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EVerge™ & Amateur Radio Michael Lozano, KØNGA December 7, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "EVerge™ & Amateur Radio Michael Lozano, KØNGA December 7, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 eVerge™ & Amateur Radio Michael Lozano, KØNGA December 7, 2013

2 Agenda Concepts Software & Firmware Programming Basics ▫Contact List / RX Group List ▫Channel List ▫Channel Groups Other Settings ▫Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! ▫Frequently Used Features Differences from MotoTRBO

3 Concepts - eVerge™ Newer line of DMR radios from Vertex Standard Different that VXD series (rebranded Motorola) Commercial Radios Follow DMR standards Can be used on RMHAM and DMR-MARC TRBO networks

4 Important Note - Analog eVerge™ Radios are analog capable Software assumes commercial use Most Ham analog use is wideband, commercial now narrowband USA version of the software is narrowband only eVerge™ Radios can be programmed on Ham wideband analog channels using the international version of the software I’m not a lawyer; proceed accordingly

5 Software & Firmware Freely available from Vertex Standard (requires free account) Programming cable & radio adapter cable Programming cable has a comm port driver Firmware package includes update utility Sample configuration files available

6 Programming Basics Install cable driver (once) Plug in cable and note the comm port number Update firmware (when new, and occasionally after that) Install & run programming software Configure comm port Download & open appropriate sample configuration file Change Radio ID in Digital Common settings Download to the radio

7 Firmware Update

8 Contact List / RX Group List Contact List contains Talk Groups and User IDs ▫Must be configured in the Contact List to be used Tag (a label) limited to 8 characters RX Group List used to determine which Talk Groups are received on each channel ▫Typically 1 TG per RX Group for ham radio “Private” IDs used for Radio ID recognition ▫Private calls not used in ham radio

9 Contact List / RX Group List

10 Channel List - Digital TAG (limited to 8 characters) RX & TX frequencies Repeater Code Time Slot Contact No. (Talk Group) RX Group List (matches Contact Number)

11 Channel List - Analog W5 – Ham radio wideband TAG (limited to 8 characters) RX & TX frequencies Sub Audio – Decode & Encode ▫C- for CTCSS ▫D- for DCS

12 Channel Groups 16 channels per group Number of groups determined by radio model Scan settings per group entry; Group Scan per group Channels selected from the Channel List; TAG automatically populated Group name can be changed

13 Channel List / Channel Group

14 Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! Buttons have to be programmed before they will work Common – Key Function Number of programmable buttons different on each model Popular programmable features: ▫Channel Up/Down ▫Group Up/Down ▫Scan, Group Scan, Follow Me Scan, Dual Watch ▫Set ▫Talk Around

15 Key Function

16 Misc Mic Gain – typically needs to be boosted Talk Around – set per channel on the channel list RX Power Save – set per channel on the channel list Priority Channel 1 – global, effects some scan and button functions Priority Channel 2 – one per Channel Group, effects some scan and button fuctions Default Split – Set to -5, useful for building your own config files Talk Back – allows for talking while paused during scanning Dimmer Level – mobile radio only, turns on LCD light

17 Differences from MotoTRBO No roaming ▫But five (Count them! FIVE!) types of scanning Contact list limited to 128 entries ▫Not possible to include all RMHAM or DMR-MARC entries Display limited to 8 characters ▫Typical of Vertex Standard / Yaesu radios

18 For Help, Contact: Michael Lozano – KØNGA kø


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