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MATHEMATICS ADOPTION TOOLKIT A Data-Driven Review of Instructional Materials CCSESA California County Superintendents Educational Services Association.

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Presentation on theme: "MATHEMATICS ADOPTION TOOLKIT A Data-Driven Review of Instructional Materials CCSESA California County Superintendents Educational Services Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATHEMATICS ADOPTION TOOLKIT A Data-Driven Review of Instructional Materials CCSESA California County Superintendents Educational Services Association Curriculum & Instruction Steering Committee

2 MATHEMATICS ADOPTION TOOLKIT As a state, are we ready for 2014? As a district, are you ready for 2014? Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA This adoption must support ALL STUDENTS achieving proficiency by 2014 !!!

3 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA California Adoption Process CA Mathematics Framework - Chapter 10 Instructional Advisory Materials Panel Curriculum Commission - Math Subcommittee Curriculum Commission State Board of Education Instructional Materials Funds

4 Discussion: Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Share past experiences or stories you have heard from others who were on a textbook adoption committee.

5 Discussion: Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA What are your hopes for an adoption committee? What will they need to make a decision?

6 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA A process for: Reviewing mathematics programs. Using data to identify needs. Matching district needs with materials. Supporting an informed and objective recommendation. MATHEMATICS ADOPTION TOOLKIT

7 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA MATHEMATICS ADOPTION TOOLKIT Section #1: District Lens Section #3: Program Components Section #4: Further Comparison Resources Section #2: Standards Sampling Facilitator’s Guide Section #5: Making a Decision Introduction

8 MATHEMATICS ADOPTION TOOLKIT Toolkit is organized around: What do you want students to know? How will students come to “know it”? How will you make sure ALL students “know it”? How will you know if your students “know it”? Mathematics Content Assessment Universal Access Instructional Program

9 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA An Introduction to the Toolkit When purchasing … a new car or … a mathematics program, you want to make the “best” choice.

10 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Whether … a new car or … a new math program It must be an informed choice. It is a long term investment. It must match your needs. Introduction

11 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA 20072014 $40 K $20 K $10 K 2007 2014 50% 100% 0% … a car decreases in value..a mathematics program must increase student performance. Over time… Introduction

12 Base Model 4-wheel drive 35 mpg 0-60 in 20 minutes 4 airbags roll bar Options Moon roof GPS Front seat warmers Base Model 50 mpg 2 front and 2 door airbags Options MP3 player Blue tooth Base Model 5 doors 4 wheel drive 7 seats Back seat folds down Air conditioning 23 mpg Options DVD player individual heat controls Sun roof Great number of choices and options. Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Introduction

13 State Board Approved BASIC Programs: 1. CA Course 1, Course 2, Algebra I, CGP, Grades 5 - 8 2. Algebra Connections, CPM, Grade 8 3.Glencoe CA Math & Algebra I, Grades 6-8 4.Harcourt, CA HSP Math, Grades K - 6 5. Holt, CA Mathematics, Course 1, 2, Algebra I, 6 -8 6.Houghton Mifflin CA Math, Grades K - 6 7.Key Curriculum, Discovering Algebra, Grade 8 8. Kinetic Books, Algebra I, Grade 8 9. Macmillan / McGraw Hill Math, 2009 Grades K-6 10. Marshall Cavendish, Early Bird Kindergarten Math, Grade K 11. Marshall Cavendish, Primary Mathematics, Grades 1 - 5 12. McDougal Littell, CA Pre-Algebra & Algebra I, Grades 7-8 13. McDougall Littell, Course 1, Course 2, Algebra Grades 6-8 14. McDougal Littell CA Structure & Methods, Grades 6-8 15. Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley enVision Math, Grades K-6 16. Prentice Hall Mathematics CA, Grades 6-8 17. Pearson Prentice Hall CA, Algebra I, Grade 8 18. Progress in Mathematics c2008, Sadlier Oxford, Grades K-6 19. Saxon Math CA, Grades K - 6 20. SRA Real Math, SRA-McGraw Hill, Grades K-6 21. TPS, CA State Standards Aligned Program, K-3 22 Wright Group, Everyday Mathematics, Grades K-6 Introduction Way to Go Mathematics 12 ÷ 3 = 4

14 INTERVENTION Mathematics 12 ÷ 3 = 4 State Board Approved INTERVENTION Programs Grades 4-7: 1. Compass Learning, Inc Odyssey Focus Math, 2.Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, California Math Triumphs, 3.Harcourt School Publishers, California Fast Forward Math, 4.iLearn Inc., iPASS Math Intervention, 5.Kaplan K-12 Learning Services, Momentum Math, 6.Riverdeep Inc., Destination Math California Intervention, 7.SRA McGraw-Hill, SRA Number Words, 8.Wright Group / McGraw Hill, Pinpoint, Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Introduction

15 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA ALGEBRA READINESS A / B = C State Board Approved ALGEBRA READINESS Programs : 1.America’s Choice, Ramp-Up Algebra, 2.Compass Learning, Odyssey Focus Math: Algebra Readiness, 3.Glencoe/McGraw Hill, CA Algebra Readiness: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving 4.Holt Rinehart & Winston, Holt CA Algebra Readiness, 5.iLearn, Inc., iPass Algebra Readiness, 6.JRL, I Can Learn Fundamentals of Math, Algebra, Pre-Algebra, and Geometry, 7.McDougal Littell Algebra Readiness 8.Mind Institute, Algebra Readiness, 9.Prentice Hall Mathematics CA Algebra Readiness 10.Pearson, Connecting to Algebra for Algebra Readiness, 11.UCLA Mathematics Department, Introduction to Algebra, Introduction

16 There are an overwhelming number of choices !!! Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA ADDITION Textbook ADDITION Help you out math You can do it math Introduction

17 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Curriculum Commission Recommended BASIC Programs: 1. * 2. * 3.* 4.* 5.K-6, Brand A 6.* 5. K-6, Brand B 6. * 7. * 8. K-6, Brand C 9. K, Brand D (part 1) 10. 1-5, Brand D (part 2) 11. * 12.* 13.* 14.K-6, Brand E 15.* 16.K-6, Brand F 17.K-6, Brand G 18.K-6, Brand H 19.K-3, Brand I 20.K-6, Brand J Number of K-6 programs Introduction Way to Go Mathematics 12 ÷ 3 = 4

18 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA here there The Toolkit is a roadmap for making a choice. Section #1: District Lens Section #2: Standards Sampling Section #4: Further Comparison Section #5: Make a Decision Section #3: Program Components Section #5: Make a Decision Section #5: Make a Decision Section #6: Implementation

19 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Adoption Process Options Introduction Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Section #6: Implementation Section #1: District Lens

20 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Adoption Process Options Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Section #2: Standards Sampling Section #6: Implementation Section #5: Make a Decision Section #1: District Lens Introduction

21 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Adoption Process Options Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Section #3: Program Components Section #2: Standards Sampling Section #6: Implementation Section #5: Make a Decision Section #1: District Lens Introduction

22 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Adoption Process Options Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Section #4: Further Comparison Section #6: Implementation Section #5: Make a Decision Section #1: District Lens Introduction

23 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Adoption Process Options Section #3: Program Components Section #4: Further Comparison Section #2: Standards Sampling Section #6: Implementation Section #5: Make a Decision Section #1: District Lens Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Introduction

24 Determining the District Lens What are your district needs for: Students and teachers? Content? Assessment? Instructional program? Universal access? Mathematics Adoption Toolkit Section One Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

25 Section 1: Developing the District Lens What progress has your district made toward framework goals?

26 You’re going to buy a new car. What do you need to think about before purchasing? Section 1: Developing the District Lens Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

27 What choices are essential? Safety Air bags for everyone Safety Structural design Mileage Monthly savings Gas $ Section 1: Developing the District Lens Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Health Low emissions

28 What choices are desirable? Trunk space Seating for friends Section 1: Developing the District Lens Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

29 76% - Second Language Learners. 71% - English Learners speak Spanish. CELDT: Advanced 4% Early Advanced 23% Intermediate 41% Early Intermediate 22% Beginning 10% 31% of teachers are first year teachers Discussion: Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA What are this district’s needs for a math program?

30 Discussion: What program choices are ESSENTIAL to match this district’s data? Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA What program choices are DESIRABLE to match this district’s data?

31 Standards Sampling What is the quality of the standards based lessons? Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Mathematics Adoption Toolkit Section Two

32 If the engine isn’t optimal, nothing else matters ! Section 2: Standards Sampling Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

33 IMAP / CRP panels determined that the recommended programs include the state standards, and there are no mathematical errors. Section 2: Standards Sampling Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

34 Standards Sampling determines the QUALITY of how the standards are presented in lessons. Section 2: Standards Sampling Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

35 Think about the mathematical concepts you have struggled to teach. Which concepts or standards would you like to emphasize to build student success? Discussion: Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

36 Compare the program’s lessons for: Evidence of conceptual understanding. Evidence of procedural fluency. Evidence of reasoning. Support for new teacher. Support for intermediate EL. Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Section 2: Standards Sampling

37 Discussion: What do we do with a program that has some great vocabulary strategies and real world connections, BUT is conceptually weak? Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

38 Section 2: Standards Sampling “ If the math isn’t good, then nothing else matters!” J.Commons, 2006 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

39 Section 2: Standards Sampling

40 If the standards lessons do not meet the quality needed by the district, the program should be considered for elimination. Section 2: Standards Sampling Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

41 State Board Approved BASIC Programs: 1. * 2. * 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 5. K-6, Brand B 6. * 7. * 8. * 9. * 10. * 11. * 12.* 13.* 14.K-6, Brand E 15.* 16.K-6, Brand F 17.* 18.K-6, Brand H 19.K-3, Brand I 20.* Number of programs after standards sampling Way to Go Mathematics 12 ÷ 3 = 4

42 Program Components Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Mathematics Adoption Toolkit Section Three How does the program organize: Content ? Assessment ? Instructional Strategies ? Universal Access ?

43 Section 3: Program Components Base model: Engine - V6, fuel efficient vehicle standards Dash board - guides the drive Options Fuel type - gas, electric, hybrid Sun roof MP-3 Player Warranty Insurance AAA Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

44 Section 3: Program Components Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Student Textbook Teacher Editions Content Benchmark CA Test Prep Assessmen t Teacher Background Practice, Reteach Ancillary Materials Instructional Program ELL Support Challenge Materials Spec. Ed. Materials Universal Access Technology

45 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Section 3: Program Component Review


47 Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Way to Go Mathematics 12 ÷ 3 = 4 State Board Approved BASIC Programs: 1. * 2. * 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 5. K-6, Brand B 6. * 7. * 8. * 9. * 10. * 11. * 12.* 13.* 14.* 15.* 16.* 17.* 18.K-6, Brand H 19.* 20.* Number of programs after program component review.

48 Further Comparison Executive Committee Review Piloting Student Interviews Blind Testing Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Mathematics Adoption Toolkit Section Four

49 Section 4: Further Comparison Executive Focus Committee Motor Trend Report Crash Safety Tests Consumer’s Guide Safety + + √ - Comfort + + √ √ Room √ + √ + Options - √ √ - Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

50 Section 4: Further Comparison Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Executive Focus Committee Parents Middle School Teachers English Learners Specialists Vocab + + √ - Structure + + √ Access √ + √ + Discourse - √ √ -

51 Section 4: Further Comparison The last two choices meet all the criteria. Now, how does each vehicle respond when driven? Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA

52 Section 4: Further Comparison How does each program respond when taught? Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA First I added 3 to 97 to make 100 97 x 4 = 97 + 3 = 100 100 x 4 = 400 3 x 4 = 12 400 -12 = 388

53 Section 4: Further Comparison Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA The picture shows me what to do. The definition is on the page. Math Text What do students say about the text(s)?

54 Section 4: Further Comparison Blind Test / Side-by-side Comparison Model HModel B Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA $29,670 $27,140 16 mpg city/21 mpg hwy 17 mph city /21 mph hwy automatic 5 speed manual 4 WD FWD 5 7 4 yrs/50,000 miles 2 yrs/24,000 5 yrs/60,000 miles 10 yrs/100,000 12 yrs 6 yrs Blue book Mileage Transmission Drive Train Seating capacity Warranty Basic Power train Corrosion

55 Section 4: Further Comparison Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Brand B Brand H Blind Test / Side-by-side Comparison

56 Making a Decision Mathematics Adoption Toolkit Section Five Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Coming to consensus Final report

57 Section 5: Making a Decision Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Content Brand B Content Brand H Assessment Brand B Assessment Brand H Coming to Consensus Brand H has more positives There aren’t many negatives for B

58 K-6, Brand B Section 5: Making a Decision Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Way to Go Mathematics 12 ÷ 3 = 4

59 What support is needed: Professional Development? Planning for implementation? Benchmarks update? Pacing Guide update? Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Mathematics Adoption Toolkit Section Six Planning Forward

60 You’re in charge now. Punch it!!! Math Adoption Toolkit, CCSESA Now, the real journey begins. Section 6: Planning Forward

61 Math Adoption Toolkit, CESSA Pilot materials Student interviews Executive Focus Committee English Learners Assessment Department Technology Thank you… CCSESA California County Superintendents Educational Services Association Curriculum & Instruction Steering Committee

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