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The Northern Ireland Prison Service

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1 The Northern Ireland Prison Service
Robin Masefield Max Murray Brian Ingram to The Judicial Studies Board 13 February

2 Vision Statement of purpose Our vision Our values
"The Northern Ireland Prison Service, through our staff, serves the community by keeping in secure, safe and humane custody those committed by the courts; by working with prisoners and with organisations, seeks to reduce the risk of re-offending; and in so doing aims to protect the public and to contribute to peace and stability in Northern Ireland." Our vision "To be recognised as a model of good practice in dealing with prisoners and to be valued and respected for our service to the community." Our values Recognising that the Service requires the commitment of all of us; Leading well and behaving with integrity; Upholding prisoners' human rights and working with them as individuals to become law-abiding; Ensuring that we each have the required skills and competencies; Accepting responsibility and accountability; Managing resources, including our time, cost effectively; Showing an innovative approach to our work; Team-working and acting in partnership with other organisations; Demonstrating a commitment to fairness, equality and respect for each other and those we are in contact with.

3 The Northern Ireland Prison Service
Max Murray Head of Operations - NIPS & The Judicial Studies Board 13 February

4 The Prison Estate Prisoner Assessment Magilligan Unit Prison
Prison Service Headquarters Prison Service College Hydebank Wood YOC and Prison Maghaberry Prison

5 Maghaberry Prison Prisoner population – 798
(13th Feb 07) Main committal prison for Northern Ireland Holds all adult remand prisoners, life sentence/SOSP male prisoners, separated prisoners, prisoners requiring special protection, male prisoners who are subject to a hospital order or who require psychiatric assessment, along with fine defaulters/civil prisoners Prisoner Assessment Unit (PAU) at Crumlin Road Maghaberry prison became operational in November 1987 and is built on the site of a Second World War airfield. It is actually two prisons, one male, and one female. It holds a ‘high risk’ classification and can hold male and female prisoners of every security category. The prison has a number of tasks. It is the committal prison for all adult prisoners. It also holds prisoners of every type from remand prisoners and fine defaulters to life sentence and fixed sentence prisoners with five or more years left to serve. It also holds all female remand and sentenced prisoners as well as male and female prisoners who are subject to a hospital order or who require psychiatric assessment. The prison can hold up to 689 male and 42 female prisoners in single cell accommodation. Maghaberry operates an integrated regime and, as well as offering education, vocational training and workshops, offers a range of programmes including sex offenders treatment, alcohol education and awareness and drugs education and awareness, anger management, enhanced thinking skills and parenting.

6 Magilligan Prison Prisoner population - 420
(13th Feb 2007) Accommodates low and medium risk prisoners serving less than 6 years Accommodation comprises 3 H-Blocks, dormitory accommodation and a low security complex called Foyleview where prisoners have an opportunity for work placement in the community. ¼ of population are sex offenders. Focus is on resettlement and preparation for release. First opened in 1972, Magilligan now serves as a medium to low risk establishment, holding prisoners with six or less years to serve. The objective is to provide a positive environment in which a strong emphasis is placed on vocational training and various other activities which offer the opportunity to achieve National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) and prepares prisoners for release into the community. Magilligan currently has 288 places in cellular accommodation. It also operates a more open regime in ‘Foyleview’, a residential unit with a capacity of 40 prisoners offering dormitory type accommodation. Many of the prisoners in Foyleview work outside the prison in the local community. Like Maghaberry, Magilligan also offers education and vocational training as well as a similar range of programmes.

7 Hydebank Wood Young Offenders Centre
Male prisoner population - 195 (13th Feb 2007) The Centre accommodates all young male offenders aged between 16 and 21 years on conviction. It contains a separate Juvenile Unit for under 18s. Current pop. 16 under 18s. Hydebank Wood provides an environment in which the inmate has a firm, disciplined yet stimulating regime focusing on; Risk reduction through addressing criminogenic behaviours and lifestyle such as car crime and drug use. Creating stability and restoring family ties. Education in particular targeting key skills in literacy & numeracy. The YOC accommodates all young male offenders aged between 17 and 21 years on conviction, serving a period of four or less years. Under the terms of The Treatment of Offenders Act, an inmate can remain in the Centre to the day before his twenty-fourth birthday. Built twenty years ago as Northern Ireland’s only male young offenders centre, the establishment has the capacity to hold 300 inmates in single cell accommodation. The YOC provides an environment in which the inmate has a firm, disciplined yet stimulating regime. The aim is to encourage inmates to develop their academic and manual skills together with their social awareness and to reduce the risk of reoffending. A wide ranging education and vocational training programme offering exam courses and qualifications operates at Hydebank as well as a range of Life Skills programmes including alcohol and drugs awareness, anger management, job search and facing up to crime.

8 Hydebank Wood Female Prison
Female prisoner population - 31 (13th Feb 2007) Currently developing gender specific policies & strategies for the management of female prisoners. Focus on Mental Health & harm reduction Multi disciplinary approach involving Knockbracken Healthcare, Probation, NIACRO Charity work has raised £12,500 but limited scope for outworking.

9 Key facts: Average sentence length = 21 months
On remand for greater than 9 months = 63 (28th December 2006) Fine defaulters = 31% of all receptions (2006) 47 foreign national prisoners representing 18 separate nationalities

10 Northern Ireland prison population trendline 1967 - 2014
Prisoner Population Northern Ireland prison population trendline 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Low projection Middle projection High projection Figures as of 13th February 2007 Adult male sentenced 805 Adult male remand 412 Female sentenced and remand 31 Male young offenders sentenced 90 Male young offenders remand 105 Total 1443 Prisoner population projected to grow by 6% ( ) and 5% ( ) Future prisoner growth will take the Prison Service well beyond the current number of cells available by summer 2008 if not before.

11 Population by type of offence
Total receptions

12 Length of sentence Average pop

13 Length of sentence Total receptions

14 Age profile - sentenced
Average pop

15 Drug use on committal

16 The Northern Ireland Prison Service
Brian Ingram Head of Resettlement Branch - NIPS & The Judicial Studies Board 13 February

17 What is resettlement? Resettlement is a systematic and evidence-based process by which actions are taken to work with the offender in custody and on release; to ensure that communities are better protected from harm and re-offending is significantly reduced.

18 What we already know about offenders:
50% of prisoners will experience problems within their community because of their offending (manifested in punishment beatings, sectarian attacks, intimidation) 50% of prisoners will have accommodation concerns on release 70% Adult male offenders have numeracy/literacy deficiencies 51% are unemployed on committal 34% were in care as a child

19 What we already know about offenders:
60% have substance misuse problems – 90% for females 60% of prisoners diagnosed as suffering from mental health problems 45% of all offenders are reconvicted within 2 yrs of release 49% have financial difficulties In 2006 the cost of the NI criminal justice system was £1.4 billion

20 Factors which help offenders desist from criminal activity when released:
Offenders with jobs up to 50% less likely to re-offend Offenders with accommodation, at least 20% less likely to re-offend Offenders with family support up to 50% less likely to re-offend Offenders without essential skills, education or training three times more likely to re-offend Offences by drug dependent offenders cut by 70% while in community-based treatment

21 Resettlement Pathways
Victim Awareness Good Citizenship Multi- Agency Group

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