Explain the concept of competitive intelligence 7
Competitive Intelligence
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Competitive Intelligence Competitive Intelligence (CI) An intelligence system that helps managers assess their competition and vendors in order to become more efficient and effective competitors. Notes: Specifically, competitive intelligence can help identify the advantage and play a major role in determining how it is achieved. 7
Sources of Competitive Intelligence
Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research Sources of Competitive Intelligence Internet Company Salespeople Industry Experts CI Consultants Government Agencies UCC Filings Suppliers Periodicals Yellow Pages Trade Shows 7
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