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What is the Academy Duck Derby? The Academy Duck Derby will double as both a unique fundraising opportunity and an exciting community event that is certain.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Academy Duck Derby? The Academy Duck Derby will double as both a unique fundraising opportunity and an exciting community event that is certain."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the Academy Duck Derby? The Academy Duck Derby will double as both a unique fundraising opportunity and an exciting community event that is certain to become a Palmer favorite!

3 Where: Request submitted and is pending approval. When: Saturday, May 10 th However we will be very busy for the next 81 days!

4 Who: Academy Charter students & families with help from community supporters Why:  To create a fund for the purpose of defraying the travel expenses of long distance trips, which will allow more students to participate  As part of Academy’s ongoing commitment to community service, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to My House, a local non-profit committed to helping homeless youth in our community  To provide an event that will enrich our community as a whole

5 Each committee will need one chairperson & several committee members. Each chairperson will keep a master notebook for his/her committee containing records of all correspondence, actions and documents. This will serve as a blueprint for future derbies. Likewise, each committee member will keep a spiral notebook of his/her correspondence and actions. The notebook’s contents will be combined with the chairperson’s master notebook following the derby. Committee Creation

6 Committee Position Descriptions Event Co-Chairs: Barbara Gerard & Stacy Molina Corporate Sponsorship Team ($$) & Prize Team- approach local businesses and large corporations in order to secure cash sponsorship/underwrite the event & merchandise donations for prizes (3-4 members) Treasurer- all financial transactions (revenue, expenses & meticulous record keeping) (1 member) Media & Promotion Team- secure media coverage, coordinate event promotion throughout community, order t-shirts, & coordinate entertainment. (3-4 members) Webmaster- create and maintain website. Establish means to “adopt” ducks via website (1-2 members)

7 “Adoption” Team (sales): Sales Plan & Literature- develop an adoption (sales) plan, create & distribute adoption literature. Consider various means to sell as many ducks as possible. (2-3 members) Duck Commander(s)- work closely with Duck Data committee. Coordinate with Derby Chairs to order/ship ducks, number all ducks appropriately; organize the ducks prior to, on the derby day and during “dry out” period. (3-4 members) Duck Data- work closely with Duck Commander. Track duck sales & coordinate duck numbers to “adopters” (1-2 members) Donuts for Ducks- Coordinate all elements of the Donuts for Ducks events (Friday morning from April 11 th - May 9 th )

8 Legal Team- review all documentation and advise accordingly Concessions Team- coordinate food concessions plan for derby day. Contact MEA to secure BBQ grill. Secure possible food donations. (6+ members) Supplemental Contests Team- duck decorating contest, kids contests, 50/50, guess the race time, etc. (3-4 members) Festival Team- coordinate carnival-style activities for derby day. Ex. Kiddie games (duck pond), face painting, contact Army recruiters for inflatables, etc. (6+ members)

9 Derby Construction Team- scout race site to create design plan. Obtain materials for course construction and build said course. (3-4+ members) Derby Day Team: (need many volunteers- 50+ include Academy staff, parents, alumni, high school students, community members, charity representatives, sponsor representatives) **2 well-organized people to chair this team & additional members for each of the following ☐ Set-up Team ☐ Parking Team ☐ Event “greeters” ☐ Derby officials ☐ Clean-up Team ☐ Finish Line ☐ Safety Team Thank You Team- appreciation letters, plaques, etc. to sponsors. Coordinate community follow-up with promotion team

10 Timeline  Phase 1: Sponsorship & Hype  February 18th – March 13th  ☐ Secure location  ☐ Secure sponsorship commitment  ☐ Finalize Duck Use & Shipment  ☐ Create Hype (Media Team)  ☐ Legal Review  ☐ Logo Creation  ☐ Begin Creating Data Entry Plan  ☐ Initial Sales Plan & Outreach

11  Phase 2: Paperwork & Turn up the Hype  March 14 th - April 10 th  ☐ Finalize Data Entry Plan  ☐ Creation and Printing of ALL forms  for Kickoff  ☐ Order Banners  ☐ Order all Promo Merchandise & T-Shirts  ☐ Secure Sales Opportunities  ☐ Media Promotion prior to Kickoff  ☐ Create Derby Day Plan & Coordinate  Volunteers  ☐ Order & Mail VID Invitations  ☐ Create Concessions Plan & Request  Donations  ☐ Create & Finalize Donuts for Ducks Plan Timeline Cont’d

12  Phase 3: The Homestretch to Adoption  April 11 th – May 10 th  Kickoff: Friday, April 11 th - All Sales Begin (refer to Sales Plan) ☐ Donuts for Ducks April 11 th, 18 th, 25 th, May 2 nd and May 9th  ☐ Dinner for Ducks April 11 th, May 2 nd and May 9 th  ☐ Largest Sales Push/Event May 9 th  ☐ Duck Prep Pizza Party (date______?) ☐ Derby Construction Team Plans Finalized ☐ Saturday, May 10 th D (Derby) DAY!!! Timeline Cont’d

13  Phase 4: Empty Nest  May 11 th – May 16 th  ☐ Duck Drying  ☐ Post-Derby Debrief Meeting ☐ Thank-You Committee ☐ Finalize ALL financials ☐ Confirm Derby Date & Location for 2015 Timeline Cont’d

14 What now? We need volunteers for committees! We don’t have any time to spare. During Phase 1 & the beginning of Phase 2, chairpersons need to check in with Barbara Gerard or Stacy Molina at least once per week with a progress report. - via email -face to face meeting Stacy is available during her planning time each day & after school.

15 Beginning in April, meetings will be held once a week until “D” Day!

16 Quack On!

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