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SOL Geography 1.4 Identify the physical shape of the US and VA.

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Presentation on theme: "SOL Geography 1.4 Identify the physical shape of the US and VA."— Presentation transcript:


2 SOL Geography 1.4 Identify the physical shape of the US and VA.

3 Ever wonder where you are?

4 Let’s take a look…

5 Here’s the US!

6 Here’s Virginia!

7 The US is shaped like this…

8 And Virginia is shaped like this…

9 Virginia is short on one side The blue is water. And tall on the other.

10 Which one is Virginia?


12 Can you find Virginia? Click Here

13 Can you find Virginia? Click Here

14 Which one is the United States?


16 Can you find the US?



19 The United States

20 And here…

21 Is Virginia

22 And here…

23 Is Hampton Roads

24 Norfolk Virginia Beach Chesapeake Portsmouth Do you live in one of these cities?

25 My house

26 My house when I’m older.

27 Developed by Jennifer Mitchell T-TAC ODU To be used as a teaching tool 2003

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