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Attitudes and Awareness of Alternative Energy Resources in West Virginia - SURVEY RESULTS September 18, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Attitudes and Awareness of Alternative Energy Resources in West Virginia - SURVEY RESULTS September 18, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attitudes and Awareness of Alternative Energy Resources in West Virginia - SURVEY RESULTS September 18, 2007

2 4 4 10 8 3 3 0 1 12 17 7 14 5 3 21 10 2 3 14 9 4 2 7 5 3 2 20 1 5 3 6 39 3 2 2 3 8 2 2 3 9 40 20 16 10 12 4 14 26 11 10 1 1 3 Respondent Counties 432 Total Respondents

3 Should the state of West Virginia promote the purchase of renewable energy such as solar panels, small wind turbines or geothermal systems by homeowners and businesses? YES: 78%NO: 9%DON’T KNOW: 14% % THAT SAID YES

4 Should the state promote investments made to reduce energy use in homes and businesses? YES: 83%NO: 8%DON’T KNOW: 9% Should the state support a policy allowing electric utility customers to buy renewable and alternative energy? YES: 87%NO: 4%DON’T KNOW: 9% % THAT SAID YES

5 If your electricity were produced using renewable and alternative resources (wind, solar, waste coal, biomass – wood waste or landfill gas, low-impact hydro), how much more would you be willing to pay? None: 53%Up to 10%: 18% Up to 20%: 6%More than 20%: 1% Don’t Know: 22% % WTP AT LEAST 10% MORE

6 Should West Virginia encourage more large- scale wind farms as an economic development strategy? YES: 70%NO: 10%DON’T KNOW: 20% % THAT SAID YES Should West Virginia support small-scale wind power for home or business use? YES: 69%NO: 9%DON’T KNOW: 22%

7 Do you think wind power is beneficial to WV? YES: 73%NO: 8%DON’T KNOW: 20% Do you think wind power is beneficial to your community? YES: 65%NO: 11%DON’T KNOW: 24% % THAT SAID YES

8 Have you seen the turbines at the Backbone Mountain/Mountaineer Wind Energy Center facility in Tucker County in person (as opposed to on video or on TV)? YES: 28%NO: 72% If Yes, what do you think of the way they look? Attractive: 33%They look OK: 38% Neutral: 19%Unattractive: 9% % THAT SAID YES

9 What percentage of West Virginia's electricity do you think is generated with coal? Close to 100%: 22%75%: 30% 50%: 20%25%: 8% Don’t Know: 19% PERCENT THAT SAID 75% OR CLOSE TO 100%

10 Do you feel that more of our nation’s electricity should come from West Virginia coal? Yes: 82%No: 11%Don’t Know: 7% Should West Virginia support the production of liquid fuels from coal? Yes: 76%No: 5%Don’t Know: 19% % THAT SAID YES

11 None: 50%10 cents/gal: 20% 20 cents/gal: 5%Don’t Know: 30% How much more would you be willing to pay for transportation fuel made from WV coal? % WTP AT LEAST 10 CENTS/GALLON MORE

12 Comments “Anything to save money is worth a try.” “Bio-diesel is good.” “I hate mountain top removal.” “It would be nice to purchase the car that runs on ethanol made in WV.” “I wish the price of natural gas would come down for homeowners.” “Just make sure that we help our state.” “Let West Virginia use windmill power. Not other states using our power.” “Need more nuclear power and wind turbines.” “Windmills would be a wonderful thing for WV.”

13 More Comments “You're doing this for Marshall and I'm a WVU graduate.” “I’d like to see something good come out of this.” “Well, I think things are in a mess right now. “ “Why can't we use already used oil from fast food? It's already been approved.” “Windmills are beautiful and they fit in the environment. Valley fills take the environment away.” “We need to do everything possible to utilize WV's coal.” “We have always had the gold mines, but we ship the gold to other places.” “Use hydro first then use wind.”

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