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Catalan politics. Why Catalonia, as a political entity, is a nation? DK is a “nation-state”? Or Jutland? (+ Feroe Islands or Greenland?). YES / NO....WHY?

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Presentation on theme: "Catalan politics. Why Catalonia, as a political entity, is a nation? DK is a “nation-state”? Or Jutland? (+ Feroe Islands or Greenland?). YES / NO....WHY?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalan politics

2 Why Catalonia, as a political entity, is a nation? DK is a “nation-state”? Or Jutland? (+ Feroe Islands or Greenland?). YES / NO....WHY? –Language + institutions +...? Spain is a multinational state (“a nation of nations”+regions) = conflictive idea ►different nationalisms. The case of Catalonia: 1.Language – Culture – history = identity 1.Political institutions (self-government) 2.Political will = political culture + parties Nation-building process

3 Political will (I): Political culture - the national axis Source: Center for Opinion Studies A consistent idea…

4 Evolution of the national identity in Catalonia 1984-2003 198419881992199519992003 Only S11122014910 S>C11108776 S=C4535 414543 S<C22282023 25 Only C814151314 Dknow Danswer 312222 A consistent idea, only in Catalonia? The effects of decentralization… Source: Center for sociological research

5 Cuadro Auto ubicación del electorado en el eje de identificación nacional. Más español que de la ccaa Tan español como de la ccaa Más de la ccaa que español Ns-Nc País Vasco11,5%33,2%45,8%9,6% Cataluña15,9%44,8%37,7%1,6% Navarra7,3%42,6%36,8%13,4% Canarias4,4%56,9%36,5%2,2% Galicia13,4%60,6%24,7%1,3% Baleares17,4%52,0%23,8%6,7% Andalucía12,6%68,6%16,0%2,8% Asturias9,4%68,8%15,8%6,1% Aragón12,6%71,4%13,2%2,8% La Rioja14,5%69,4%11,2%5,0% Extremadura7,4%81,1%10,3%1,2% Cantabria16,8%68,1%9,6%5,5% Valencia32,9%55,9%9,3%1,9% Murcia27,2%65,0%4,9%2,8% Madrid33,4%51,9%4,0%10,7% Castilla La Mancha 30,6%63,6%3,3%2,6% Castilla León37,8%54,8%2,5%4,9% Why are nations?

6 Political will (II): Party system Autonomous Federated with PSOE Integrated Parliamentary Group PSOE Catalonia (and the Basque country) have its own party system)

7 Political institutions (II): Generalitat de Catalunya Pres. José Montilla 7,6 M. According to health system

8 Political institutions (III): a “decentralised” welfare state

9 Basic questions… 1.Catalonia is a spanish autonomous community (17). 2.It is a nationality (a nation without state), with a high level of self-government. 3.Catalan politics influence Spanish politics. The role of nationalist parties in the Spanish Parliament = these parties are often needed for PSOE or PP to conform majorities. Their electorates don’t like these agreements = they consider that the spanish parliament is “hijacked” by periferical nationalisms. We are always in “negotiations” = catalans are selfish (our political mainstream = self-government EAC 2006) VS spanish political mainstream which is more centralist… A logic based on political power = more or less (de)centralisation = that’s politics of the State + 17 CCAA.

10 Conflicts and debates under discussion 1.The “level of political autonomy” or decentralisation = Statute of Autonomy 2.The “development” of autonomy =The financing system Immigration as the main question (more 1 milion people= 13/14% population with special needs in school, etc) Generalitat = expensive services when people grow, but fiscal resources remain constant = demography Vs economy Is that “nationalism”? No, but it is used by nationalist parties... 3.Looking for a multicultural state? Don’t touch me...and I don’t touch you (useful). Citizens have the right to choose school language = one school in catalan / another in spanish? / viceversa = SEPARATISTS FROM SPAIN VS SEPARATISM IN CATALONIA The State has to promote more actively the minority languages? ►POLITICS OF RECOGNITION = more recognition from the State / less nationalism: WHY NOT?

11 Catalonia, Spain...Why Europe? 1.For us Europe = democracy and modernity 2.Stronger feeling than other countries (also in Spain), but...

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