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Published Summary WiFi VoIP: From Installation to Implementation (W-02) Thursday - 01/26/06, 12:30-1:15pm In this session, users can expect to learn about.

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Presentation on theme: "Published Summary WiFi VoIP: From Installation to Implementation (W-02) Thursday - 01/26/06, 12:30-1:15pm In this session, users can expect to learn about."— Presentation transcript:


2 Published Summary WiFi VoIP: From Installation to Implementation (W-02) Thursday - 01/26/06, 12:30-1:15pm In this session, users can expect to learn about WiFi in a VoIP application, from installation to successful implementation. The presenter will cover network assessments (making sure the wireless network is ready for voice), advantages of WiFi, and troubleshooting your VoWiFi system. Other topics of conversation will include advantages of WiFi, types of wireless phones (mobile, softphones, mobile/cellular combos), and the future of WiFi. The speaker will provide successful case studies and give an example of a successful VoWiFi install.

3 WiFi VoIP: From Installation to Implementation David Fridley Product Manager IP Telephony Solutions Telecommunication Systems Division Phone: 949-583-3692

4 Agenda  What is WiFi?  Deploying Voice over WiFi  Cases/Examples

5 What is WiFi?  WiFi is like a meeting…  When the moderator speaks, everyone listens.  If you want to speak, listen and wait for the current speaker to finish before speaking.  Don’t interrupt someone who is speaking.  If you were not heard, wait and try again.

6 WiFi Telephony  VoIP is an application that runs on IP networks.  Voice over WiFi is a natural step in this evolution…  First: Soft Phones on PCs  Second: WiFi on Laptops  Then: WiFi Telephony was born

7 Comparison with Other Technologies Ability to be connected to the phone system even if users are not at their desks Compared to Cellular:  Manage coverage area  Data access as well as voice  Cost of WiFi is part of the network infrastructure expense, distributed over the enterprise. Cellular is a variable expense. Compared to Cordless:  Manage coverage area  Data access as well as voice  Interoperable with many devices

8 Enterprise - Specific Features  Ability to tie into your IP-based phone system and provide all desktop phone features to a WiFi device  Hold  Transfer  Call Announce  “Line 1”  Guests  Remote/mobile employees

9 Practical Applications: End Points  Taking your laptop with you (WiFi in building)  Management by walking around  Meetings  Taking your laptop on the road (WiFi hotspots)  Soft phone running on your laptop  Soft phone running on your PDA  WiFi telephony devices

10 Network Topology / User Mobility Office PSTN Internet PBX IPT Hot Spot PDA NB VoIP Anywhere Broadband Modem SoHo IPT NB BB Router Line Unit (T1, DSL,,,,) Branch Office Server IPT CIX L2 Switc h P W R OK WIC0 ACT/CH0 ACT/CH1 WIC0 ACT/CH0 ACT/CH1 ETH ACT COL Server L2 Switch PDA NB PDAPDA NBNB Cellular

11 Special Needs of WiFi Telephony  Voice wants all the packets to get through right away.  Voice needs a fixed amount of bandwidth. If that is not possible, voice is not possible.

12 Deploying Voice Over WiFi  Good enough for data is not good enough for Voice  Special needs of Voice  Wireless network assessment  Coverage and other concerns  Testing the network  Security

13 WiFi WiFi Standard802.11b802.11g802.11a Data Rate11Mbps54Mbps Separate Channels338 Distance at full rate197 feet66 feet82 feet Band2.4GHz 5GHz End-point devicesIP Phones, PDAs, Laptops Laptops

14 Bigger or Faster 24 Users / 11Mbps = 460 Kbps per user Max ~7 VoIP calls 24 Users / 22Mbps = 920 Kbps per user Max ~14 VoIP calls

15 Voice Over WiFi: Expectations  About 7 – 10 active calls per access point  Difficult to prevent too many calls  Need to prioritize voice traffic over data traffic over-the-air WiFi WMM™

16 Quick Test for a WiFi Network  A voice-ready WiFi network should have at least 99% packets getting through  Quick Test  Start ->run->"cmd"  "ping -n 60 -l 160 -w 250 "

17 Security  Prevent unauthorized access to the enterprise network over the WiFi network  Prevent unauthorized access into wireless computers over the wireless network and the Internet  Guest Access to the Internet?  Fast handoff when moving from one Access Point to the next

18 IP Sub-netting  Single Subnet or Multiple Subnets?  How many users/wireless users < 200 Single > 1000 Multiple  When crossing from an AP in one subnet to another, the voice session will disconnect because the device IP address changes.  Mobile IP  Wireless Switch

19 The Future of WiFiTelephony  Dual Mode WiFi/Cell Phones  Carrier dialing plan on the WiFi network  Enterprise dialing plan on the Cellular network  Quality of Service  SIP based access control  802.11e based access control (this year!)

20 Keys to Successful WiFi Telephony Implementation  Plan in advance for coverage  Types of endpoints  How many access points and where  Bandwidth requirements  Consider QoS for Voice  WMM minimum  Plan for access control  Security that does not impact Voice  Consider the mobility needs of employees  Assess the wireless network

21 Cases  Dentist Office uses WiFi to link two neighboring offices together, installing IP phones in the remote office  Furniture Store uses WiFi and IP desk phones to enable quick and easy reconfiguration of show rooms  Travel Agency lets people work from home, and provides 24 hour support  Florist has IP desk phones, but employees need to be able to move around and still be part of the call group  Manufacturing facility has a steel building, so cordless phones won’t work well…access points on low power installed to provide better coverage (still being evaluated)

22 Example: Wireless Network Assessment  50,000 sq-ft facility  ~120 users  802.11b access points

23 Example: Wireless Network Assessment


25 Audience Q&A

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