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CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Update on the Work of the State Board of Education Nancy S. Brownell, Senior Fellow, State Board of Education Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Update on the Work of the State Board of Education Nancy S. Brownell, Senior Fellow, State Board of Education Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Update on the Work of the State Board of Education Nancy S. Brownell, Senior Fellow, State Board of Education Staff Local Control and Accountability Team CISC – March 20, 2015

2 Current Accountability System Events 1995 2000 20052010 Public School Accountability Act Enacted No Child Left Behind Enacted CA Modified Assessment This figure shows a timeline of events that collectively contributed to California’s pre-Local Control Funding Formula accountability system. 1997-98: Adoption of Academic Content Standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Science/History 1998: California Standards Test and STAR 1999: Public School Accountability Act Enacted 2002: No Child Left Behind Enacted 2003: STAR Reauthorized; California Alternative Performance Assessment Added 2006: CAHSEE 2011: California Modified Assessment CA High School Exit Exam 2015 CA Standards Test and STAR STAR Reauthorized; CAPA Added Academic Content Standards Adoption

3 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Key Purposes of New Accountability System Provide transparent decision making processes in support of student achievement and outcomes. Focus district and school leaders on significant areas for improvement and raise the sense of urgency to do so. 3

4 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Key Purposes of New Accountability System Report well-timed, accessible and actionable data for use by educators, parents, community members and policymakers. Drive continuous improvement and allow the state to differentiate the performance of districts and schools in need of support and technical assistance. Strengthen confidence in the educational system and return on investment. 31

5 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION New Accountability System Needs to Build on the foundations of LCFF, state priorities and implementation of new student academic standards and assessments Increase district and school capacity and drive continuous improvement Focus on a broader set of outcomes than in the past, reflect more clearly what students need in order to be prepared for college, careers, and citizenship 5

6 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION New Accountability System… Align decisions and actions so they are consistent towards ensuring students are ready for college and careers Differentiate the performance of schools and districts in reliable and meaningful ways so they receive appropriate support and assistance Improve performance across the systems, increase achievement and efficiency, strengthen local capacity 6

7 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION State Board Action march 2015 1.Change the state accountability system from a single index to the use of multiple measures 2.Suspend the Academic Performance Index (API) for the 2014-15 school year (and probably beyond)! 7

8 This figure shows the elements and their connections to form California’s emerging accountability system. From left to right are Classroom and School Practices, Local Accountability Processes, and State Accountability Process. Each element is shown as an equal sized circle with a trailing tail that wrap around parts of the other elements. The tails do not fully connect, but together form a complete system.

9 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 9 SBE MeetingFocus Area March 11-12, 2015 System Elements – Updates regarding the evaluation rubrics and determination of multiple measures with discussion of the relationship between statewide and local measures and processes that combine to form the emerging state accountability system. May 6-7, 2015 System Coherence – Review and reflections of research related to designing accountability systems that provide measurements and feedback to support college and career readiness. Basic design specifications will be described as part of the research. July 8-9, 2015 Examples – Review and reflections of emerging systems from states and districts that provide learning and evidence that can inform the design of California’s system. September 2- 3, 2015 Feedback and Input – Public input will be sought during the spring and summer to gather information and ideas for the accountability design. A summary of this input and considerations for design will be synthesized and shared. November 4- 5, 2015 Blueprint and Specifications – Comprehensive design architecture with specifications reflecting information and input from prior meetings will be presented. Timeline for Accountability System Planning

10 Evaluation Rubrics (E.C. 52064.5) Purpose: Create evaluation rubrics to evaluate strengths and weaknesses and inform support and assistance related to state and local priorities Process: Broad input – Rubric Design Group, regional input sessions, policy input sessions, additional stakeholder engagement Transparency – Conceptual Example (January), Draft (March), Update and Resource Examples (May), Final for Review (July), Final for Adoption (September) Outcome: Adoption of evaluation rubrics by October 1, 2015

11 Ventura County Office of Education Location of Rubric Design Focus Group  Will be led by Jannelle Kubinec  Good opportunity for your stakeholders to provide input (and capture in your LCAP)  March 31 from 4 to 6 in the VCOE Conference Center  Register at: home/view/di/272?x-t=home.view

12 Evaluation Rubrics Statutory Requirements To assist local education agencies to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas that require improvement To assist County Offices of Education to identify school districts and charter schools in need of technical assistance To assist the State Superintendent in identifying school districts for which intervention is warranted To reflect a holistic, multidimensional assessment of school district and individual school site performance and include all of the state priorities To include standards for school district and individual school site performance and expectation for improvement in regard to each of the state priorities

13 Standards for Performance and Improvement  The evaluation rubrics are oriented towards changes in outcomes evidenced by improvement and growth  Progress towards Standards:  Growth orientation for state priorities  Include statewide reference points, for metrics with common statewide definitions and data sets, and locally determined reference points for locally determined metrics  Questions about Standards:  How will statewide reference points be crafted?  How will local reference points be crafted?  How will growth be defined?  Will the availability of state-managed data change?  Appendix A provides an overview of the data currently available on a statewide basis  This is an important area to which explicit feedback will be sought regarding the approach to establishing reference points and how they will apply

14 Evaluation Rubric Design Principles  Align to the LCFF design principles  Student-focused,  Equity,  Transparency, and  Performance  Serve as a resource that LEAs find useful to guide reflections and provide helpful ideas to support students  Support a continuous improvement process focused on student-level outcomes

15 Evaluation Rubric Design Principles  Facilitate reflection that supports local ownership of planning and implementation of actions that support student-level outcomes  Not grade or judge, but provide ways to identify strengths, areas for improvements, and strategies to improve  Include other resources and tools that in combination support high-quality planning and implementation  Extend to all strategic planning and implementation efforts  The evaluation rubrics may help inform LCAP development, but are not part of the formal approval process

16 EVALUATION RUBRICS Provide Standards – Improve Outcomes – Guide Practice EVALUATION RUBRICS Provide Standards – Improve Outcomes – Guide Practice Plan Development (Example: LCAP) Progress Monitoring (Example: Annual Update) Plan Revision/ Update Student Outcomes Growth/ Improvement No Growth/ Improvement Strengths, Areas in Need of Improvement, Needs Assessment Evaluation Rubrics Address Progress Assessment Strengths, Areas in Need of Improvement, Needs Assessment Analysis and Attention Validation Assistance

17 Overview of the Draft Evaluation Rubrics  Data Analysis  Display and analysis of state and local metrics  Emphasis on growth with state and local reference points  Includes local educational agency (LEA), student subgroup, and school levels data  Outcome Analysis  Complements the data analysis component  Reflection and further analysis of factors contributing to and/or in need of improvement  Practice Analysis  Further reflection regarding efforts to support improvement in outcomes  Assists LEAs to identify practices needed to reach state and local outcome expectations  Practice Guides and Other Resources  Drawn from Institute of Education Sciences Practice Guides

18 Next Steps in the Process  Input from State Board of Education and public comments to refine draft  Regional input and policy input sessions scheduled for end of March through early April  Focused input sessions with students, parents, and alternative schools, and small districts are planned  Upcoming SBE meetings:  May – Overview of Practice Guides and complementary resources; updates from stakeholder input  July – Revised Evaluation Rubrics, with online preview  September – Final Evaluation Rubrics for adoption

19 Upcoming Regional Input Sessions  Additional information including registration instructions can be found at DateLocation – All Sessions from 4-6 PM March 26Orange County Department of Education March 30Kern County Superintendent of Schools March 31Ventura County Office of Education April 1Monterey County Office of Education April 1Riverside County Office of Education April 2Sacramento County Office of Education April 2Santa Clara County Office of Education

20 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Accountability Pieces in Play 20 Edges coming into focus. Connecting relationships still emerging. All the pieces not fully developed yet. Timing matters! Multiple measures, hold on API.

21 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Resources Nancy Brownell – LCFF – WestEd Channel State Board of Education Agendas ex.asp (March Agenda, item 5 & 6) ex.asp CDE Common Core CAASPP 13 21

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