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How to Change Your Time Management Habits. Changing personal habits can be hard. Here are a few tips that can help you be more successful in changing.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Change Your Time Management Habits. Changing personal habits can be hard. Here are a few tips that can help you be more successful in changing."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Change Your Time Management Habits

2 Changing personal habits can be hard. Here are a few tips that can help you be more successful in changing your behavior. 1. Don’t try to change everything at once. Choose 1 behavior. 2. Don’t expect miracles of yourself. 3. Get someone else to help you. (ISU Student Counseling Center – FREE! 237-3939, Student Services Bldg., LL) 4. Don’t get down on yourself if you slip up. 5. Give yourself rewards for changes you make. 6. Remember that time management is a process not a one time thing.

3 25 Time Management Tips 1. Keep an appointment book 2. Write a “to do” list every day 3. Keep your “to do” list with you 4. Ask yourself what things DO NOT need to be done. Then, don’t do them 5. Throw things out, perferably the first time you handle them 6. DO each task only once

4 7. When you pick up a piece of paper or open a letter, handle it only once. Once you pick it up, DO everything that needs to be done 8. Make the most of one spare minute 9. Make the most of transition time 10. Learn to say NO 11. If someone stops by your room and you don’t want to spend a lot of time, stand rather than having them sit. 12. Control interruptions 13. When you are on the phone, keep the call short

5 14. Nothing is worth doing perfectly 15. Spend more time in planning 16. Ask the question: “What is the best use of my time right now?” 17. Listen well 18. Build your will power 19. Wean yourself from TV 20. Enjoy what you are doing right now 21. Concentrate on one thing at a time 22. Develop procedures for routine matters

6 23. If you need to meet regularly with someone, schedule an appointment 24. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes 25. Break down tasks into 15-30 minute intervals

7 The ABCs of Time Management A rrive a little early for every date or appointment B e enthusiastic in everything you do C omplete every assigned task D o a little bit more than is required E xpress yourself after you know the facts F eel comfortable in every situation by acting yourself

8 G o all out to please your friends H elp your enemies I dentify yourself by accomplishment rather than words J oin in and help, when you are needed L isten with your ears, not your mouth K eep your head; it may save your hide M ake do with what you have N ever say never

9 O pen your heart to those less fortunate than you P lease yourself by pleasing others Q uickly respond to an emergency R emember the spirit of the holidays – especially in August S tudy, study, study to excel T ake advantage of opportunity U se spare time intelligently

10 V alue your health W ork at your work X -out any qualities that could lead to failure Y ou are the most important asset Z eal – meet any challenge

11 Time Management & Studying When to study:  Plan 2 hours study time for every hour you spend in class  Study difficult (boring) subjects first  Avoid scheduling marathon study sessions  Be aware of your best time of day  Using waiting time Where to Study:  Use a regular study area  Don’t get too comfortable (not your bed, a chair, etc.)  Use the Library, or study rooms

12 Time Management & Studying Handling the Rest of the World:

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