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Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust Steven E. Ankerstar, MBA CEO/Founder, Afterburner Financial, LLC. Private Wealth Manager

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Presentation on theme: "Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust Steven E. Ankerstar, MBA CEO/Founder, Afterburner Financial, LLC. Private Wealth Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust Steven E. Ankerstar, MBA CEO/Founder, Afterburner Financial, LLC. Private Wealth Manager Email: Cell: (512) 937-6750 (call or text) DISCLAIMER: Afterburner Financial, LLC is a registered investment advisory firm in the state of Texas that specializes in fee-only financial planning and fee-only wealth management. Mr. Ankerstar holds a Series 65 license with FINRA. More disclosure information is available at This presentation is published with the understanding that the publisher is providing generic financial education only. Since each individual's situation is unique, your specific situation should be reviewed by a qualified professional before making tax, legal or investment decisions. The information provided in this presentation is neither comprehensive nor appropriate for every individual. You are strongly cautioned to verify any information before using it for any personal, financial or business purpose. Do not rely solely on what you find here for making investment decisions. Nothing in this presentation is an endorsement of any products or securities. All investments involve risk. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Financial Wellness Reducing Stress Through Understanding Money!

2 Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust REDUCE STRESS through education and awareness This is a product of concepts I have learned—no formal process Topics for today: What is wealth? What is money? How we use money How to make money How money makes money What true wealth really is BOTTOM LINE: Understanding your finances can reduce stress! Today’s Purpose

3 Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust Private Wealth Manager? Do I need one? Ha—you ARE your own! True wealth is a combination of three things First – Self-worth You have to be right with yourself Never stop working on you; put yourself first! Second – Network Starts with family and works outward You become like those you surround yourself with—choose wisely Third – Net worth The sum total of all financial resources at your disposal What is wealth?

4 Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust “Money is a social construct” – Cullen Roche Forms of money Cash / coins Most money is electronic Euro? Peso? Dinar? Bitcoin? Purpose of money (not to give couples something to argue about) Facilitate the exchange of good/services; provide for one’s self or family Exert good will / charity / influence / affluence / power (good and/or bad) We all use it multiple times a day, but no formal education is required What is money?

5 Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust Consume it Each of us have a “burn rate” – money we need to spend to exist Largely driven by your chosen quality of life—be careful not to inflate Save it 10% used to be enough; 15% is a much better number to reduce stress Goal is to have 3 – 6 months of salary in a safe area for emergency use Invest it 401(k), 503(b) (up to $18K/yr); IRAs (up to $5.5K/yr); real estate, etc. Start a business or entrepreneurial adventure LESSON: It’s not what you make, but what you keep that builds wealth How we use money

6 Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust What was your first job? High school prepares you for this—to be a productive member of society My supervisor makes way more than I do! And so does the Shift Manager And so does the Manager Who does the Manager work for anyway? I’ve never seen the owner! Tech school teaches a trade; College prepares you to get a job The real money is made through ownership and appreciation Start your own business—not taught widely but gaining traction If only there was a way to buy into an existing business as a part owner!? How to make money

7 Saving – Compound interest over time “Eighth wonder of the world” – Albert Einstein This chart says it all – start young, sit back, get rich Easy in theory, but very difficult to execute Life can get in the way… Investing – The allocation of capital with the expectation of gain, but the potential for loss Gambling is the opposite—don’t do that Compound interest on steroids; 10% annually means your money doubles every 7.2 years — “Rule of 72” Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust How money makes money

8 Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust Develop a Self-worth that is unaffected by anyone else We’ve all met these people; they are unstoppable Nothing else matters if you are not right with yourself Build a Network of unwavering support The family around you is inherited; choose/develop your line Choose wisely who you surround yourself with; be selective Diligently cultivate an ever-increasing Net worth Acquire the financial resources that reduce stress/enable life Trade time/energy now to free up your time later on in life Start small. Start today. What are you waiting for? What true wealth really is

9 Hard Work ~ Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Trust Steven E. Ankerstar, MBA CEO/Founder, Afterburner Financial, LLC. Private Wealth Manager Email: Cell: (512) 937-6750 (call or text) Questions? Financial Wellness Reducing Stress Through Understanding Money!

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