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Lincoln’s Life Double Jeopardy PlacesWaterJobsEventsMiscellaneous 20 40 60 80 100.

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Presentation on theme: "Lincoln’s Life Double Jeopardy PlacesWaterJobsEventsMiscellaneous 20 40 60 80 100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lincoln’s Life Double Jeopardy PlacesWaterJobsEventsMiscellaneous 20 40 60 80 100

2 In what state was Abraham Lincoln born? Places – 20 points

3 Where did Abraham Lincoln live while in Indiana? Places – 40 points

4 In what state did Abraham Lincoln live from birth to age seven? Places – 60 points

5 Where was Abraham Lincoln when he was shot by John Wilkes Booth? Places – 80 points

6 In what city and state did Abraham Lincoln spend most of his life? Places – 100 points

7 What source of water was used by Lincoln’s family at the place where Abraham was born? Water – 20 points

8 What body of water was located next to Abe Lincoln’s home when he was a young boy (age 2 to 7) in Kentucky? Water – 40 points

9 What river did the Lincoln family cross when they left Kentucky to move to Indiana? Water – 60 points

10 What river did the Lincoln family cross when moving from Indiana to Illinois? Water – 80 points

11 What river flows next to and was important in Lincoln’s familiarity with New Salem? Water – 100 points

12 What were some of the household chores Abe Lincoln did as a young boy? Name at least two. Jobs – 20 points

13 What job took Abraham Lincoln to the White House? Jobs – 40 points

14 What job did Lincoln enjoy in part because it allowed him access to all the newspapers and magazines sent to people living in New Salem? Jobs – 60 points

15 While in New Salem, Lincoln purchased tools such as a chain and compass so he could try his hand at what job? Jobs – 80 points

16 Lincoln’s love of reading led to his study of a specific career. What was this job he had for one year in New Salem and led him to move to Springfield, Illinois? Jobs – 100 points

17 Abraham Lincoln’s _____________ died when he was only 9 years old. Events – 20 points

18 What horrible event took the lives of over 600,000 United States citizens when Lincoln was President? Events – 40 points

19 It took Abe Lincoln almost ten years to pay off a debt he had incurred in New Salem. What caused this debt? Events – 60 points Worth 120 points!

20 Lincoln’s family lived for only one year in Macon County near Decatur, Illinois. Why did his family decide to move so quickly? Events – 80 points

21 What special event in Lincoln’s life happened in Decatur, Illinois? Events – 100 points

22 What special memorial is in Springfield, Illinois? Miscellaneous – 20 points

23 Some states left the Union and formed the Confederacy, a new country. Over what major issue was the country divided? Miscellaneous – 40 points

24 Thomas Lincoln, Abe’s father, returned to Kentucky and remarried. Who was Abraham Lincoln’s stepmother? Miscellaneous – 60 points

25 As a candidate for President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln was known as a ___________________ candidate because of one job at which he excelled in his youth. Miscellaneous – 80 points

26 One of Lincoln’s jobs included traveling as a lawyer. For what Judicial Circuit did Lincoln travel? Miscellaneous – 100 points

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