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Shopping for Food EnglishP.4 Author List b Information Collecting b Content Writing b Graphic Designing b Presentation b Tina and Cynthia.

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Presentation on theme: "Shopping for Food EnglishP.4 Author List b Information Collecting b Content Writing b Graphic Designing b Presentation b Tina and Cynthia."— Presentation transcript:


2 Shopping for Food EnglishP.4

3 Author List b Information Collecting b Content Writing b Graphic Designing b Presentation b Tina and Cynthia

4 In this unit, you will learn... b the noun phrase to refer to quantity/units b how to express needs b to ask ‘How’ questions to find out prices b the dialogues in shopping b to buy something with a given budget

5 Background of the student b Level:P.4 b Grade:average b Attitude:energetic, responsive

6 What are they? Can you name them ?

7 How to describe them? (a packet of, a tin of, a carton of, a bottle of)

8 Answers b A packet of biscuits b A packet of potato chips

9 Answers b A tin of coke b A tin of soup b A tin of tuna fish b A tin of sausages

10 Answers Answers b A carton of milk b A carton of apple juice

11 Answers b A bottle of water

12 John and Paul are buying food for picnic in a supermarket.

13 They are talking about what to buy. b John: I want some sausages. b Paul: Let’s buy a tin of sausages.

14 b John: I want some apple juice. b Paul: Let’s buy a carton of apple juice.

15 b Paul: I want some potato chips. b John: Let’s buy a packet of potato chips.

16 b Paul: I want some biscuits. b John: Let’s buy a packet of biscuits.

17 b Paul: I want some tuna fish. b John: Let’s buy a tin of tuna fish.

18 Before going to the cashier, b Paul: Do we have enough money? b John: Let’s check.

19 b Paul: How much is a tin of sausages? b John: It’s nine dollars eighty. $ 9.80

20 b Paul: How much is a carton of apple juice? b John: It’s eighteen dollars sixty. $18.60

21 b Paul: How much is a packet of potato chips? b John: It’s six dollars seventy. $6.70

22 b Paul: How much is a packet of biscuits? b John: It’s thirty dollars forty. $13.40

23 b Paul: How much is a tin of tuna fish? b John: It’s eleven dollars and fifty. $11.50

24 Do they have enough money? b Paul: We need sixty dollars. b John: I’ve got one hundred dollars. b Paul: Let’s go to the cashier.

25 b Now practise the conversation with your partner.

26 Practice 1 b A: I want some _________________. b B: Let’s buy a ________ of________. b A: How much is ________________? b B: It’s _________________________.

27 After going to the supermarket, John and Paul go to the market to buy some apples.

28 What do they say? b (J=JohnP=Paul S=Shopkeeper) b J: Excuse me. Can you help me, please? b S: Certainly. b P: How much is an apple? b S: It’s two dollars twenty. b J: Can I have four, please? b S: Here you are. That’s eight dollars eighty. b P: Here is ten dollars. b S: Here is your change. b J: Thank you very much. b S: You’re welcome.

29 b Now practise the conversation with your partner.

30 Student A b With the price list, act as the shopkeeper. b Tell Student B how much each thing is.

31 Student B b Check out the price with the shopkeeper. b You have fifty dollars. What do you want to buy?

32 b Coke

33 b Soup

34 b Biscuit

35 b Water

36 b Milk

37 b Potato Chips

38 b Apple juice

39 b Tuna fish

40 b sausages

41 Price list for the shopkeeper Apple $2.20 Orange $2.40 Potato Chips $11.20 Biscuits $14.50 Milk $4.80

42 Shopping List for customer

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