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Chapter 20 John F. Kennedy 35th President 1961-1963.

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1 Chapter 20 John F. Kennedy 35th President 1961-1963

2 Kennedy Family Tree Joseph and Rose Kennedy (Irish born parents) Joseph Jr: (oldest son) killed in WW2 John: President; assassinated 1963 Robert: Democratic Presidential nominee 1968 (assassinated 1968) Edward: Current U.S. Senator (7th term)

3 Kennedy Family Tree Kit: Oldest daughter. Killed in plane crash Eunice: mother of Maria Shriver Pat: married to Peter Lawford Rose Marie: lobotomy Jean: married to Stephen Smith


5 JFK’s political experience Graduated from Harvard 1940 WW2 Naval Officer (injured PT boat sunk by Japanese destroyer) House of Representatives (6 years) U.S. Senate (8 years) 1952-1960 Wrote “Profiles In Courage” 1955 Pulitzer Prize winner in history

6 John, Jackie, Carolyn, John Jr.

7 Election of 1960

8 Richard Nixon: Republican nominee, California, VP under Eisenhower John Kennedy: Senator Massachusetts, age 42, Roman Catholic Nixon was the clear “front runner” First time candidates debated on TV

9 Kennedy-Nixon Debates Four debates Watched by 70 million viewers Kennedy “looked good” Nixon sweating, not feeling well

10 Kennedy-Nixon Debates sfmulOFrgTs&feature=related

11 Presidential Debates 1960 First time image was a factor in an election People listening on radio said Nixon won the debate


13 Close Election Kennedy won by 118,000 votes Closest race since 1880 (Cleveland) Youngest elected President (43) First Roman Catholic “ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”

14 New Frontier Major issues in Election: –Spread of communism –Nuclear missile race –Space race –Poverty –Racism, prejudice, segregation –Recession (unemployment 8%)

15 Domestic Policy Highlights Minimum wage raised to $1.25 hour Pushed for Civil Rights bill (never passed through Congress until after his death) Space Program: asked Congress for 9 Billion. Launching facilities-Cape Canaveral, Fl. Mission Control-Houston, Tx.

16 Space Program May 1961-Alan Shepard Feb. 1962-John Glenn orbits Earth 3x’s July 1969-Lunar landing (Kennedy promise by end of decade

17 Peace Corps Kennedy’s greatest legacy Youth dedicated to service in underdeveloped countries Latin America, Asia, Africa

18 Sergeant Shriver

19 Foreign Policy Highlights Bay of Pigs Invasion: 1961 Berlin Crisis: 1961 Cuban Missile Crisis: 1962 Vietnam Crisis: 1963 Nuclear missile stockpiling (ICBM’s, SLBM’s)

20 Cuban Missile Crisis


22 CIA discovered nuclear missile sites in Cuba Aerial photos detected at least 9 Soviet missile sites under construction Sources report Soviet ships carrying nuclear warheads heading for Cuba

23 What are your Options? Invade Cuba. Strong pressure on Soviet Premier Khrushchev to retaliate Bomb the missile sites. Must be done quickly; less likely to escalate into war. Soviets still feel pressure to retaliate. Could launch missiles at U.S. cities

24 Options Set up a Naval quarantine to prevent weapons from reaching Cuba. 2100 mile ring around Cuba to intercept any Soviet ships carrying weapons. Does not do anything about the weapons already in Cuba Kennedy chose this option!

25 Results Kennedy agreed not to invade Cuba Soviets must remove missiles in Cuba immediately U.S. would remove missiles in Turkey (cannot make info. Public) Sect. State Dean Rusk called the crisis “the most dangerous the world has ever seen,” ended without bloodshed

26 Aftermath of C.M.C. “hotline” installed. Direct link from Washington to Moscow Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed (banned testing in air, underwater, in space)

27 Change in Foreign Policy Flexible Response: U.S. response to communism will depend on size and danger of problem. Change from “brinkmanship”: Eisenhower’s policy to meet the challenges of communism with the threat of nuclear weapons and possibility of warfare

28 Kennedy’s Assassination November 22, 1963: Dallas, Texas. Texas a key electoral state. President and Mrs. Kennedy on a “fence mending trip” due to civil rights tensions. Three shots fired from the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza at 12:30 pm.

29 Kennedy Assassination President traveling in a Lincoln Continental. Governor Connolly and his wife Nellie sat in front of Kennedy’s. Thousands of people there to see the president. Parade route posted in newspaper. Most photographed assassination in history




33 Lee Harvey Oswald 24 years old 9th grade dropout Dishonorably discharged from Marines Interested in Marxism Defected to USSR 1959


35 Warren Commission Report Three shots fired from 6th floor of Texas School Book Depository First shot missed Second shot known as “single bullet theory”. Hit Kennedy in neck, Gov. Connolly in right shoulder, chest, shatters fifth right rib, right wrist, left thigh

36 Single Bullet Theory

37 Warren Commission Report Third Shot: fatal blow; hit Kennedy in back of skull Gun found at crime scene. 6.5 millimeter mannlicher-Carcano rifle and scope purchased by mail order for $21.45. Three ejected cartridges found on floor

38 Oswald’s Arrest Oswald left crime scene and returned home briefly. All points bulletin looking for him. Police officer Tibbits stopped Oswald while walking and Oswald killed him Oswald hid in Dallas Movie Theatre where he was apprehended


40 Bizarre Event Two days following Oswald’s arrest, moved to another jail Shot and killed by Jack Ruby, Dallas night club owner Seen on TV



43 Why Did Ruby do it? Wanted fame Wanted to spare the nation and Mrs. Kennedy a long, drawn out trial Wanted to silence Oswald at his upcoming trial??

44 Conspiracy Theories CIA : (feared Kennedy would “sell out” to the reds) Mafia: (pay back for crack down on mob) KGB: (Oswald defected to S.U. in 1959) FBI: (J. Edgar Hoover wanted Kennedy out) Cuban Caper: (Castro wanted Kennedy dead)

45 The Zapruder Film 8 mm home movie of presidential motorcade Frame 150 shown Sold to Life Magazine for $50,000

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